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Everything posted by 1964-M20E

  1. Doc It's not that hard to get to look it is right out there in the open.
  2. Looking at Google Maps taking off to the NW you will have about 2900' from the fence to the trees and to the SE you will have 2500' to the fence / road. What way do the winds blow most of the time? I think it is doable but at times you may be pushing it and if you were to have a problem on take off (with any plane) you are in the trees. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Salmon+River+Airfield/@41.5897292,-72.4432079,1094m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89e6421cd4dc9509:0xafd80a6242e3c80d!2sColchester,+CT+06415!3b1!8m2!3d41.5756728!4d-72.3320051!3m4!1s0x89e6441a37571d3f:0x906a5c9e3ee60761!8m2!3d41.5895431!4d-72.4423081
  3. Clean it well and apply a dry type silicone or Teflon lubricant. I found this to be the best way. Use some mineral spirits and spray on the tube and wipe clean let it dry and apply dry type spray lubricant.
  4. All that for a plane that keeps the training wheels on.
  5. What view do you have inland or gulf? That will make difference. You have $195 for Friday and Saturday and Thursday is $145 correct? My rate at 189 per night is for Friday and Saturday which is usually higher anyway. So it would seem that the summit pricing is still slightly less.
  6. I'm not sure what type of room you are getting by a gulf view, balcony with 2 queens at the "summit rate" is $189 +taxes. I did that back in June. I might be upset if they giving lower rates for same type of room now. Just looked on the site for same type of room it is more than the summit price even with AAA discount. Your Room Information: 2 QNS GULF BALC MIC/FRG NS Rooms: 1 Guests: 2 Adults Check In: Sep 28 4:00 PM Check Out: Sep 30 11:00 AM Your Plan Information: Mooney Summit Rate per night : 189.00 USD Total for Stay per Room Rate: 378.00 USD Taxes: 49.59 USD Total: 427.59 USD Total for Stay : 427.59 USD
  7. ohhhhhh multiple choice. I always go with C. Using the ILS for the runway you are assigned helps too once the needle is centered. I've been flying along to one airport on my left and about to pass the center line because I see another airport straight ahead in the distance that I think that is the one I am flying to. ATC calls out Mooney ..3Q the airport is 9 o'clock 5 miles turn anytime you feel like it. Oh yeah I was just lining up with the a a center line Mooney ..3Q thanks That wasn't the first time and probably will not be the last at least it was corrected before landing. We like to think we are out there and it's all us but many times it is a team effort.
  8. Not when bleeding it and I do not think I have ever had a pedal in anything so solid that you could not depress it some, but he did say the pedal will go all the way to the floor. So I humbly reconsider my suggestions above and it could be the left master cylinder with a busted o-ring inside it. Just might be time to replace all the o-rings in the master cylinder.
  9. Possibly the caliper piston is stuck? I'd pull the caliper off and replace the O-ring. A good cleaning and new O-ring should take care of things. Also if the pads are thin I'd replace them as well. One word of caution bleeding the system after this is time consuming mainly because the bleeder fitting is located on the bottom of the caliper. None of the things are difficult if you are working with your A&P. I changed both flexible brake lines in the wheel wells, brake pads and o-rings this past annual. Like I said bleeding the system was the most challenging and I used a pressure pot to force fluid into the system. The other option is possibly an air bubble in the left side that needs to be bled out. When bleeding the brake lines crack fittings along the way from the front to the rear loosening when the pressure is on and then tightening before the peddle is let to return to it's normal position.
  10. I'll also take a stab at the lawyers who make their living chasing every little problem and looking to blame some else. In some instances they are justified but the appearance in many is it just a $$$ chase.
  11. Electric powered does have some advantages like the motor is not affected by DA. You can get maximum power for takeoff. I think methanol fuel cells if they can be small enough and light enough to replace our current engines and electric motors up front would make a good combination. Or, dreaming here, a futuristic energy module the size of car battery that can power the electric motor (LYC 200HP equivalent) for 6 hours. I really think if the FAA stands aside some type of hybrid would become available. 150HP turbo charged engine with a 50HP electric motor boost and batteries that can power the motor for up to an hour. Utilize the electric motor during takeoff and climb, in cruise the 150HP gasoline or diesel engine running at max rated power and efficiency propel the plane and recharge the battery. The electric motor would even be helpful with an engine failure enabling you to extend glide to make an airport for a safe landing.
