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Everything posted by flyboy0681

  1. Yes, short arm, but your mileage may vary of how low/close you want the iPad to come out.
  2. Those four components are what you need for a Mini and are what I use. Here is what my mount looks like.
  3. A few weeks ago a Malibu careened into a 172 at North Las Vegas, killing all aboard both aircraft. The Malibu was given an overhead entry for a landing onto runway 30 Left, and the Cessna was doing work in the pattern and was cleared for 30 Right. The Malibu acknowledged three times that they were cleared to land on Three Zero Left, yet the pilot turned out and lined up with 30 Right. While the whole event was really, really sad, what's even sadder is looking at the wreckage of the Malibu. The entire passenger cabin was left intact, looking very survivable. I guess there were tremendous forces at work.
  4. All excellent points.
  5. While on the subject, my JPI OAT does not agree with the CHT and oil temperature probes when I walk into the hanger first thing, as it's off by 3 degrees. The other probes are within 1 degree of each other,. Would it be acceptable to adjust the OAT downward to match the others?
  6. I thought I was replying to the OP.
  7. That's just it, all of your suggestions were followed.
  8. I attempted to place the ADI through a heading calibration and when I pressed the Start button to proceed with the process, I keep getting the message "Invalid motion" and it won't countdown to the first move. No matter what I do or what heading I taxi into, it keeps giving me this error. Any ideas?
  9. I see you are based in Ormond Beach. I would encourage you to attend some of the monthly Florida Mooney luncheons, which are held on the second Saturday of the month. Lots of knowledgeable people with a wide assortment of Mooney's parked on the ramp. The next one is this coming Saturday at KOBE at 11:30. It's always a good time. To get on the mailing list, contact Dave: daveanruth@aol.com
  10. That will buff out.
  11. After my harrowing (and horrifying) experience with runaway trim a few years ago, I always place my hand on the wheel to make sure that it stops.
  12. I find mine to keep things a bit cooler in the summer. My only complaint is that they are so thick that it takes a little effort for me to slip my hand between the seats to get to the trim. I suppose I could somehow shave the wool in that area, but I'm not quite sure how to.
  13. One of those low wing Cessna’s
  14. I noticed the plane is tied down with ropes and the right wing has slack in it but the left one is taut. Could the movement have caused the rope to become so tight that it placed pressure on the wing?
  15. What's the story with the engine instruments? Even though the master is off and the key out, the tach is still showing 2,550, the CHT is at 1,400 as well as fuel pressure and tank quantities. Do these gauges "freeze" at their last known measurement?
  16. Same here. I live near Jose and have visited his electronics "lab" in his home many times. He's the consummate story teller and he always had me asking for more. One of my favorite was told to me by a mutual friend.. the two were flying Jose's J model down to Puerto Rico and one of the (I think) KX-155 radios stopped working. Jose contorted himself and got under the panel and when didn't find a problem with the antenna or wiring, pulled the radio out of the rack, opened it up and used a portable soldering iron to fix a circuit.
  17. I fit in perfect at 5'4", 135 pounds. But all kidding aside, the last thing I care about, as mentioned in the video, is finely stitched Italian leather.
  18. All of the points here are well taken, but it's moot now since the relays are installed and the gear now retracts and extends 100% of the time, something it wasn't doing. Since my partners and I collectively have six left thumbs, building one even from plans would not have been an option, and when I learned that we needed the relays I searched here on MS for a solution and nobody was volunteering to build one. Then it would have had to been installed, which I don't believe is that straightforward since the instructions for the one that we did purchase called for removing the passenger seat and drilling holes in the floor for the mounting bracket. In other words, it didn't seem to be a simple swap in and out of the two units.
  19. Wouldn’t such a repair require an official signoff in the logbook for removal of the old unit and installation of the new? Would an A&P even sign his name to a home made device?
  20. The assumption is that we have the technical wherewithal and time to construct such a device. I can see the post crash report now, "Inflight fire caused by use of Chinese relays placed inline of landing gear circuit which shorted out and self ignited".
  21. My partners and I are strictly by the book.
  22. I just replaced the relay pack last month. Lasar orders it from the factory and the factory is quoting a 6 month lead time. I called around the country to MSC' with no luck. My last call was to a local MSC at KFXE and they had one on the shelf. The shop (Premier) is ten miles away from me and when I was told they had it, I rushed immediately to pick it up. The assembly was $2,400 and installation another $1,400. Yes expensive, but it was an AOG situation because the gear system was totally inoperable.
  23. To get SIRIUS weather you'd need to get a GDL 69 installed.
  24. From my perspective, the worst storms are the ones that form right under your feet. They don't appear on any radar, yet they popup almost instantaneously because the conditions are just right in the space that you happen to be occupying.
  25. I need them for a J model, sorry, I should have mentioned that.
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