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Hello all,

I'm new to the forums and new to my '78 M20J. I'm looking for a used, functional EGT probe, Alcor part # 86310 (Mooney part # 880005-503 or 880005-501).

Anyone happen to have one sitting on a shelf, no longer used perhaps because of an upgrade to an engine monitor, that you'd be willing to sell?

Thanks in advance,

28 minutes ago, sgray said:

Hello all,

I'm new to the forums and new to my '78 M20J. I'm looking for a used, functional EGT probe, Alcor part # 86310 (Mooney part # 880005-503 or 880005-501).

Anyone happen to have one sitting on a shelf, no longer used perhaps because of an upgrade to an engine monitor, that you'd be willing to sell?

Thanks in advance,


Welcome to Mooneyspace!

As you probably know, how EGT probes (and TIT probes) fail over time is that they are sitting in a very inhospitable environment, in exhaust gas from 1200 to 1600 degrees F.  As the probes fail they show too low of a temperature - that's a bad thing since the actual temperature is much hotter than indicated.

We all like to save money but an EGT or TIT probe is one item I would never buy used. A used CHT probe maybe since the CHT temperature is 400F, not 1400F. If the airplane is new to you, it's good to start off with a known good (new) EGT probe. That way you aren't running the exhaust gas temp so high that you are burning up your exhaust valves and exhaust system. And by the way it's only measuring EGT in one place, so many new owners make their first investment in a good engine monitor to know the CHTS and EGTS of each cylinder. That's one instrument that can easily pay for itself considering how expensive cylinders and engines have become. It's also a safety feature monitoring the health of your engine. 

There's a forum just on engine monitors: https://mooneyspace.com/forum/43-engine-monitor-discussion/


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