mooneygirl Posted April 8, 2012 Report Posted April 8, 2012 MAPA Homecoming, September 13-16th. From Trey Hughes: Historic Hill Country town of Fredericksburg, Texas located just 22 milesnorth of Mooney's birthplace - Kerrville. Those of you with femaleco-pilots who have attended Homecomings in Kerrville most certainly haveheard the name Fredericksburg before. Each time we have visited Kerrville,there is always an "expedition" conducted to the German town just up Highway16 for the purpose of exploring the shopping options contained therein.Well this year we are going to make things easier for those "shopaholics" inMAPA.We are also changing the scenario some more this year by eliminating thesingle convention hotel format that we have followed for the past 37 yearsand instead will leave lodging decisions up to each attendee. We will havea MAPA Host Hotel - the Fredericksburg Inn & Suites (830.997.0202 ) - where the seminars will be held, and we have blocked a limited number of rooms at a rate of $119 per night plus tax for attendees who wish to stay close to Lela and me. But, we are encouraging members to take advantage of all the fine inns, hotels and B&Bs found in and around Fredericksburg. A partiallist will be found at the end of the Editorial; however the FredericksburgChamber of Commerce ( has a list oflodging choices that is more complete. There is also a B&B service that canassist those who want a little more intimacy (First Class Bed & BreakfastReservation Service will use the Fredericksburg/Gillespie County Airport (T82)( just 3 miles SW of town as our hostairport. This is an uncontrolled airport so CTAF/UNICOM is 122.7 and theFBO is run by the city/county. Their number is 830-997-3313. Rental carscan be arranged through The Motor Pool Auto Rental (866-990-0562 Sincelodging for attendees is "ala cart" local transportation is up to each individual and should be arranged in advance.The dates for this year's event are September 13 through 16. Arrivals willbe met by the MAPA staff at the airport where a welcome center will beset-up. Once the registration formalities are complete, guests will be freeto make their way to their lodging of choice. Later that evening we willhost an informal gathering of some kind and more information about this willbe coming at a later date. On Friday the 14th we plan on a full day ofseminars at the Fredericksburg Inn & Suites. We are arranging another groupof outstanding speakers and a complete list of sessions will also bepublished in an upcoming issue of the LOG. Friday night we will once againhost our annual Ice Cream Social. Saturday we will welcome everyone back tothe Gillespie County Airport for "Airport Day" during which we will wanderthe flight like to pick out our choices for Best in Show. We have fired the"Super secret, highly knowledgeable" panel of judges and instead we willreturn this year to the member's choice as you, our guests, get to decidewhich Mooney is the best in each model category.Of course, a MAPA convention wouldn't be complete without the FarewellBanquet on Saturday night where we will recognize the winners in theAircraft Beauty Contest with highly sought after MAPA plaques. Keeping thetheme changing, this year we have decided to forgo the usual hotel banquetroom in favor of something different, so for 2012 we will take the FarewellBanquet "on the road" with a special surprise venue for dinner. Stay tuned,I promise you will enjoy this.Be sure to watch the MAPA LOG for more updates on our 38th gathering of MAPAmembers. Be sure to mark September 13 - 16 on your calendars and make earlyreservations at your hotel or B&B of choice and join us in Fredericksburgfor fun, food and fellowship.Plan now and make reservations early as September is a very busy time in theTexas Hill Country. Quote
DrBill Posted April 25, 2012 Report Posted April 25, 2012 I have a choice.. I can go to homecoming OR I can be best man at my son's wedding.. Let's see.. Tough decision. ... I guess I'll go to....... The Wedding. BILL Quote
