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  On 1/22/2015 at 4:40 AM, N4352H said:

I totally agree with this....oh and no signing bonuses and stock sale short of losses. Nothing like an executive who dumps stock options while the 401K of company workers takes a hit. If you are good at what you do...put your money where your mouth is. What da ya think Boreal? I am in agreement.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  On 1/22/2015 at 4:41 AM, N4352H said:

How many kids do you have?


I live in a neighborhood full of them. Self righteous know-it-alls, who wouldn't know how to get a job, are hyper competitive, have all day to work-out and run marathons and too much time to socialize. 50 somethings......


I say the opposite, give them a tax break to put it in trust for their kids, or lose it early, say 62. They channel funds in large gifts to their kids just before they kick the bucket. Usually enough time to disown a kid or two and divorce a problematic wife they've been meaning to get rid of.


You live in a neighborhood of trust fund adults, am I reading it correctly?


My parents gave me quality education and 50 bucks when I moved out with an understanding that it was the last dollar I will ever see from them. Great folks. Still alive, still kicking, still spending whatever dollars they have. My offsprings will enjoy the same. Quality education, quality travel time all over the world and a swift kick in the ass upon reaching a certain age. I will leave them nothing unless they are disabled. I didn't believe in inheritance even way back when I was a republican. Hereditary wealth is very unhealthy to any sort of lasting system of government, especially, a republic.

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Dave's Spanish friend's story isn't unique, although "horrible" isn't the word that I'd use to describe the public system in Spain or any other has Western European country under a 'two tier' health system. The state-run system provides a full range of care to which all citizens are entitled, but in which those who choose to "pay more" can obtain private insurance or simply pay ala carte for health care in a parallel private system. The private system is still subsidized to a significant extent by the state, and offers more comforts and conveniences to be sure, but there's no evidence that the outcomes are any better between the tiers. You might have a better patient experience in the private system, but going through the public system isn't by any means a death sentence. 


Canada's system, in contrast, is for the most part single tier. There is one public system available to all, irrespective of income, and no private hospitals, although some provinces are experimenting with privatized diagnostic, rehabilitation and day surgery services. That said, most employers provide additional private health insurance options to cover prescriptions, dental, eyeglasses, rehabilitation, home care and out-of-province or country travel emergencies.


The debate comes up from time to time on whether we should go two-tier here, but the consensus thus far has been to stay with a public, single-payor system for all kinds of good policy reasons.




There you go John, Europe started their QE, like I said they would. Do you really think we are now going to raise interest rates and make everything we make unexportable to old continent. There will be no interest rate increases for the forseeable future. It will be fiscally responsible little countries like the Swiss who will suffer. I said before and I'll say it again, virtue is not a commodity that goes up in value as it becomes scarce. When in Rome, do as Romans do. And it is Rome, all over again. Virtue is for mythology.


What country? Would it be so hard to say. And please, quit calling a guy who's run some of a business or another since the age go 15 a socialist. You have no idea what that word means. All advanced countries, including US of A are socialistic in some aspects and capitalistic in others. Common roads are a form of socialism as well as public schools. Military and police are a form of socialism.

  On 1/22/2015 at 3:39 PM, daver328 said:

I am sure the socialized health care system of Venezuela allows ALL common citizens to travel to Cuba for Cancer treatment? Elitism in health care only exists in "Capitalist Pig" Nations .... right?


You're the one on here singing the praises of France's socialist health care and putting down the care in the United States. At least be honest with yourself about it  ....




Like I said, called your BS made up anecdote. There was no man, brother, sister and mother. You made it up. Don't bring up Venezuela and try to compare it first world countries. Either become informed on any topic and if you're going to make shit up, at least make it plausible, which means, once again, become informed on the topic. French have what is probably one of the best health care systems on this planet, with both public and private insurance and both public and private hospitals. People pay for their health care and get reimbursed, just like in United States. And they spend half of what we do for essentially the same outcome. What they don't have is uninsured and people going bankrupt when cancer or heart attack strikes. Many do here even with insurance.


You should take a vacation outside of US of A and realize the western europeans are not walking around in chains. They are just as free if not freer than most of people living in US of A. Sorry, but that's the case.


