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Traveling by Mooney


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                                                  "Thank God for General Aviation!!!"

Now we're talkin'!  What a great opportunity for all of us to step it up a notch in promoting GA to the public.

With the likes of Sen. Jay Rockefeller, we have to continue to fight and guard our freedom to fly our private aircraft unencumbered! 

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I was in town with some friends who flew in commercial.....we compared notes

[1] I carried as many bags as I wanted and didn't pay extra.  (none of it would fit in a "normal" overhead compartment)

[2] My seat reclined before take-off and stayed in it's non-upright and comfortable position throughout the flight including landing.  I even slid it back during the flight for additional space.  Nobody behind me complained.

[3] I brought a few bottles of water with me from home.  I didn't have to share it with anyone.

[4] We ate as many snacks as we wanted, whenever we felt like it.

[5] There was no scheduled push back from the gate.  Our idea of an on-time departure was when the energy was right.  (Although ATC initially recommended when the energy was right)

[6] My electronic equipment (IPAD) was on the whole flight, even after I closed the main cabin door.

[7] My shaving cream was well over 3 oz. of liquid, and nobody cared.

[8] I carried a few things back that were not mine, somebody asked me to carry them. (Birthday flower bouquet, Jars of hot sauce, left-over cans of beer)

[9] Nobody X-rayed me or my stuff, there was no inquisition or uninvited fondling of me or my wife.

[10] I took my shoes off, but only after I was in the plane.  I really dislike walking in socks across a rug that has seen many a strange sock before mine.

[11] I brought a PC with me, it never came out of its case for inspection,  or for any other reason for that matter ... (I was on vacation.)

The flights were spectacular.

My sincere thanks to those who provide us this blanket we call freedom.

Best regards,


PS, on the following day, I flew commercial to Mexico City.  TSA took my can of shaving cream......


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Now that's funny, but also tragic.

With the current environment in our major airports, General Aviation is looking better all the time.  I believe that GA is poised for a renaissance b/c anyone with the means to avoid commercial travel is likely to do so.


For those of you as angry about the state of our commercial airports as me, please contact your elected officials and tell them to put a leash on the TSA.  Here are two links.  The first is to the Senate Committee for Commerce Science and Transportation.


The Second is House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.


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Quote: carusoam

I was in town with some friends who flew in commercial.....we compared notes

[1] I carried as many bags as I wanted and didn't pay extra.  (none of it would fit in a "normal" overhead compartment)

[3] I brought a few bottles of water with me from home.  I didn't have to share it with anyone.

[4] We ate as many snacks as we wanted, whenever we felt like it.

[9] Nobody X-rayed me or my stuff, there was no inquisition or uninvited fondling of me or my wife.

PS, on the following day, I flew commercial to Mexico City.  TSA took my can of shaving cream......

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This past weekend, I flew the Mooney from Florida up to Hopkinsville, Ky to visit my son and have an early Thanksgiving since I am working that day. Man, it was a very nice flight and I didn't have to worry about the TSA. I am glad that I have my Mooney now!! :) 

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Quote: flhelo

This past weekend, I flew the Mooney from Florida up to Hopkinsville, Ky to visit my son and have an early Thanksgiving since I am working that day. Man, it was a very nice flight and I didn't have to worry about the TSA. I am glad that I have my Mooney now!! :) 

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