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I really want to come down for this. Besides the normal weather concerns, it will require an early departure here, but the number of mornings this summer without fog can be counted on my fingers. It's a 2-hour flight for me with the standard winds-aloft disclaimer.


PM your email to me and I'll let you know if I can depart around 0630 or not. Georgia is home for me, and I'll probably stay with my folks that night on the Carolina line. May have to stop in Dalton for supper, especially if I can get a crew car there!


Okay folks, the time is close and the weather looks like it will be beautiful for Saturday. Plans are still the same. Please arrive as close to 9am as you can so we can all be parked together, then we'll head over to Joey Cole's hangar. If you get there after the main group and aren't familiar with the airport, Joey's hangar is just south-west of the main FBO, and he opens up on the backside of the hangar.


They have posted all the temporary tower information and NOTAMs on the website here, but I'll paste the pertinent information below as well. I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!


All VFR Traffic call Rome Tower on 118.65 at least 5 miles from the airport. All traffic should plan on entering a midfield downwind.
  • This is a Temporary ATC VFR Tower
  • Call sign is Rome Tower
  • This is class E airspace with a operating Control Tower
  • A TFR will be in effect for the AirShow from 12-6pm October 10th-12th, 2013
  • A NOTAM will be issued for operating Hours
  **PLEASE CHECK NOTAMS**   Tower Hours of Operation
  • Thursday – Saturday (Oct 9th –11th, 2013): 0800-1800 Local – 8am to 6pm.
  • Sunday (October 12th): 0800- A/R *Sunday Hours will be extended to accommodate all of the traffic departing Rome.

ok.. I'm just full of dumb questions I guess.


The TFR goes up at noon, lasts until 1800. So I don't need to be on a flight plan to arrive, but will I need to open one just to depart? Or will we be allowed to leave before 1800?

  • Thursday – Saturday (Oct 9th –11th, 2013): 0800-1800 Local – 8am to 6pm.
  • Sunday (October 12th): 0800- A/R *Sunday Hours will be extended to accommodate all of the traffic departing Rome.



It's early, and I'm still caffinating, but Sunday is (according to 'cal'), the 13th, not the 12th. All the day /date stuff is wrong. And I know you cut-n-pasted this from the website where it's also wrong. Makes me wonder what else is wrong... :)


Yes, they did get the dates wrong and so I'm glad you noticed that. But we're planning to be there Saturday October 12, just so it's clear.


As to the TFR being in place for your departure, don't worry about that. Once the airshow is over and they allow regular departures the TFR will no longer be in effect. And heck, since our government is shut down anyway it's not like there is a plethora of F-16s waiting to nab you!  (The Canadian F-18s have no jurisdiction I presume.)


FREE FOOD!!  One final update is that Joey Cole will be offering free hamburgers and hotdogs to all Mooney pilots that show up tomorrow. So kick those tires and light the fires and let's all have some fun in the sun. It looks to be a great day for an airshow.






Well. I tried. Got about 30 miles from HSV and ran into a layer at 5500 that seemed to go all the way to the ground. Visibility ahead of me was falling off rapidly. I'd hoped it would be gone by the time I took off, but a quick look see indicated otherwise.


Hope y'all had a great time and sampled some BBQ. :)





Well, we had a great day at the show, although only five Mooneys showed up. I guess you could count six, since I rode with my buddy in his J rather than fly my own. But we had a great time with Joey and he walked around and talked with each owner about their planes, fed us free food, etc. It is true that the day started off a bit dicey, with the airport half closed in by low clouds and fog. But the northern half of the airport stayed clear throughout so they were doing VFR landings on Runway 19 with no problem.  Attached are some pics from yesterday.










Maybe six Mooneys? Had thick fog at DKX and didnt get off till 9:15, so yes I was running late and parked at the north end of the field. Saw a few Mooneys there and lots of aircraft. The controller did an awesome job handling everyone I thought wouldnt want his job. 


Were you the Ovation that parked with General Aviation? We saw you come in and wondered why you didn't want to park with us. Not sure if they made you pay for your admission ticket...if so, you should have parked with us because we got in FREE!


That was indeed a LoPresti cowl with the 201 windshield mod on a F model.


And I agree, that tower controller did a bang-up job getting everyone out quickly. We were trying to figure out where he was, and if he could really see all the planes taxiing out for departure or was just charting it on paper somewhere. For a brief 15 minutes he was busier than any time I've ever seen at PDK.

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Yeah I paid, I ordered tickets on the internet then read on later that if I flew down and entered as an exhibit it would be free admission. Guess I just made a contribution to the aviation community which is OK by me. Next time hopefully I'll be with the gang and get in free . Wont miss out on all the flying tails.


Were you the Ovation that parked with General Aviation? We saw you come in and wondered why you didn't want to park with us. Not sure if they made you pay for your admission ticket...if so, you should have parked with us because we got in FREE!


That was indeed a LoPresti cowl with the 201 windshield mod on a F model.


And I agree, that tower controller did a bang-up job getting everyone out quickly. We were trying to figure out where he was, and if he could really see all the planes taxiing out for departure or was just charting it on paper somewhere. For a brief 15 minutes he was busier than any time I've ever seen at PDK.

Sorry I could not make it - mechanical fuel pump went out... How much do they get for the LoPresti cowl mod these days?


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