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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. Airspeed is set to 120 knots for the Caravan. This speed is OK for all Mooney models. On Saturday we practiced a C model and a Rocket and did well. Yves
  2. Houman, what MB65E is referring to is lake water temperature... not air temp up at your altitude. If you ditch in that lake, the issue is hyportermia... so do it, if you need to, near a boat that can help you. I did cross it with my C at 8K and also 2K last summer... I was VFR at 2K and could not go above the deck. Yves
  3. This why I switch my tanks every half hour... Yves
  4. To have 10 minutes delay out of any RC pair means using a rather large electrolytic capacitor which has by definition large tolerance. I recall when playing with this that it was not that easy to make one fairly accurate but do you really care? The best would be one device that would start to flicker when approaching the 10 minutes (or whatever set limit) and if the button not pressed, would turn off... A bit like those car wash I use where you put 4 dollars for 3 minutes and have a last coin alert light turning on telling you to put more money in otherwise the whole thing is going to shut off. Yves
  5. 555 timer guys? Yves
  6. The safe, clever solution that does not cost much is the rubber band (elastic) trick... Yves
  7. Clarence, I made the calculation and even if you take into account the price you pay, the USD-CAD exchange rate... I believe fuel at $4.99 a gallon from Basler will be cheaper than your discounted price... or at least be very close. Yves
  8. Joker, I see you are also member of the CB club. Welcome. Canada is screwed again... no package available below $50 a month which amounts to $65 CAD... and this regardless of getting a marine or aviation package. Yves
  9. Thanks for all comments. I will load the app and try it. Most comments suggest a positive experience compared to cabs. The noise I hear from France and other areas where they don't want that competition remind me a lot of situations we lived in my province where some unions would fight (use force) to keep their cartel alive. The market is talking. I agree that taxes are required to keep social programs viable however there are limits. Where I live we have reached this limit. When you take a cab, about 1/2 is going in all kinds of goods and services taxes and income tax. Rendering this service illegal will just create a black market. I will forge my opinion in more detail when I try it. Cheers Yves
  10. Good to know Byron. So are you planning to show-up (and with Becca I hope)? Yves
  11. There is no expiry date on this coupon. Someone shall print cut and walk to Jerry and redeem this :-) just to see their face. Yves
  12. Maybe I should do that too. Currently Software Quality Analyst. My son just got hired at Toyota as a car sales person. Lets see how soon he can make more than me! Yves
  13. For reader's information, I flew Ned to Clarence's shop yesterday. Ned should retrieve his Mooney today. Now he needs to pamper this fixed engine and prop. Yves
  14. Check if the pitch control is slowly rotating. Mine does that because someone did lubricate it too much. if this is your problem, the solution is to prevent it from turning with something like an elastic. Yves
  15. When stuck on an airport with no one (and no courtesy car), which is often what is happening here in Canada, the only option is often a cab... until recently when Uber started operating. As a member of the CB club, I have always found those cab rides quite expensive. Uber seems to offer a cheaper alternative... but I have to admit I have not used it yet. The reaction I see from the cab industry worldwide makes me think that Uber is hitting them hard... which could potentially help users like me who often are gouged for short runs that should cost only half of what they ask for. I believe this recent court ruling will re-align things: http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/NewsAlert+Ontario+court+sides+with+Uber+legal+battle+with+City/11187119/story.html Could recent Uber users provide some feed-back on their experience and how much savings are possible? Yves
  16. If you arrive Thursday, it will be difficult to park with the group... this is the day I usually depart. If I recall right, around Wednesday the marshallers will do a round of filling the vacated spaces and this is when we see a bunch of Cessnas and Pipers among the Mooneys. Yves
  17. About two years ago, the mechanic who re-installed the controls after a paint job notified me of cracks on the passenger side tire. I gave the go ahead to fix it. He did not ask if I recall right to replace the tube too. But being an honorary CB club member, I would probably have said... if it is still good just keep it there. 4 weeks ago I went to the aircraft and guess what... that side was down... tube had cracks... it is pay me now or pay me later. Yves
  18. To see where we were parked last year, click on the following link (warning: this is a large file, might not work on tablets). Note that this is a Google image from a few years back... we don't see Mooneys there. The tent was where the red X is. Yves http://www.reseaumenage.com/CFQKM/photos/oshkosh_parking.jpg
  19. Nice picture John... by all means :-) My son lives near you... I'll get in touch when we go visit... currently planned for beginning of September. We also love dogs... we own two beagles. Yves
  20. FLIBs?
  21. Where did you get the pink ear muffles? Yves
  22. David, all you have to do is to get in your plane Sunday morning at around 11 AM and taxi westbound... this is when the caravan shall arrive and you will be parked near us for sure. Marshallers will have no clue you were not just arriving. Yves
  23. Cyril, you are giving me the chills here... isn't it the summer in TO too? Yves
  24. The answer is not simple. The other Mooney is a 252 (I think) with known icing worth at least twice my C. The reason I need a partner is because I cannot justify the expenses for the flying I am doing. Being 50% owner of the 252 would not decrease my equity (dollar wise) which is a problem for me. The operating costs of that bird is probably not twice as much as mine but I am sure more than what I pay now. The current owner is willing to split shares further however I only spoke to him once so far... not completely closing the door. My C is right for my kind of flying at this point and I am not in a rush situation to find a partner so we'll see what life will bring us. Yves
  25. The panel was done about 10 years ago and I was not directly involved so I have no clue about the tilt requirement. The DG is somewhere between 10 and 12 inches deep IIRC. If you absolutely need it I will bring a tape and measure next time I am at the aircraft. Yves
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