  12. Warp engines will be the thing by then. A cross country flight will be to Pluto. Just where did I put that plasma injector during the last annual? Wonder how the old Mooney would perform with a Warp engine??
  13. Great but hang onto the PTT and stuff in a convenient pocket in the plane. If your integral PTT button deices to fail you can always go back to this. I've had issues with PTT buttons before. I've even had to plug into the co-pilot side and use that PTT to communicate.
  14. Compass is a tool to set the DG after that it is not looked at. When being vectored use track on GPS this may not be right but unless you are dealing with 20+kt winds 90 degrees to your path the track is usually not that far off from the assigned vector. Just guessing but within 10 degrees. If you have total electrical failure and no GPS, VOR available and you need the compass for a general heading it will work fine. First airport you see land and deal with NORDO issue and move on.
  15. Dan My suggestions is to learn and get you IR with your existing equipment. Yes it will be harder but at the end of the day you will get a very good training and handling the plane. While you are getting the IR plan you new panel and gather up the $ to make it happen. Some of the lower cost AP alternatives maybe available then once you are done. Also work out with your instructor and your safety pilot to be your AP at certain times. Learning to deal with all the issues and control the plane without an AP is very valuable. Even if you had a functioning AP you should use it very sparingly while getting your IR. JMHO
  16. Well I do owner assisted maintenance and annuals and I've had an E and an F for the past 8 years and I think the most expensive year was with the E model when I replaced the exhaust system, control rod ends ect. and that was about 7 to 8AMU and by far the most expensive annual and year as well as my first year of ownership. This year is probably the second I have replaced a number or things on my F. Now I did spend many AMUs on upgrading to the IFD540 and APX322 remote ADSB transponder a couple of years ago but that was an upgrade not repair or maintenance. I was not there but you said you had an issue with a stuck oil ring on one cylinder. Why did you replace the other 3 cylinders? There was a possible 6 or 8 AMU savings there. Finally , if I understand correctly you spent $9k on new Lycoming cylinders (sounds about right) and another $8k for the install? $8k for the install equates to about 80 hours of shop time that does seem very high to me. Again I was not there but that would make the savings on the 3 cylinders right about $13.5k
  17. Which part of Ohio? New Orleans is in range, Destin, FL KDTS , Panama City KECP, Gatlinburg, Petit Jean St Park in Ark KMPJ, Savannah GA KSAV many on the list
  18. Yes she will have to sit outside for a month but she was bad that's her punishment. A little time out never hurt anyone.
  19. Contact LASAR they are not that far from you.
  20. I'm not totally familiar with the specifics but in general if you fly anywhere mode C is required today you will need ADSB out and I believe above 10,000 feet. I'm not sure if IFR makes any difference. I already have ADSB out so I'm not that overly concerned with the specifics. There are several add on options currently on the market and some coming to market for certified aircraft. I'm sure others will chime in soon. Search on the site there are many threads about ADSB. Also talk with the shop you plan on having install the ADSB equipment they can probably give you some suggestions. I have been hearing that some shops are getting busy in anticipation of 2020.
  21. Leave the step or convert to the retractable step the the older models have. However, I don't think conversion is possible. As for lookie loos I have been quite curious of the interior of many planes but I guess being an owner and pilot I will not step on a plane and generally not even touch the windows to get a better view unless invited. I used to go to many cars shows in the past same rules apply.
  22. I don't have any problems reaching the J-bar with the shoulder belt on but I do need to take it off to reach the fuel selector.
  23. Wow sorry to hear that. I don't know what is worse the pencil whipping an annual with corrosion like in another thread (if that is the case) or what you you said here. I'm not sure what I would have done but one could always let the IA tell you to remove the shoulder belts every year.
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