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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. Thanks for the clarification Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I certainly never claimed that - just that the one I talked to Saturday (at an FAA class I took) said controllers much prefer to get people off of the airways since it makes for better separation. But if you prefer to stack people up on the 1950's airways and cause people to burn more fuel than letting them go direct more power to you. By the way is there anyone on mooneyspace you haven't argued with yet . . Lol? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That's strange, an air traffic controller told me that two days ago
  4. They love it when you can go direct and free up the airways - makes separation a lot easier for them.
  5. You can still file /G as long as you have an enroute approved IFR GPS without current databases as long as you have current paper or electronic charts. You just cannot shoot a GPS approach without a current database. from the Garmin 400/430W manual: Yes, you may file your flight plan as /G if your 400W-series unit is an authorized IFR installation. The 400W series is a TSO C146a Gamma-3 (Class 3) authorized GPS navigator. If you are flying en route, you may file /G with an expired database only after you have verified all route waypoints. Approaches may not be flown with an expired database. See your approved Airplane Flight Manual Supplement for more information.
  6. I've done it with a Stratus.
  7. Foreflight 9.1 and beyond definitely supports it. Go to this post and read through it and it will walk you through it http://forums.avidyne.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=1319&title=foreflight-91
  8. My mistake I thought we were talking about this thread: The soon to be approved nav lights alone don't allow you to remove the strobe power supplies - you have to go with the 6502 Whelens to do that.
  9. Power Supplies in the wings and tail can go. Oops . . . corrected below.
  10. Please tell us more about the $5 bulb and how to get it to pulse.
  11. Never heard of it. Only Aspen has it as a software add-on.
  12. Yes I have. Do you have WiFi enabled on your 440? If so you can use local WiFi from the IFD440 to connect directly to the ipad and then transfer flightplans back and forth. If you have a Stratus 2 or 2s you can put the IFD440 in Remote WiFi using the Stratus as a hotspot. I came over from Garmin Pilot to Foreflight recently so I use my bluetooth to connect Foreflight to my Garmin GDL 39 3D for AHRS, weather and traffic (I also have the Skytrax 100 connected to the IFD 550). Then I use the WiFi Local connection as described above. This may help: http://forums.avidyne.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=1319&title=foreflight-91
  13. You may be right, it could be a replacement for the G500, maybe touchscreen like the G3X, but their GDU software on the G500/600 is into the 7's now (7.12 is the last I've seen).
  14. You guys are overthinking this . . lol. I have always put the Kool Scoop on just as it was designed (double stick tape mounted on the window so you can use the built-in hinge) and (1) I don't have to look for a place to store it, (2) I still use the sunscreen with no problem on that window and (3) in 24 years of using a Kool Scoop on a Mooneys, it has ever scratched the plexiglas window.
  15. As you're shopping, the 1999 (somewhere in '99 they made the change) to 2004 Ovations and all Eagles had Moritz engine gauges (see picture #1). They showed digital and analog and were very accurate, which sounds nice, however the indicators start failing one at a time. The Mooney parts book says you can't replace just one gauge at a time but you have to replace the entire assembly. Budget in some money to recut the panel and replace those with a JPI EDM930 or 900 or an EI MVP50. This gets expensive since you'll probably do a few other upgrades while everything is out. I had a 2000 Ovation where the previous owner had done all that and by the time he was done had spent about $40000 (new panel, 2 Aspens, JPI 930, standby electric gyro, etc, etc - see picture below of the way it was when I bought it). I'm glad he did it instead of me, however panel upgrades are personal and everyone would do them a little differently. You may look at an Ovation where all of the Moritz gauges are working now but it's only a matter of time since there is no support by the company who made the gauges. I've seen ones where they pulled the Moritz gauges and went with a JPI or EI and just put a blank there to match the panel, but you are giving up a lot of panel space, you're better off just recutting the left panel. These are still great airplanes but on these model years this will have to be addressed by the present owner or you. On the bright sight most of the Ovations in these years had a KFC225 autopilot which is the best of the King autopilots that were put in Mooneys.
  16. The ones he is looking for are the fully articulating versions that adjust up and down, etc.
  17. Try this: GTX335and 345 Installation Manual Rev 3-1.pdf
  18. Looks great Kevin!
  19. These were bought new in 1998 and only used when back seat passengers were along. The rest of the time they were on the shelf in the closet inside the house, so they are perhaps the most pristine Bose Series II headsets on the planet . . lol. They came with Lemo plugs PLUS they have Twin General Aviation Plug adaptors with Battery Packs, so they should work in any General Aviation airplane. Batteries were only put in when we took back seat passengers so no battery leaks in the battery packs. The seals and inside ear foam are like new and I'll include two new mic covers. The Bose cases are original and are like new. (Years ago the battery door broke on one Battery Pack and was replaced with a superior PilotUSA battery pack with has an Auto feature for longer battery life.) SOLD
  20. The mags seem to be the weakest point on our airplanes - especially with pressurized mags on turbo airplanes and the harsh environment they work in. They are being pressurized with hot bleed air. The heat and the moisture really shortens the life. http://www.aviationpros.com/article/10388584/magnetos-under-pressure http://www.ramaircraft.com/Maintenance-Tips/Pressurized-Magnetos.htm https://www.avweb.com/news/savvyaviator/savvy_aviator_43_high_altitude_misfire_194870-1.html
  21. Gently used Stratus 2 with AHRS can be used with Foreflight.One short and one long usb power cable. Plastic snap-in holder.Rubber non-skid mat - never usedManual, original box, receipt.New $899 + shipping. $450 shipped to U. S. address. PayPal to friends and family.
  22. The wing walk is not that hard. Getting the old stuff off is easiest with a heat gun and plastic scrapers. I used a couple of pieces of poster board and made a template with the old wing walk on. Then I ordered 6 feet of this: http://www.kofflersales.com/p/anti-slip-abrasive-tape.asp?cid=23 For about $40 plus a little time you can have brand new wing walk. If yours in in good shape, just faded, mask it off and hit it with flat black paint. It'll look new when you're done.
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