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Any thoughts on which route is the best. My J has the stock prop. 15 yrs since new and 1100 hrs and showing wear. What would be the value added to the plane if I replace with the Top Prop?    thanks for any input  Ty


Kind a open ended question but I'll give it a shot. 

If your current prop has a recurring eddy current insp, go with the top prop.  You'll pick up resale value that'll cover your costs immediately since this recurring AD seems to put off alot of potential buyers.  If you already have a "b" hub or this doesn't apply to you then its a question of oppurtunity cost. 

If the 6.5 difference in AMU's isn't alot to you then I'd go with new.  You'll pick up a few knots and it'll add to your plane's resale value.  Not to mention you'll have a factory fresh prop that likely won't need any attention for years. On the other hand...If the smaller amount, 2.5 AMU's, keeps you flying and your happy with the speed your getting now, then stay with your current prop.  The difference (oppurtunity costs of 6.5K) will pay for alot of 100LL, hotels, rental cars etc...

The other factor to consider, is your ownership time horizon.  The longer you plan on keeping the plane the more I would encourage you to "invest" in the top prop.  Conversely if you plan on selling in the next few years, it might not be worth it, since you'll be paying for the next owners upgrade and you arn't likely to recoup all of your investment.

Food for thought...



Another thought would be to sell it for $3500 or so to someone building a RV.  That plus the $2500 to overhaul would go a long way toward a new one.


I'm a new owner (haven't done my first annual yet!Surprised $$??!!) and so I'm really excited about fixing up and improving my new to me Mooney. So my gut says, go for the new and better!!  However, realistically, If your prop isn't too bad and it doesn't have the recurring inspection AD, then it's a tough decision. A good point by N601RX above, I'd check to see what the used market will pay for your old one. It could help with the decision.


A 15 year old prop suggests about a 1995 J, and with only 1,100 total hours, I'm interested in what kind of "wear" you're seeing. Unless it's something really unusual you shouldn't be needing a new prop or an overhaul. Unless you specifically request a re-seal, it's been my experience that prop shops are much to eager to sell you an overhaul or a new prop. Caveat Emptor!

 A simple prop re-seal, with new paint, will be well less than $1,000. Cool


you make a good point. Like many, I still have the original square tip prop and it is fine. It has been O/H or re-sealed a few times of course. The only times I saw the prop wearing fast was when i was, for a very short time, based in an airport that had taxiways and runways that had a lot of gravel 

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