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  1. Alright Mooney group bear with me, this may get a little long winded. New Pilot and even Newer Mooney pilot. So, i just finished my 15 hours to be checked off by insurance. I now have about 20 hours in my new (to us) 1967 F model. We bought it with about 25 hours on a new engine, and just completed our first oil change as well. Lots of firsts going on here. So, I am new to complex aircraft as well. When performing our run up we normally lean the mixture to best power similar to what we did in the 172. Run up to 1800 rpm, full forward on the prop, and slowly lean until power loss catch it and give a few extra turns once the power is back. Then we pretty much haven't touched the mixture on any flight. I played with it a little the other day in cruise, lowering it until it got rough and then adding it back in until it was smooth. Our checkmate checklist says cruise around 2600 rpm on the prop, but once setting the prop you cannot use RPM as a good lean indicator correct? Plus to add to complication our fuel pressure gauge is out (so I cant just put it at the bottom of the green) which would be running it efficiently correct? (Also new avionics coming in a couple months) So the only time I have tried to lean it in flight was in a cruise the other day I leaned it until it ran rough, then twisted it back in to run smoothly. Which the POH says don't lean the power above 75% power... but at full throttle I am sure I am above that. Did I hurt the motor? How on earth do you calculate percentage of power? Then there is the throttle. I figured on a brand new engine you wouldn't want to run it at WOT all the time due to wear on a new engine. But my CFI said run it full and manage RPM and Fuel flow with the mixture and prop, but my Dad (Airforce Pilot/commercial pilot of 30 years) said he would also be worried about wear on the engine, but thoroughly admitted I probably have more experience in a civilian airplane than him at this point. Ours is also turbo normalized as well, and all I have been told about it is to keep it below 28 MP. All of this has added a ton of confusion in my mind, so I went to the internet. Specifically another post on here: Which added even more confusion. I also realize I probably sound like an idiot, but I am okay with that if it helps me figure all this out by asking the experts. So to summarize my questions: 1) Is our best mixture practice during run up correct? 2) When leaning for efficiency, can you use RPM drop with a constant speed prop, fuel pressure indication, or leaning it until its rough then adding it back in? Which is correct or are all correct and some are just better than the other. 3) Is WOT the correct way to fly? Is the POH out of date as stated in the message board above. 4) Is 2600 RPM that the checkmate suggests the best cruise setting on prop? 5) Have I hurt the engine buy leaning with full throttle in and potentially getting over 75% power setting? 6) How on earth do you correctly measure % of power? (This one is probably easy but I am missing it) 7) Does any of this change when adding in the turbo? Thanks everyone!!! I know that is a lot to follow but any response, guidance, or videos would be much appreciated. Fly safe, The FNG
  2. Newbie question here. I have a 62 M20c, original A hub. 2 blade Hartzel. it was suggested during my recent oil change that it might be time to look at a prop overhaul. There has been some oil/grease seepage along the back side of the base of the propeller since i bought it 2 years ago. Not a lot but enough to be observable in the right lighting conditions. I've generally just wiped it off once a month or so. It's not really ever seemed to affect the operation of the propeller. My question is, what is usually involved with a prop overall? does it just look at the prop or do they get into all the workings in the spinner? Also, about how many AMU's does one usually go for? Thanks,
  3. Hey. Recently a good friend purchased a gorgeous 1963 Mooney M20C. Brand new paint job, 500 hours left on the engine, brand new prop. After picking it up, after an exhausting flight across the country in turbulent weather he wrecked it in a gear-up landing. For a gear-up landing it's in relatively good shape but the mechanic he talked to thinks his insurance will probably just total it, and he is, understandably, very overwhelmed and distraught at the thought that the plane he's been pursuing for months and saving up for for years might be done after just getting it home. Does anyone have any insight as to how to help lower costs and save his plane? As far as we can tell, he needs the belly panels replaced, definitely needs a new prop (2 or 3 blade is fine), and potentially will need to overhaul the engine. Everything else seems to be okay, and neither wing was damaged.
  4. Greetings all... On my last flight I experienced a prop overspeed and an inability to hold an RPM setting in cruise. This points to a sluggish oil pressure building in the prop. We pulled the prop and checked it visually, we pulled the prop governor and checked everything on the engine side of the governor, and then sent the governor out for an inspection, reseal and test. The prop shop said that the inspection didn't reveal any obvious flaws, they hope that the reseal will solve the problem I'm having. While I'm waiting for the governor to come back I'm considering doing the 1462A service instruction for leak testing propeller oil control (the plumbing from the governor to and including the prop.) The problem is that I have not found an economical source for the test plate the service requires; the only source I have found is Aircraft Spruce and they want $2700 for it. So I'm thinking of ordering two, you know, so in case I lose one. Does anyone on the Space happen to have one of these lying around the shop?