pjsny78 Posted April 25, 2012 Report Posted April 25, 2012 I hate to be the negative one on this. But it seems this is a downgrade from last year. I liked the idea that most of the guys were staying at the same place and the hotel/Mapa provided transportation to the hotel. There was no need to rent a car. It made it rather easy to make new friends and socialize with other Mooney owners. The presentations seem to be not on the same par from what I understand from years past. The location is questionable to me. A MAPA homecoming to me should be in a major city or at least Kerrville. I think this speaks of MAPA'S current economic status more than anything. I am not as excited to go this year as I was last year’s event. Quote
mooneygirl Posted April 25, 2012 Author Report Posted April 25, 2012 Well I, for one, am excited to go. I love meeting folks from MooneySpace and the AOPA red board. Are the presentations listed somewhere and I missed it? Quote
MooneyMitch Posted August 15, 2012 Report Posted August 15, 2012 This information is from Trey Hughes at MAPA: ATTENTION – ATTENTION – ATTENTIONMAPA is pleased to announce that we have a very limited number of spaces available for a tour of the Mooney Aviation Company, Inc. in Kerrville during the MAPA “Almost-Home Coming” convention in Fredericksburg September 13-16. These spaces will be limited to “first-come, first-served” from attendees who have signed up for the entire convention and arrive on the 13th.Barry Hodkin, MAC CFO, has agreed to provide tour guides for our members on a limited basis. The tour will depart the Fredericksburg airport via a MAPA bus after “Airport Day” lunch on Saturday Sept 15 at about 1 PM and will be limited to those with reservations on the bus. We will begin collecting names at the airport during Arrival Day Thursday Sept 13th and are limited to 30 persons. The MAPA bus will transport tour participants from T82 to KERV (the factory property) and then return them to T82 upon tour completion at approximately 4 PM. So for those who have not already signed up for the convention be sure to do so soon and then plan to get to Fredericksburg early on the 13th so that you can take part in this very special trip. Quote
Becca Posted August 15, 2012 Report Posted August 15, 2012 That's awesome - so glad that is being opened up - we really wanted to see the factory last year! But seriously, a bus? I have a device called an aero-plane. Just saying Can we meet you there? Also, I was trying to see if any one wanted to join us for dinner on Friday night, let me know: We'll be staying at the Hangar Hotel, pretty excited about that. Quote
MooneyMitch Posted August 15, 2012 Report Posted August 15, 2012 Thank you Becca so much for the dinner invitation. Sounds fun. Jolie and I have some additional projects in progress for our time spent in the great State of Texas that week which are requiring some flexibility. I can't commit us to joining you all at this point, but let's see how it all plays out. It will fun to see all those Mooneys parking at the Hotel! Quote
mooneygirl Posted August 15, 2012 Author Report Posted August 15, 2012 Becca, I think that once folks get to Fredericksburg they might not want to make the hop in the airplane to Kerrville. I am serious. Owners get their planes all spruced up for the judging and probably want to stay put. With that said, I think it is so FAB that Trey organized the tour. It is a magical place, and in my optimisim I think it can be a productive place again. Looking forward to seeing our Mooney family in Texas, next month!! Oh my Quote
Becca Posted August 15, 2012 Report Posted August 15, 2012 The trip is after judging right (its Saturday afternoon)? Planes are made for flying . Plus I noticed many people showed up at last years convention sans airplane (yes, I know, gasp, horror). Maybe if some of us flew over to Kerrville we could bring those folks along for a nice little flight or even doing some seat swapping (I wouldn't mind a ride in an Ovation, myself). Of course I think Trey is pretty smart for arranging the bus, it protects you from bad weather, etc, regardless. Quote
mooneygirl Posted August 15, 2012 Author Report Posted August 15, 2012 Righto, I am so happy about the tours. We all made the suggestion last year, and voila! Yes, fingers crossed for good weather for us VFR pilots [working on rating!] We will be able to let you know about the Friday dinner, but it might be late notice. Quote
MooneyMitch Posted August 15, 2012 Report Posted August 15, 2012 Ok, pressures on Trey, so you can call NOW and make a reservation for the factory tour!! Only 30 slots available so call or email QUICK!! Quote
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