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I'd come too, but I'm not sure if I'd be welcome..................in my Comanche!



Nicknames vs. condescension...

You state "I am comfortable with my position". Your position is admittedly left/progressive synonyms for Socialist. You balk at that word. Why? You state you have traveled to country's with Dictatorships and admit to all...but that word. Tell me why Paul is the word so "bad" to you when you espouse and support it's characteristics. You have even been called it by your friends and you blanche.

Really Flyboy?! Why I disagree with you libs (especially those that cloak themselves as "Moderate") I would never throw you out of my airplane...

I prefer nicknames. My thread so while you might not like them and feel they are not civil...

I will take them versus statements like "Sorry you couldn't understand"...

I think I understand crystal clear.


I am ashamed of many of the things American's have done over the years, especially our response to 9/11 and what I see as our bullying around the world and loss of freedom here at home.  But I still consider myself a proud American.  I'm proud of our innovation, our charity, our drive to excel, and our embrace of entrepreneurism. In fact, one of the things I very proud of here in America is that we can have differing opinions and we talk them out rather than fight and kill each other when we disagree.  I'm not suggesting a "beer summit" where all will be decided.  I just suggesting that in spite of our political differences, I'm sure we could enjoy a beer and discuss Mooney's, Flaps on landing, flying at night, C's vs. E's, or taxes, school choice, anything.  I'm sure we have much more in common than difference.


Now back to Dallas schooling Washington in football.


I just suggesting that in spite of our political differences, I'm sure we could enjoy a beer and discuss Mooney's, Flaps on landing, flying at night, C's vs. 




Flaps on landing? Another liberal view!


Comanche's are always welcome... as are all airplanes in my book.  But especially Comanche's.  The first flight I can remember as a kid, was riding with my Grandfather in his Comanche 250.  I've loved them ever since.

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Really Flyboy?! Why I disagree with you libs (especially those that cloak themselves as "Moderate") I would never throw you out of my airplane...



If you were to take in and analyze my responses here from the past few weeks, you will certainly see a mixture of right and left leaning points of view. In my book that spells m o d e r a t e. The only thing that I can assume at this point is that if a person exhibits any tendency towards the left, that disqualifies them as moderate. Just this morning I agreed with you on some items.


I would really appreciate it if you would point out what I've said that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, which is what I believe you think I am. 


So little Timmy, can you say Moderate? I thought you could. Do you know what it means?


I've made it quite clear that I believe in the Second Amendment, am pro-life and that there are a whole slew of government agencies that I would like to see dismantled, starting with Dept of Education. Find me a left winger that would say those three things.




Assuming your research us accurate, I had tne progression correct, but the exact times incorrect? I'll look it up sometime I am thinking I care anymore? I bet you are just thrilled to blame something else on Reagan and Bush! I don't "blame" this on Reagan at all, otherwise I would have made some snide remark :rolleyes:.  Rather,  it was a program setup by the FCC at the time with some good intentions.  Feel free to check my facts.


Tax the people who pay for their cell phones, to give free cell phones to those who don't.  All phone lines are required to pay into this fund, landlines included.



Progressives insist on all these "safety nets" for everyone and everything.  I've been called a "progressive" here (among other things), yet this morning I called for an end to this very program.


Yeah, so freakin what? All phones land lines included.

It's still a fine little piece of American socialism ...

But thanks for your input. Tax the people who pay for ALL phones to give free cell phones to those who don't pay. Is that better? Let's be absolutely concise and accurate in our socialism examples. Thanks for the correction.



Dave, I think you are losing it. I said at least twice that this program should be dismantled.


There is no such thing as being Moderately Conservative.

You are a Conservative or you are not.

If you are not Conservative(to me)

You are Liberal.


OK, we are finally getting somewhere and just broke some new ground.


So it occurs to me by reading your response (and correct me here if I am wrong) that if there were 50 items on a list which are liberal ways of thinking and 50 items on a conservative list and I choose 25 from each, that I'm not a moderate but a liberal by the mere fact that my list contains items from the liberal list. Most interesting.


Or take one of those seminars at the local Holiday Inn which says the federal income tax is unconstitutional and how you can avoid paying it. I believe it's being taught this year by Wesley Snipes.


That's a Bingo!


Finally, I have clarification. All these months that you kept expounding that I was a liberal when I clearly hold conservative views. Now I know why and the mystery is finally solved.


Now I feel sort of in no-mans land because no liberal would take me in due to my conservative views. I guess that leaves me somewhere in between - THE MIDDLE! 


Yes, this thread IS as much a liberal as Conservative home.


I may be out of line here, but other than this thread, it appears to me by reading between the lines that most people that make contributions here on MS swing towards the right.


Does the left fly Mooneys?

Or does that only happen after they hand out the free WAAS and ADSB with the free cell phone?

Did I get the alignment right?

I'm still new to politics. I am learning as you guys go along...


I may be out of line here, but other than this thread, it appears to me by reading between the lines that most people that make contributions here on MS swing towards the right.

I've noticed the same thing, not just on Mooneyspace but in aviation in general. Perhaps it is the military influence, or perhaps the fact that aviation is very rules-based, and conservatives tend to be rule-followers in general. Or perhaps this is still sort of a rich man's game, and the wealthy tend to be conservative.

A sociology student could probably do his dissertation on the subject and get his doctorate.


Maybe we should all add a number to our avatar names to denote our political leanings.

1= Karl Marx man love

10= Atilla the Hun: what a great guy!


O.K. most Conservatives are rich? That is the assumption? Most who fly airplanes are Rich? So if I want to be rich I should be Conservative? If I want to fly a plane I should be Conservative? O.K. I have one nailed.


Maybe the right leaning tendency in GA is because it requires intelligence to lean right and well pilots are generally smart. Maybe Mooneyspacers lean even more right because well it takes a really intelligent person to weigh the pros and cons and see through the mist of false stereotypes about the mooney, and then choose to own one....very smart people here.

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