Actually, I just checked, the French have #1 best rated heath care system in the world and their doctors have considerably more freedom than US doctors because they are not constrained in any way, shape or form by insurance companies in treatments offered. Also, their networks are larger and an average citizen has an access to a much larger pool of doctors than here in the US of A. 


I'd gladly argue that the Fed has backed themselves into a corner with the rate raising. Credibility affects their ability to manipulate the long end of the curve.


As well as the fact that despite everyone's cynicism, the Fed has for the most part continued to be pleased with the economic data.

  On 1/22/2015 at 3:59 PM, jkhirsch said:

I'd gladly argue that the Fed has backed themselves into a corner with the rate raising. Credibility affects their ability to manipulate the long end of the cur



No...What is "social" about infrastructure? Other than driving to work or Grandma's? You confuse a government's basic obligation to it's economy and commerce with a government's direct obligation to it's people. The later is social. Too much of it is........... "socialism". It's that balance that we all disagree on. Privatize EVERYTHING.

  On 1/22/2015 at 4:37 PM, N4352H said:






It comes down to what you consider infrastructure and basic obligation to economy. You make everything too simple and confuse what is necessary to compete in global economy. Ask any business owner with employees what it's like to spend an average of 16K a year on benefits for their employees when the French employers only pay about half that. Your simple ideas are flawed, because the world is not simple. It's as simple as that. Simple enough even for a conservative in understand. 


We have a fully privatized health care system, guess what, costs twice as much and under delivers. Health care is infrastructure in global economy. So is basic nutrition and education of population.


Why do we have to be special and so fucking hard headed. We cannot invent everything. There are many ideas around the world worth imitating. 


Read this, explains everything, actually, a pretty conservative system. 



  On 1/22/2015 at 4:55 PM, daver328 said:

I forgot the second part.


1) You are NOT a "socialist" ... you just want more socialism in your life than I do ..


2) If I was as smart as you are ... I would want more socialism too. But alas, there is no hope for stupid people like me ... we cling to our guns and bible and make stuff up.


Seems I have had this conversation with other people who believed as you do. But they were not "socialists" either! They called themselves "Progressives."


Thank up for proving my point that you simply will not accept any reality any other point of view, any other person's experience ... other than your own.


It's real ... every word.


So why not share the country where the cancer treatment occurred for all of us to make informed choices. That always appears to be the catch with you all, informed choices.  

  On 1/22/2015 at 5:14 PM, daver328 said:

You will pick France, (not Greece) as your shining example, You totally refuse to acknowledge as you have each time I brought it out on this thread, that France's "chickens are coming home to roost" ... That the enormous social,programs are bankrupting the country and tax increases in the form of a new tax on all financial transactions were implemented recently to pay the bills, while the socialst prime minister proposed a 70% income tax on the "upper class "in France.

The country to,which I refer is s a prime example of failed socialism ... Not just failed socialistic health care ... and just one of many examples of the consequences of creating a huge national debt. The lessons are there to see ... if you were not too blind and stubborn to see ...


I'm sorry, but the french have a considerably smaller debt as percetange of GDP than we do. And at least their debt numbers are real, including all levels of government, unlike ours, where only federal debt is included. Our true debt is closer to 300% of GDP. And once again, all we ever got for it was a B2 flyby.


Greece's problem has always been taxation. The greeks and italians simply refuse to pay taxes. And greeks were never shining example of socialism, more of an anarchy, if anything. But I'll guess you've never been? Have you.

  On 1/22/2015 at 4:49 PM, AndyFromCB said:




Read this, explains everything, actually, a pretty conservative system. 





France's cost per patient is half ours. Due in large part to American obesity, diabetes, chronic illness, pharma patent manipulation, malpractice, lack of r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e insurance regulation and lack of fair competition regionally (in Maryland- $1bil deficit, failed portal and only 3 insurance choices-companies). Little of which Obamacare will solve in practicality or design. Or, we could go the European way, guarantee every American 12 weeks vacation a 4 hour lunch, new entitlements and other Euro-trash, then we'd be less stressed and not so fat. It doesn't occur to people that we pay more because we are sick. We are not sick from cheap calories and poverty, we are sick because we make bad choices. Subsidizing this is further recipe for failure.

