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1977 M20J 100 / 500 hours inspection?

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I bought my 1977 M20J in January 2014 with the ET 485 SNEW. The annual was done at the same time.

I have flown almost 100 hours since then and the ET is 576 hours now.
My question is if there are any ADs or any other issues that should be taken care of at 100/500 hours of ET.

What is the best source to get this kind of information and keep them current?




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It's hard for other's to know which ADs apply to your plane because you have to comply with any ADs on equipment added since manufacture, in addition to the stuff that came with it from the factory.

For instance, my plane has a replacement ignition switch added a couple of years ago that has an AD on it.

As the previous poster indicated, you are supposed to have some sort of AD compliance list in/around your logbooks.

In addition to a huge ADLog notebook full of documentation of my plane's ADs, I also created a MS Word document with a table depicting the ADs requiring ongoing compliance, this is a cheat sheet and a bit of a time-saver for my A&P. Also, helps if you eventually have to sell.



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Isn't the installation of a new lock washer in the same level as using new safety wire and new cotter pins?

I would suggest that if the mag is a D3000 series, that a PAL nut be used as well.


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