  5. Help! As mentioned in another thread, I've been facing prop overspeed beyond 2700 rpm red line - on the ground all seems fine but when airborn and oil gets warm the prop overspeeds (noticed 2 times during initial climb). I had governor overhauled but it did not solve the problem. So I did the test described in Lycoming SI 1462A and...it failed (I did it with engine at ambient temperature but I dont think it impacted the results anyhow). So, I got the prop dismantled and inspected plugs at the crankshaft end - seems like they both sit tight. Next, I machined tight plastic cap with gasket, bolted it to the prop flange and made Lycoming pressure test again - still no pressure buildup and distinc oil gurgling heard inside the engine case. Then, I disconnected hose delivering oil from the governor to front of the engine case, pluged the fitting in the engine case and supplied air pressure through the plastic cap bolted in place of the governor - also no pressure buildup and oil gurgling inside the engine :-( Any ideas what else I could check to find cause of the issue other than worn front bearing requiring splitting the engine?! Any suggestions more than wellcome! thanks in advance, Marek
  6. Had a weird issue with prop control on descent. Shortly after beginning my descent into KMLB, I lost power, followed by an extremely loud buzzing coming from the engine. Tach showed immediate rise to 2550, so I followed the prop overspeed checklist. Nursing the throttle, I found a sweet spot where I could barely hold altitude at around 100 kts. I was close enough to KMLB that I was able to declare emergency and safely land directly onto the runway. This buzz was loud enough that it was difficult to understand the tower over an ANR headset. Upon landing, checked airplane over, no oil anywhere on the bird, or dripping onto the ground, no grease on the propeller blades, and no loss of oil as I checked the oil quantity the next day. In fact the oil was freshly changed, and it still had the sweet honey color of fresh oil. I pulled the engine monitor data, and correlated it to the flight path. Here is what the engine monitor data showed. Oil Pressure- nominal, no change through the entire flight. Close look at the tach data showed variation in tack readings from 2480 to 2510 regularly over this leg. I don't really see any standouts when I review the engine data. When the incident occurred, there was a significant spike in revolutions to over 2550 rpms, but then returned to 2410. Going to the mechanic tomorrow. Suspect a leaking propeller piston, or flat spot in governor? Thoughts welcome. Especially the source of the loud buzz!!
  7. Hi. Does anyone have experience with 3 Blatt McCauley Propeller? In Schopp i was toiled that 3 blatt is better. Have to change from Hartzell 2Blatt. Thanks, Milos
  8. On a budget. Looking for a used prop for a 1964 Mooney M20C Engine O-360-A1D HC-C2YR-1BFP/F7497 didn't pass - still have spinner and backing plate.
  9. Anyone have an A&P or prop shop that they've used or could recommend to do the 100 hour Eddy Current inspection in the West Texas area? Thanks in advance!!!
  10. Buy a propeller with barely 700 hours for less than the cost of an overhaul! Includes propeller, hub, and spinner. Removed to install an STC to increase HP. Overhauled 2011 at 615 hours. Passed annual inspection in 2015 at 703 hours. Was removed about 1 month later. Complete logbooks. I will help arrange shipping (buyer pays shipping). Asking $2,250 or best offer.
  11. For sale: McCauley propeller B2D34C212 (square tips) Blades: 78CDA-4 Spinner Mooney P/N 680031-505 2750 TT 450 since reseal worked fine. I upgraded to a Hartzell Scimitar
  12. I am a serious buyer looking for either a two bladed Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF / F7666A or a three blade McCauley B3-D3-6C424 for my 1969 M20C. Thanks, Rob 512-986-3268
  13. For our '86 M20J, S/N 24-3011, based in Germany, we are looking for a 2-blade McCauley B2D34C214/90DHB-16E with electr. de-ice. The actual 3-blade MT Prop is ought to be replaced and we want to go back to the original version. Does anyone know somebody who could be of help (preferrably in Europe)?
  14. Hi Gang! I'm replacing my propeller and wanted to hear from the group on experience with Hartzell and McCauley, two and three blades. I'm told by my prop shop, the McCauley 3 blade is about as fast as the 2 blade and is not much more money. He says McCauley is easier to deal with too. What has been your experience. Thanks for the responses! Ron
  15. I hope all you deep thinkers will give me your opinion about this situation: About six months prior to this event I had replaced my engine and done all the extra bank account drainers that go with it. I had the prop (McCauley) and governer overhauled and the engine mount tested at the same shop. Forty nine hours and about six months later the prop froze at full (coarse) pitch while I was away from home. It cost me over $1600 plus travel and time to have the problem corrected. The overhaul shop and McCauley were very sorry it happened but felt no responsibility for my expenses.Since then the overhaul shop has sent me a check for $320. No, we don't know why it failed. However there were "a few" bits of chromium in the hub - and chromium was high in my latest oil analysis - done during annual one hour after the incident - the filter was also changed during the repair and no metal was found in it. If this engine (FOH IO-360 A3B6) has chrome rings it's probably not a problem. Should I be stuck with this bill? and, does this engine have chrome rings? I've omitted a lot of detail to keep this fairly short. Thanks for your thoughts. Sandy
  16. FOR Sale: Hartzell Top Prop and Composite Spinner including logbook and all accompanying documentation. For M20 A-G. TTSN 65.3 (2400 TBO) and in excellent condition. Installed in December 2015 and removed in Sept 2016. This prop was on our new-to-us M20E and was incredibly smooth for a two-bladed prop; there were / are no issues with it whatsoever. The prop's model number is HC C2YR 1BFP/7497 PRICE: $7450, shipping included (Lower 48). These kits can be bought new excluding shipping for about $9400 from Hartzell or $8400 from a dealer. The prop itself can be used on a J model but it appears a different spinner is needed. Please message me via this site or call (360) 281-7022 with questions or to request additional photos.
