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Fuel Flow, Basic- that does everything but dinner

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I am interested in a BASIC Fuel flow and totalizer.  What happened to the Hoskins FT101?  I am looking for simple...tell me what I'm burning NOW...tell me what I have left based on GPS and what I input as on board.  I am looking for LOW COST...How about UNDER $500 for a certified unit?...and also tell me about the over the top units as I am interested in hearing what is the best of the best...NOW.  If anyone has an FT101 laying around, or knows where I can find one.  I'm INTERESTEDWink

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The fuel totalizer is independent of a GPS or other nav device, but it will just tell you fuel flow, gallons used/remaining, etc.  If you do connect one to a GPS, then it can also tell you fuel required to the next waypoint or perhaps destination, do some extra flight planning, etc.  It is definitely nice to have both!

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I'm in the process of installing a JPI 830. I'll let you know how it turns out after I test run it this week sometime. While it's considerably more than $500, I was looking for a solution that would replace most of the old/outdated gauges in my bird, as well as adding quite a few that I was lacking. This has pretty much everything except for fuel level. It will give what you're asking for and then some. I'll post a few pics when I'm done.


9488V '70 E

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I have Hoskins FT-101 fuel flow system. I won't be using it since I scored a deal on an EI FP-5L. The Hoskins has a floscan transducer and a mounting bracket. I am told it was working when removed (from a Mooney), but I have never powered it up. Send me a PM if you're interested.


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Quote: KSMooniac

The fuel totalizer is independent of a GPS or other nav device, but it will just tell you fuel flow, gallons used/remaining, etc.  If you do connect one to a GPS, then it can also tell you fuel required to the next waypoint or perhaps destination, do some extra flight planning, etc.  It is definitely nice to have both!

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Part of the Rocket conversion to my old plane was the addition of a EI FP5. Very accurate and intuitive to use. I liked it much better than the stock unit in the MSE.

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Accurate fuel flow and total, any way you can get it will allow your heart rate to relax and lower stress all at the same time.  Accurate fuel gauges are nice too.  We are using the simple FT 101 (picture posted above by MJC).  It is not integrated into the JPI or GPS.  It would be nicer if it was.


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I had the JPI 700 with fuel flow and traded it in for the JPI 830 like George with his 70E. I will have it operational sometime later this week Will let you know how it works. I consider it to be the most important upgrade I could make bar none.



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I have my winner...EI FP-5L.  I was going to buy Mike's FT 101, but called to find price on a transducer (as they have a projected life san of 1,500 hours and this one is used) cough, >.4AMU...so guess I am getting a new unit that has GPS interface and gallons to destination...and matches my volt/amp EI unit.  A special thanks to Dan for info on Gulf Coast special.  Significantly LESS than Spruce right now...and noone beats Spruce when I have checked in the past.  Safe flying Memorial.  Heading to cottages (D25) Manitowish Waters, WI sans kids...with watchful grandma making sure house stays in tact.  BEAUTIFUL weather forcast in Midwest.

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Quote: scottfromiowa

I have my winner...EI FP-5L.  I was going to buy Mike's FT 101, but called to find price on a transducer (as they have a projected life san of 1,500 hours and this one is used) cough, >.4AMU...so guess I am getting a new unit that has GPS interface and gallons to destination...and matches my volt/amp EI unit.  A special thanks to Dan for info on Gulf Coast special.  Significantly LESS than Spruce right now...and noone beats Spruce when I have checked in the past.  Safe flying Memorial.  Heading to cottages (D25) Manitowish Waters, WI sans kids...with watchful grandma making sure house stays in tact.  BEAUTIFUL weather forcast in Midwest.

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One note about the FP-5L that may save you a little time and maybe money. The standard unit as it comes from the factory will NOT interface with a portable GPS AND output data to the EI data recorder. Basically, there are three I/O modes that set the baud rate and data protocol for both input and output, since they assume you'll want to do both with the same device. What I wanted is to input data from my GPS (requires mode 3) and output data to the data recorder (requires mode 1). It can be set up that way if you ask for it, so if you have the EI engine monitor and want your fuel flow data recorded with the engine monitor data, be sure you request it that way when your order it or you'll have to send it in and pay a $50 fee. I've been putting off doing it, because I just can't bear to lose the capability for even a little while!

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Ok, She's in....Looks great and works great...I'll make sure and take a camera with me and take some pictures....Just after I go take the full semester course on how to operate this thing....Laughing. We finished up last night and had Young eagles this morning so haven't really had enough time to sit there and play with the buttons and learn all the functions (of which there are many). I just left it alone and let it auto-cycle all of the functions. It works so well I confirmed a suspicion I've had for a few months now and discovered my oil temp has been running hot so now I've got other issues to deal with....will it never end....Anyway, I'll post some pictures later. For the moment know that this thing is Sweeeeet! BTW, exactly how many functions can be built into a unit that has only 2 buttons...Surprised




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Just back from a nice weekend in Northern Wisconsin at Cabins...80's over Memorial Weekend...and I'm 30 minutes from Upper Pennensula...!  Great to be sipping beverages on our flotilla with comfortable water temps.  Nice tail wind at 6500 gave us 160 knots indicated ground speed for whole return flight.  I flew full power and 2500rpm with ram air open and 50 degrees rich of peak...all cylinders at 300-325.  Looking forward to having Fuel flow...It's shipped and coming soon.  George, glad install went smoothly.  I run LOP a lot and am interested to see JUST HOW MUCH FUEL FLOW is reduced vs. reduction in speed.  Hoping to find a perfect balance of speed and flow in my plane...plus management of fuel remaining at a higher level.

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Just posted a couple of pictures of the 830. They're not very good, but you can see the size of it in comparison to the other gauges on my panel. I can still remove the Tach if I want, but I've already got several holes to plug. The FP/MP gauge is the only other gauge that I may remove. I'd like to keep the Fuel pressure as this is not part of the 830 (at least I haven't seen one yet). I may remove the tach; move the FP/MP gauge to where the tach is and move the 830 over to where the FP/MP is (just to the left of where it currently sits). Just some options I'm considering. The install was far from easy, There are alot of wires on this thing. Getting everything routed (especially the OAT) safely and where they will be effective was a chore. Drilling the holes correctly into the exhaust so that the wires clear the cowl side covers was also taken into consideration. Patience was the most important thing. I'll update as soon as I get used to getting the readings off of it and maybe take some in-flight photos.

More later.




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