  On 1/22/2015 at 5:38 PM, N4352H said:

France's cost per patient is half ours. Due in large part to American obesity, diabetes, chronic illness, pharma patent manipulation, malpractice, lack of r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e insurance regulation and lack of fair competition regionally. Or, we could go the European way, guarantee every American 12 weeks vacation a 4 hour lunch, new entitlements and other Euro-trash, then we'd be less stressed and not so fat. It doesn't occur to people that we pay more because we are sick. We are not sick from cheap calories and poverty, we are sick because we make bad choices. Subsidizing this is further recipe for failure.


Essentially you prove my point every time, that Europeans are smarter, fitter and better looking than Americans…Apparently Europeans being better educated, make better choices and that's why they get to live, better, longer, richer lives. Which brings us back, as to why, since even you apparently agree with my underlaying premise. What you are saying is that "freedom" apparently only works for about 20% of the population. I agree. Most people are too effing stupid to live and I pay for it. And you pay for it. 


And 6 weeks vacation would probably be a big boost to the economy...


And actually, we are sick from cheap calories. Those in the know don't eat cheap food. When I go to a grocery store, it's scary what I see on conveyor belt. It's funny when the cashier has to ask what this and that vegetable is. We don't buy shit in boxes or cans. Cheap calories is a government policy, one I directly benefit from, being in the crop insurance business.


Answer one question and answer it as a human and as a catholic. Who pay's for Timmy cancer treatment if his father and mother are poor, uninsured white trash that likes TV dinners and hotdogs. Or do we just let Timmy die? I have no major problems with Timmy croaking…But as long as you do, we need to fix little Timmy on the cheap and that requires that we quit pretending 80% of population is entitled to any sort of freedom.


But we are seeing the failures of these European social democracies unfold before us. Their failed policies have lead to lifestyles that aren't just healthy, but absurdly entitled. Greece and Spain are about to go in the shitter...Italy and France, not far behind. Germany can't keep them propped up much longer. This is not unlike our failed pension plans here at home. Cities and municipalities are failing left and right, not by design, but by political entitlement failures. Should a retired fire captain making 3/4's pay be able to double dip on executive pay? Should a policeman, extend his shift by 2 hours to clock a massive over time bill? Should a city manager who fell 2 years short of being vested, be given an inside track on a second temporary job, just to meet retirement requirements and clock $6k a month for the rest of his life??? Please. Entitlement waste....well intentioned and it kills ALL of us.


Read up on the election in Greece. They are the first domino.

  On 1/22/2015 at 5:57 PM, N4352H said:

But we are seeing the failures of these European social democracies unfold before us. Their failed policies have lead to lifestyles that aren't just healthy, but absurdly entitled. Greece and Spain are about to go in the shitter...Italy and France, not far behind. Germany can't keep them propped up much longer. This is not unlike our failed pension plans here at home. Cities and municipalities are failing left and right, not by design, but by political entitlement failures. Should a retired fire captain making 3/4's pay be able to double dip on executive pay? Should a policeman, extend his shift by 2 hours to clock a massive over time bill? Should a city manager who fell 2 years short of being vested, be given an inside track on a second temporary job, just to meet retirement requirements and clock $6k a month for the rest of his life??? Please. Entitlement waste....well intentioned and it kills ALL of us.


Read up on the election in Greece. They are the first domino.


Now you're talking my language. Good luck touching that third rail, police pensions and military benefits. And if it was only 3/4, it might be sustainable. Ever heard of pension spiking? Yes, you did.

  On 1/22/2015 at 5:52 PM, daver328 said:

So if we pass a socialist health care system here in America, like in France, then we would make sure everyone was treated equally here ... and received equal care, just like in France. No capitalistic elitism! Just like the President and Congress have included themselves in our Social Security for their retirement ... and included themselves in the same ACA that they empowered the IRS to enforce on our citizens, with no exceptions ... ???? That's working out just fine here in the US ... right? Ooooppps ....



We couldn't get their version of socialized healthcare here because part of their secret sauce is controlling how much their providers earn. Could you imagine telling a neurosurgeon here in the US who charges $40k for a frontal lobotomy that he'll only be paid $500 per case?


I belong to well known "Recreation Center" in Potomac, MD. It is a perk....a playground for the European elite and entitled and is run by the IMF and World Bank. All foreigners. If you want to witness European life style at it's, shall we say, most freewheeling and entitled......this is the place.  Name me one American corporation (other than entertainment and resorts businesses) that provides something like this for it's employees. Championship golf, tennis, Country Club accommodations, childcare......a sprawling 400 acre property......a playground for the IMF/WB Euro-world elite. These people really take their leisure time quite seriously.

