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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. OK bonal. The Frenchman in me got fooled by your response. How do we clear fouled plugs before takeoff? Yves
  2. What is the correct procedure to clean fooled plugs on our Mooneys? When I need to do it, I never remember what it is. Yves
  3. Pierre, is this with or without the taxes? Yves
  4. OK folks... I have been holding off on this question I wanted to ask here for a while. This thread could be an opportunity to do it: Did anyone flying here have seen a UFO?
  5. Thanks Clarence. Yves
  6. Is replacing the pads something owners are allowed to sign off? I always did replace my brakes on my cars...do you also turn the rotors? Yves
  7. José, you are like me... an old dirty man... ok ok not too old but getting there. I am sure some of them are inflated.
  8. Some guys have tried to deflate hockey pucks to get an advantage over here but did not have much success. Yves
  9. Perhaps the pilot re-gained conciousness when reaching 12000, disengaged the autopilot but could not re-gain control of the aircraft due to weather? It would be difficult to be able to realize after waking-up that you have to switch the tank to get the engine to restart etc. Yves
  10. I think you can replace the hub only and keep the same blades? This might cost a bit less. This is what was done on mine. Yves
  11. After definitely looks better! Yves
  12. Thanks Andy for these hints about his book. I did not know he worked for Lockheed. Are there any details on which Lockheed aircraft he worked on? I am a fan of the Skunk works. Regards, Yves
  13. Check with Clarence on this forum. He is An MSC and I think he has the equipment. About an hour and a half flight from you. Yves
  14. C models are pretty cheap on gas. What is your cruise MP and RPM settings? Yves
  15. Planning a short flight after work today to celebrate that! Yves
  16. Bienvenue Brandon! Nice aircraft. Yves
  17. I fly to L.A. on labor day week-end with air canada. The other week-ends around that are possible. Yves
  18. We shall do it on your side of the border this time... to make this even. I am grounded right now... one exhaust stack is being overhauled in Edmonton by Acorn... found a crack when doing the oil change a week ago. Yves
  19. FĂ©licitations Mike. Are the birds going to Australia too? Yves
  20. I would also add to this a requirement for the drone to send telemetry with a unique ID. Airlines could have a receiver that will be connected to the black box, recording nearby drone activity. This would leave traces if something bad happens. Yves
  21. When I came back from Florida last January, I did cross inside that 60 miles zone oblivious to any requirement for training. I was on an IFR clearance though... and they did not ask me if I had the training. I did make sure I would not get in the SFRA though. Should't they put something on the maps telling people that this is required? This looks like eAPIS... serves no usefull purpose except gives jobs to some civil servants and make general people believe that the sky is secure because of that. Yves
  22. Are they using any encryption? If not it means two things: 1. It will be easy to clone (any Joe with computer / electronics background, like myself could get something up and running) 2. This opens potential for all kinds of bad things to happen if any Joe can mimic real aircraft data (use your imagination) Yves
  23. I have a RasPi card that I bought for a project that never materialized... tempted to make a set however being in Canada, there is no ADS-B in my area so cannot really test this. This thread (on the link you provided) has lots of posters and a lot of interest. This shows that there are more desperate CBs (like me) than we think. Yves
  24. Ned, can you email me that picture please (high res)? Looks like my aircraft made it in there too. Yves
  25. One suspect would be your C1 wire... maybe intermittent connection. See this: http://www.mglavionics.com/kb/article/AA-00208/0/Transponder-Gray-Code-Gillham-Code-Reference.html This bit could cause a 500 feet difference, could also be 400 or 600. Yves
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