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Everything posted by mike_elliott

  1. One of the things I try to impress on new Mooney owners to help prevent this is to always lock the hatch if it's down and closed. leave it up and open if it is not locked . Learning this simple standard practice will prevent opening in flight and is easily done with new owners before they get into other habits
  2. I prefer the Jeppesen course, and Sheppard for test practice
  3. way back in the day when it was cool to spin airplanes, I had to demonstrate a cross controlled stall in my Mooney for my CFI ride. The FAA examiner was an old hand aerobatic pilot who re-assured me after my objection "life will continue" and so it was...I was ready for it but it snapped hard. Perhaps someone who hasnt been spin trained, expecting the spin, and briefed the recovery and comforted by a real acro pro in the seat next to him might not have been able to correct before things got really pear shaped. In other words, keep it coordinated and stay a bit away from that part of the flight envelope. Get a Pitts if you want to have your ass above your brain.
  4. They might be in place, but are they placed correctly? Something is out of whack, and it can only be the rigging or stall strip placement, or your not as coordinated as you might think when it stalls.
  5. If your power off coordinated stalls also resulted in a right wing dropping, Have rigging checked and also stall strip placement
  6. Reece has been known to flat spot a RF or 2...goes with the territory of being a badass on trail braking
  7. Nope, but dont ask...
  8. Yup...in fact he was on top of the charts in testing at Sebring..He will be one to watch for.
  9. Today, 18 Year old Reece Gold passed his private pilot license check Ride in his 2009 Acclaim, #31-0127. Those who have attended the Mooney Summit in the past will recognize the DPE, Max Gurgew. Congrats Reece, It was a pleasure to work with you and a shout out to Mooney Pros Sam Lindsay and Corbin Holloran for helping along the way. Im curious, has anyone else took their PPL in an acclaim that anyone knows of or is this another first for Reece?
  10. here is an effective device I use to control attic ventilation WIFI enabled of course. Would work to trigger hangar devices and meets CB standards https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B087Q3FHKC?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
  11. From the firewall back all long bodies are NOT the same structure as you stated was what I was addressing as not factual
  12. Not to disparage, but this isnt factual. Kevin Hawley can confirm, but common sense says there are a number of tube changes in the U and V. of which I have seen. And then there is that pesky pilot side door. How the panel height change affects the structure and potential hard pointing and stress loading exactly I dont know, but am sure it does. Perhaps its something the Argentina authorities will simply ignore, but not our guys....
  13. oh, that sux Don. Your panel was well thought out from safety/redundancy point and your dual buss platform an excellent choice to bring up to the era of modern avionics and their inherent reliability over the fine swiss watch steam gauge system. As you correctly say, glad it happened on the ground and more importantly, not in the air and potentially an in flight fire. Let us know what caused that "spark" and of course Trey and Joe Steward would most definitely want to be kept in the loop. Nothing that money cant cure at this point. and there is a letter that doesnt have to be written.
  14. Bevan Rabel fixed mine up many years ago for the same thing. They are on the list I believe
  15. Thanks for the mention, Personally, I am scheduled until after thanksgiving now, but I can check the schedules of other Mooney Pros, Inc. instructors if you like. Feel free to reach out mike at mooneypros.com three one seven 371 four 164
  16. Most likely you will simply need to tighten the inboard fuel sensor screws. Common issue as the planes age Remove the seat and the side carpet/panel and put eyes on your issue and go from there
  17. Huummmmm. Buford most have stolen the same stuff Nydia Dalton stole and wants to sell me
  18. No, Dave and Ruth Taisch communicate thru email. If you want to know about the florida lunch group happenings, follow WAFI's advice and ask Dave and Ruth to put you on their email list and voila, you will receive all their correspondences.
  19. If anyone took any pics of the presentations, presenters, reception or any video's of the presentations, If your willing to share them, kindly let me know and Ill set up a Google drive you can place them in. These will be shared with all our Mooney Brethren and has specifically been asked for by the Australian Mooney Pilots' Assoc. Prior to any video sharing, I will of course get permission from the presenters to do this. Thanks Mike
  20. What did you bust Phil?
  21. If it were easy, anyone could be a Mooney Mechanic
  22. Thanks to everyone for coming, and for your generosity to support the Mooney community's charitable Bill Gilliland foundation. Rick Junkin and his wife Glennie did an outstanding job with all phases of strategic and tactical implemention, and is so deserving of the Spirit of the Summit award Ron and I give to the individuals who without agenda, puts so much skin in the game to "better the breed" Rick thank you, you set a very high bar this year for anyone to match going forward
  23. A few of the "big dogs" have appeared..Simile, Jaeger, Dodge...more coming!
  24. Official beer of the Mooney Summit VIII BBQ reception tomorrow night. Kelly Aerospace is set up to do it right! Thanks Alice for getting this!
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