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Everything posted by flyboy0681

  1. This is awful news. I have flown with Gary on many occasions, both in his "J" and mine. I always learned something from him and he was always a willing participant to fly as safety pilot while I was doing my instrument rating, just as long as I picked him up at his home drome. One last thing guys, as embarrassing and uncomfortable as it may be, get your PSA checked and a prostate exam done at once a year.
  2. Just curious about something, given that Mooney's are handmade, how did the replacement door fit on the first pass?
  3. Well, next years military budget about to be signed by the president totals nearly a trillion dollars, so it must be going toward something. Talk about "unfathomable".
  4. Are the Saudis still using the AWACS we sold them way back in the 80's?
  5. Maybe it's located in the back of the cockpit as it is on DC-9's?
  6. As predicted, fuel prices have come down since this original thread. I paid $2.90 at the gas station today and I can get 100LL for $4.73, $4.42 if I feel like traveling a little.
  7. I meant CO but auto correct inserted the dos.
  8. I beg to differ, especially since Disney announced price hikes at the parks last week and that a one day admission to The Magic Kingdom will cost $189 on some high demand days. My first trip to Disneyland was back in 1977 and a ticket book, which covered admission to the park itself, cost $8.00. I'd much rather pay a 'la carte than prix fixe.
  9. Finally remembered to take a picture while on the ground. Replacing the dim incandescent with a bright LED has made the task of checking the gear so much easier.
  10. I was 120 miles south and this is what it looked like. I was able to watch it until Mission Control stated that it was 450 miles downrange.
  11. When I sent out inquiries last year to three weighing services, each one replied that their method calls for filling the tanks.
  12. True the LED is very bright, but a quick glimpse will confirm whether it's illuminated or not. Years ago I had an issue with the Gear annunciator light and looking down during daytime didn't help the situation since the floor bulb was so dim. Now there's no doubt, and if it's too bright for night flying, it can be easily covered.
  13. Excellent footage of rare helos, but would have been a great time to hold the phone horizontally.
  14. I have the same 3 degree issue between the same two probes and explanations given here on MS mention that the Garmin probe "may be" calibrated to account for ram rise while cruising. Also, where the two probes are located can have a significant impact on the readings.
  15. Of course the A&P could have been watching this thread and decided to get ahead of the situation in order to avoid some really bad feedback from MSers. But he did do the honorable thing. Just my 2₵
  16. I wish you were available. Finding a good, local shop with the exception of Premier is very difficult down here.
  17. Footage of some airports in the hurricane zone show a lot of aircraft carcasses. Brace yourself for next years insurance renewal.
  18. I'm surprised you have the ground speed displayed on the ADI's miscellaneous field instead of wind direction and speed.
  19. This little device changed my life. No longer do I fight with the unit to download the data. Worth every penny because no longer do I have to take my laptop to the hangar.
  20. Mooney's retraction is sexier.
  21. She's beautiful. The girl ain't bad either.
  22. There is a lot of truth to what you said. I have had to buy two cradles in the last seven years.
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