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Everything posted by 1964-M20E

  1. Well I spent the afternoon putting on my Plane Power alternator kit. Still not done. The existing belt on my plane 37"x1/2" is about 1" too short causing the alt to hit the oil line for the prop not good. So i adjusted the alt down about 1/2" and that should work. So I am obtaining a 38x1/2" belt. I had to trim the baffles on the front to allow enough travel for the alt. The alternator is larger diameter than the generator. Still workng on where to install the switch, and light. Anyone need a relativly new zeftronics regulator? along with a core for the generator.
  2. Mind does not have one either.
  3. Where did you get your vents from? I would like to add one to the pilot's side on my 64E model.
  4. Installing the Plane Power alt conversion in my 64E model tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes. My gen quit two weeks ago I changed the burshes only to realize I had two windings that were open two saturdays and a sunday spent on this.
  5. I'd like to see more on this as well. I want to replace my wing tip lights with 3 in 1 LEDs (Nav, position, strobe) and maybe LED tail light with strobe. How can we legally get rid of the rotating beacon (speed brake)?
  6. I'd focus on the regulator and the wires between the two regulators. You may have abad coupling but I'm not sure if that would cause the output of the good alternator to go down.
  7. Thanks I’ll find out if the existing belt will work my new Plane Power alternator kit should arrive tomorrow. I worked it out with my mechanic so that I can install.
  8. I'm no expert but assuming with dual alternators you have dual regulators you have two independent systems with the wire back to the battery being common. You say that when you turn off the left alternator the voltage goes up. When running just on the right alternator is your voltage is maintained above 13.5V? Did you try running just on the left alternator only to see what happens? It may be in the paralleling circuit on the voltage regulators. Double check the settings and jumpers on each regulator if any. Were you experiencing this before the engine work?
  9. Jet-A does not contain lead so it is not affected but that does not help us piston boys.
  10. I would like to get some opinions on the planed phase out of 100LL. Several thoughts: 1. The small amount of lead put in the air by GA is so small compared autos in the 50's and 60's and early 70's it is not enough to worry about and the EPA should just leave us alone 2. Any replacement for 100LL should drop in without modifying our beloved airplanes and should be the same cost or less than 100ll today 3. If the possible replacement cost per gallon is as rumored upwards to $10 that would definitely kill GA. 4. At $10/gal rate for short local flights I think I would time the mags at 18 degrees BTDC and run premium UL buying the expensive stuff only when absolutely necessary. 5. Finally we need to be vocal to our legislators on this issue.
  11. Thanks That was one thing I was concerned with. However, after reading in the maintenance manual how to remove and reinstall the prop does not seem like that big of a deal but if it is not broke don't fix it.
  12. Dave Did you have to replce the belt with the plane power conversion? I'm looking at the conversion on my 64 E model now. My gen gave it up last week MLU to NEW and I have the Zeftronics regulator.
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