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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a19202/heres-how-f-15s-practice-intercept-procedures-for-the-super-bowl/ Cessna's will be in check. No fouling around. Yves
  2. With the winds provided by carquick and this CADORS, it definitely looks like he did not choose the best runway to land (with runway 29 he had a small tail wind of a few knots). With a narrow and relatively short (3000 feet) runway if by any chance he came in fast, this would call for a go around. Looks like something went bad on the go around after he realized he was too fast. Yves
  3. I wanted to find out about any enquiry happening with this so I contacted the TSB president who I personnally know and here is her answer: From: Fox, Kathy Sent: January 27, 2016 4:34 PM To: Grenier, Yves Subject: RE: Mooney accident in Mascouche Dec 28th. Hello Yves, The TSB is not doing an investigation with a public report. We receive several thousand occurrence reports a year (in all modes where we have jurisdiction), and we can’t investigate all of them. We focus our efforts where we believe an investigation of a specific occurrence will advance transportation safety. In this case, the occurrence was classified as a 5, meaning we collect and retain information for statistical purposes. For privacy reasons, I can’t share specific details about this accident. I can tell you that, in general, we often provide assistance to a coroner following a fatal accident, if requested, and will also share what information we have with the next of kin. If there was a problem with a specific aircraft type, we would also issue a safety communication to Transport Canada or to the manufacturer for their awareness and action as appropriate. We are aware there is interest in the aviation community following an accident like this, and we are currently examining ways to get more factual information out to the aviation community while still respecting the privacy of individuals involved. I hope this clarifies the situation. Kathy Fox Présidente / Bureau du président(e) Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada / Gouvernement du Canada Chair / Office of the Chair Transportation Safety Board of Canada / Government of Canada
  4. Is the WD-40 chemistry compatible with the aircraft paint? Yves
  5. When you want to fly, you want to fly right? Welcome to north weather activities! Yves
  6. I agree with you and I said it before... the tail (specifically the fin) is too small. This will make spin recovery difficult... we'll see. Yves
  7. Thanks Erik. I knew about this one. I do know the owner a bit and know it is a better airplane. I will go through annual for now (going in next week-end). It is due for 10 year mandatory prop overhaul so it will be in the shop for several weeks. This will give me the time to think about all this. Yves
  8. Thanks KSMooniac, Erik and Beard for your comments and suggestions. I have not made my decision on this yet. There are so many variables that it makes it very complex. As Erik said, I own my C alone (while I wish I could find an appropriate partner to share expenses). The 201 I am offered the share on has a few more things that I wish I have on my C (such as an autopilot), better climb and speed at altitude... but it has a non-waas 430 which I would be missing since the C has waas. It is annual time for the C (and mandatory 10 years prop overhaul), so I will go through that first. There are so many pros and cons that it does not make it easy at all. I typically do long trips only once or twice a year. This is when I wish I could fly up tp 18 to 20 thousands above some weather. But the rest of the year, I am below 10 thousands. Beard, what is the service ceiling with the Bullet conversion? Thanks again. Yves
  9. I would like to revive this thread: I have the opportunity right now to acquire a share in a 201 which has the Bullet conversion. Of course I would need to sell my C since I cannot afford maintaining 1 1/2 aircraft. Before I make a decision on this I need to understand what are the risks associated with that turbo Mooney? I did some quick research and I read several comments that this is not good, stay away from it but very few detailed explanations on why? There are a few instances of turbo removals here and there but still no why? Is the service ceiling of the Turbo Bullet comparable to other turbos? How much is it? Are turbo parts available if something goes bad? Thanks Yves
  10. You have this in Foreflight: Open Foreflight, go to map, touch the location you are going. An add to route dialog will come up. Touch the "airports" box. The closest airport will be shown at the top within a list of airports. Click on the airport you want and it will put a dot on the map to show where it is. Yves
  11. Could be me I donated the day before yvesg@semo.ca yvesg

    1. mooniac58


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  12. The tail fin is too small... I am telling you. Yves
  13. I don't think the vertical fin /rudder have enough surface. This might prevent speedy spin recovery. Yves
  14. The funeral home detailed address is: Memorial garden Funeral complex Urgel Bourgie / Athos 2500, avenue des Perron Laval (Québec) H7J 1G5 For those who want to make donations, Mike and Alice Elliott have pledged to help his son Sean via the Bill Gilliland foundation (which is under the Mooney Summit). Here is the address and email: The Mooney Summit, Inc. 1334 Riverside Dr. Tarpon Springs, Fl. 34689 EIN # 47-4343940 Alice@inetconnection.com Yves
  15. A year ago I had to fly from KSYR to CYND while there were IFR conditions caused by snow showers along my route just east of Lake Ontario. It was around -10C on the ground and the forecast called for Icing above 3000. I filed and put this remark: Unable to fly above 3K, no de-icing equipment. I got the clearance I wanted. The flight went as planned, no ice accumulation along the route. I was always ready to turn back if needed however this did not materialized. Cloud base was a bit higher than 3000 but had zero visibility in snow showers. Yves
  16. Finally got some news from Houman's sister: Sean (Houman's son) got out of the hospital yesterday. I did not ask for all details of his wounds however she disclosed he had an ankle fracture and some scars. He is doing well. Yves
  17. Just got an email contact with a family member. Houman's funerals will be this coming Saturday in Laval Quebec. I will provide more details ASAP. Yves
  18. Not yet but I hope to have some soon. I just got the name of the TSB investigator. Her boss confirmed to me that she will contact me ASAP. Not sure how much she can disclose though. Stay tuned. Yves
  19. I called the hospital where Houman's son is supposed to be and they could not find him in their database. There are a few possibilities: He was released in the last few days OR He is still there under a different name (In Quebec, child can bear the last name of their mother or father or both). Since Houman was divorced, there is no easy mean to find his ex coordinates (Sean's mother) OR He is in a different hospital The hospital admin were not too cooperative to provide me with info since I am not a relative I will attempt getting a hold of the investigators on Monday. Stay tuned! Yves
  20. Just went to the hospital where both were transported after the accident. Sean has been transfered to another hospital on the 28th. This hospital is not around here. I will try to call ASAP. I have no info on his condition. I will keep you all posted when I have some news. Yves
  21. I am driving later today to the hospital where he is and try to have some news. Will advise. Yves
  22. The highway is a few hundread feet away from the runway. The aircraft was found south of the highway. Yves
  23. Thanks carqwick. One fellow mentioned on another forum he landed there at 4:30 PM and saw an aircraft on final runway 29 at around 5:05 after he drove out of the airport.
  24. According to this, if he used runway 29, he did not pick the right runway. Drapo says it was around 10 knots. Anything > 5 knots with such a short field would definitely require a go around. carqwick, do you have the winds at 2300Z? I recall wind picking-up here in the evening. Yves
  25. I know he was working on his IFR rating but have no clue how far he was in his training. The French article quotes someone who did fly with him (we could assume as his instructor) and believes he did something wrong on an attempted overshoot. I do land there from time to time and find it challenging with a crosswind on daytime. The runway is narrow and short. It was at night. We'll have to wait for the safety board report. Yves
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