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Avionics upgrade?


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Hey guys (and gals), Looking for thoughts on this.


My avionics shop is a little slow so they hit me up on what I think is a pretty good deal, your thoughts?.


I have a 74 M20E currently using Garmin 696 as primary GPS w/ Zaon TIS and XM weather. I am VFR, anticipate working torward Instrument in a few years. Business is busy and I just do not have the extra time right now. VFR is working well for me and the type of flying I do presently.


Here is what they approached me with:


Remove KX-155 w/ GS




Install GTN 650


            MD 200-306


They keep the old and install the new for $9065 total.

or,    I can go GTN750 for about 2K more.


The equipment I have now works fine, however, I'm all about updating and the nicer NAV/COM would be great.


Is the price so good I need to jump on it or does it seem like a deal I could strike later down the road? Should I spring for the 750 over the 650, are we speaking just a screen size issue?. I plan to still use my 696 in conjunction with whatever. Any thoughts as to the deal and pricing offer?









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Go for all the donuts if you intend to keep the bird for a decade. There will always be another deal down the road.

You will have a very modern E when you are done. Is a J type cowl in the plan? Or somebody did that already.

Just my opinion. It's an affordable expense, not a financial investment right?

Best regards,


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Hey guys (and gals), Looking for thoughts on this. My avionics shop is a little slow so they hit me up on what I think is a pretty good deal, your thoughts?. I have a 74 M20E currently using Garmin 696 as primary GPS w/ Zaon TIS and XM weather. I am VFR, anticipate working torward Instrument in a few years. Business is busy and I just do not have the extra time right now. VFR is working well for me and the type of flying I do presently. Here is what they approached me with: Remove KX-155 w/ GS KI209 KN-64 Install GTN 650 Splitter MD 200-306 They keep the old and install the new for $9065 total. or, I can go GTN750 for about 2K more. The equipment I have now works fine, however, I'm all about updating and the nicer NAV/COM would be great. Is the price so good I need to jump on it or does it seem like a deal I could strike later down the road? Should I spring for the 750 over the 650, are we speaking just a screen size issue?. I plan to still use my 696 in conjunction with whatever. Any thoughts as to the deal and pricing offer? Thanks, Tom
Tom -- I would check on the used value on these components before I moved forward. A quick look showed the DME to be work around $1,200 and the radio $1,500 to $2,500. All without yellow tag. If you get them tagged, I see most of the radios selling for over $3,000 and the DME over $2,000. It sounds like he is selling the radio (GTN 650) at or near the price you should expect to pay and using the trade in to cover his labor. I do question the 750 for $2k more. It should be more like double that. Let me look at the quotes I got and I will send you a reply.
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Tom -- sometimes a good deal happens and then sometimes people get taken. I don't know this shop, but I would make sure I understood all you are getting for all you are giving. I found my quotes. GTN 650 hardware prices only (8 shops) ranged from $9,100 to $9,900. Installation for the GTN 650 ranged from $2,600 to $3,200 without the CDI (mine was being connected to an Aspen PFD). The GTN 750 was offered for an additional cost of $4,500 to $4,900. Here is where things may get interesting. The MD200-360 can be bought online for $2k. So it looks like he is offering around $11,000 of hardware for $2k less installed. 


If you take at face value your old radios as untagged and sold by you for $2,500. You basically are getting the GTN 650 installed for free. He will be able to yellow tag them and sell them for $5,000 to $5,500. So, if we do the math. You should be paying around $11k just for the GTN650 and MD200-360. And should be paying around $3,000 for installation. The total should come in around $14k. He takes your radios, yellow tags them and sells them for $5k. It works as break even deal.


Now where I see a problem is the 750 price. There is no way he is going to sell you the 750 for $2k more. Every shop I spoke to wanted at least $4k more. Something is not right there. As well, there is no mention of whether your antennae will work for the Comm. Also, is he including all of the extras (wiring, connectors) or is he going to nickel and dime you to death?


Before I commit, see if you can find other customers for the shop. Sometimes a shop does stuff like this because they are struggling and need to drive in new business. That said, they aren't a charity and if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


I would check around.

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Oh -- as for your question on the 750. The 750 has a much larger screen and if he really can offer it for $2k more, I would jump on it. The big differences with the 750 is that the audio panel can be integrated into the 750 (750 controls a remote audio panel -- which brings up another question, can he interface your existing audio panel?). Both 650 and 750 can control a remote transponder. The 750 also is able to display the approach charts for airports.


Also -- if you haven't seen my thread on the database updates, you can expect to pay around $500 to $900 for database updates annually for a 650. 


Good luck with your decision.

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Thanks for the input guys. I'll double check on the 750 price. I have the 650 price in writing and reviewed prior to posting this question. The 750 was a verbal quote after he had given me the 650 price. The exact conversation was me asking, "Well, what if we stepped up to the 750?, my eyes could use the help of the bigger screen", he said about another $2000. Again, I'll double check for sure.


I would have the install done for myself, not as an investment. We all know electronics, especially in GA it drops in value like a rock. The 430/530s have been around just over a decade and are already getting to be old news, still great units, but you know what I mean.


On the brighter side. The shop has done quite a lot of work for me. Most recently my JPI 830, strobes and rear jacks. We were thinking ahead when I had this prior work done and they did some of the pre-wiring (antenna wiring) knowing at sometime I would put the Garmin in..just a matter of when and what unit.


Here is the breakdown he placed on the value of the used:


KX155 GS    $2000

KI209            $600

KN-64            $1000


I have a shop credit of $750 that he will be applying.


So total was actually $12665

After my trades and credit the total was $9065 for the Garmin 650....I'll double check on the Garmin 750. Sounds like if the 750 can be done for the 2K difference it would be a sweet deal. I'll let you guys know the outcome.


and yes..I took a look at the yearly fees and comments on the other posts.  We wonder why GA is on a decline. No doubt Garmin is way out of line in update pricing. I think gouging comes to mind.  


Thanks again,



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If the plane is a keeper and you're definitely going to get the IR, then this sounds like a decent deal to me.  Sounds like you have a great engine monitor already (I would place this as a higher priority than the GPS!).  Do you have an autopilot?  I have a 530W/430W combo and would highly, highly recommend the larger screen size if it is "only" 2k more.  Add the relatively cheap Garmin power-data cable for your 696 so that the GTN flight plan data can be "pushed" downstream too.  I haven't checked Jimmy G's latest evaluation tool, but I would expect you'll get a healthy hull value bump with a GTN installed as well FWIW.

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I would highly recomend choosing the 750 over the 650, not only for size but they have much more utility in both visual referance of info but the resale value over the 650 will still be there if you sell it. Not to mention the geo referenced approach charts. I flew one for the first time last week and felt it added security to the approach.  

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It sounds like a great deal....He is giving you top dollar for the trades  ....When you consider that he has to stand behind the radios when he sells them , he is not making a lot on the trades , Just using them to make the money on the GTN sale..... I would jump on it...... Good luck....

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