  17. Question for the propeller guys: just installing new top prop for M20E, the IO360 has the "K" type engine flange, and the prop supplied is "R" type; the manual and the Hartzell tech assure me that "R" can be installed on "K" flange in either mating position (180 deg) (and that in fact Hartzell does not even produce a "K" prop flange since the 1960's). I'm just looking for reassurance from some of you knowledgeable MS'ers that there is no known issue with having the one additional counterbored hole on the prop hub mated to a non-"drive-bushing" site on the engine flange. the old prop was HC-C2YK-1BF the new prop is HC-C2YR-1BFP thanks Joel 1964 M20E
  18. I'm a first time plane owner needing to gain some quick experience for some decisions that should be left for a more experienced Mooney owner. The plane is a 76 M20F and despite having a clean prepurchase evaluation completed last September I was told that I needed a new prop in addition to other work. ~$17k in total. Most or all of the grease in the hub has leaked out and much of it is on the inside of the prop spinner. The prop shop won't do a reseal because despite only having 680 TSPH it has been over 10 years. They also can't do an overhaul because the blades are not within overhaul spec. That leaves me needing new or used blades or an entirely new prop. I called 5 prop shops and none of them have access to used blades (F7666A2) and new blades with overhaul/assembly with my hub would cost between $10-11k (it has the new hub that doesn't require the AD - HCC2YK1BF). The new top prop was quoted at $9300. If I could find used blades I was told it would be about $8k. Where could I find used overhaul-able F7666A2 blades or would folks recommend I just go with the top prop?
  19. I'm looking for a McCauley governor for my 201 M20J. Part number is C209D5-D/T17 Mine is no longer usable so I'm asking if anyone knows where I can get one used or one that's rebuilt? Thanks
  20. It appears that I am going to need a prop reseal. I am in the desert SW between San Diego and Yuma AZ. Does anybody have any direct knowledge of Santa Monica Propeller? Does anybody know of another prop shop in the SW part of the country? A content search did not turn up very much. Dave
  21. McCauley polished spinner & one propeller blade for M20J for sale. Contact Mike at A.C. Propeller in Seattle. (800) 253-7556. I just bought new Hartzell to go on my factory re-built IO360.
  22. Rebuilt IO360 is on its way. Prop shop called & said one blade of the McCauley prop is not serviceable. I ordered a new Hartzell scimitar 2 blade. About $7,500 more than I was planning on.
  23. I've had my M20C about 6 months and had never flown behind a constant speed prop prior to this, so I don't know what's normal. After I level off for cruise, I usually set power at 23 MP, 2300 rpm. Then I futz around with trim and mixture for a bit. When I'm done with this, rpm usually reads about 2350, and then I pull it back again to 2300. It might drift up again to 2350 one more time, and then generally it stays put after pulling it back again. But yesterday I was surprised to notice it had come up to 2400 about an hour into the cruise during my scan- I may have neglected checking for a while, but it had never drifted so far off before. So to test the governor, I pitched up firmly and slowed to 120mph IAS. Then I pitched down and came up to 170mph IAS - 20 mph above my cruise IAS. The governor did its job and held 2300 rpm like a rock the whole time. My question is - is the amount of drift I am seeing in cruise concerning or in the range of normal? It has a Top Prop which was installed in 2011 but the last governor overhaul that I can find in the books was in '97.
  24. Wstairprop1


    Everyone always says Hartzell Hubs its a scam to change your hubs out, they never had a cracked hub. Well we found two this last week and here is a picture of what it looks like.
  25. I normally do not post, I want to let the aircraft owners know that in the last two weeks we have found two cracks in two different aircraft propeller hubs under AD 2009-22-03. Both had been inspected 100 hrs earlier and had shown no discrempencies. Not sure what to think, is it a vibration, time, age that these are just now showing up cracked. We had not had a hub cracked in 15 years so we are treating this very seriously.
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