  On 1/22/2015 at 6:05 PM, N4352H said:

These people really take their leisure time quite seriously.


So do, so do I. Flying out tomorrow to look at a house at 46U  :D I don't like to work too hard...

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  On 1/22/2015 at 6:05 PM, N4352H said:

I belong to well known "Recreation Center" in Potomac, MD. It is a perk....a playground for the European elite and entitled and is run by the IMF and World Bank. All foreigners. If you want to witness European life style at it's, shall we say, most freewheeling and entitled......this is the place.  Name me one American corporation (other than entertainment and resorts businesses) that provides something like this for it's employees. Championship golf, tennis, Country Club accommodations, childcare......a sprawling 400 acre property......a playground for the IMF/WB Euro-world elite. These people really take their leisure time quite seriously.


What I miss the most about my dad working in France was the employee cafeteria. The food was amazing. Rule was 3 different dishes, never to be repeated once during a course of a month.

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  On 1/22/2015 at 6:08 PM, daver328 said:

those evil greedy doctors ... I knew it was all their fault! Then some of those evil rich greedy doctors buy Bonanzas and Barons instead of Mooneys! Those dastardly villins!


Well, they are greedy. Read this:




$650 per minute, I'd say that's greedy…Doctors do it all the time, they swap with one another...

  On 1/22/2015 at 6:08 PM, daver328 said:

those evil greedy doctors ... I knew it was all their fault! Then some of those evil rich greedy doctors buy Bonanzas and Barons instead of Mooneys! Those dastardly villins!



You really think I'm off the wall on this one Dave, don't you? If you were to tear apart each universal healthcare system around the world you will fine price controls in all of them, from pharmaceuticals to physicians. And by definition, socialized medicine is where the system is administered by physicians who are salaried employees of the state.

  On 1/22/2015 at 6:14 PM, daver328 said:

They deserve nothing but what the government tells them they can have those evil greedy people! After all, they only spent small fortunes and years of their lives training ... I'm with you bro' ... I am sure we will get a huge surplus of doctors doing it your way ...




Why don't you kiss their ass some more and repeated more Fox news drivel. $650 a minute. Seriously, just STFU. $117,000 fee for a 3 hour operation.  $40,000 per hour. Seriously. What is wrong with you? How about $80,000 an hour, why not? $160,000?


I'm not even going to respond to you. You and Scott should have a baby together. Do you get paid to spew your bullshit? It's shit like this is why eventually you will not have health insurance at all. Your whole miserable airline pilot salary will get swallowed by your health insurance premium.

  On 1/22/2015 at 6:24 PM, daver328 said:

Instead of directing those "few rogue IRS agents in Cincinnati" to go after Christians, Conservative and Tea Party members ... we need Lois Lerner and her lackeys to focus on Doctors! That'll fix things! Obama's got this!


Have a baby with Scott. It's amazing what they can do now a days with genetics. You annoy me, not because you are wrong, but because you are dumb. As simple as that. Just like Scott, you've never had an original idea in your entire life. Yes, I am considerably smarter than you. Genetics are a bitch. Sorry.

  On 1/22/2015 at 6:29 PM, daver328 said:

No I am with you ... Let the government choose candidates from government schools, earmark them from youth to be doctors, tell them if they love America that is what they Must be, let our tax dollars pay for their training, and they must work their entire lives for what wages the government tells them they can make ... for the good of all Americans and freedom everywhere!


How fucking stupid are you? This is not about government? Government was not involved in the case of $117,000. It's your insurance company being ripped off. God, why do you make so many stupid people. You pay for it. For once, think about your own self interest. Maybe you should read Atlas Shrugged. If you showed up to your mechanic and he told you the annual was going to be $1400, but then asked you to pay $20,000 few weeks later, bet you, you'd be pissed. This is exactly what happened in the above described case. Can you read? Are you sure?


I pity the fool who thinks education changes the decision making process of the majority of individuals.


This is well researched and documented by behavioral economists, of which some links I would gladly provide.


A very interesting topic here is retirement savings...should be common sense no? Education should rectify the problem...however it doesn't. That's a fact not an opinion.

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