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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Asking a bunch of people that have never seen or looked at this plane or the logs is pointless.... It could be great , it could be crap.....Take a look at it , look at the logs , and if warranted get an experienced IA to do a prebuy......Any other advice or info from someone that has not seen or touched or smelled this plane is sheer idiacy....... Except Jose' stating not to buy it cause its older than him.....That is a valid reason.....
  2. The airplanes are fine , and so are their owners....If you met Peter Garmin , you would hate all Mooney owners too !!!!!!!!! Help me Chris 1111
  3. So whats with the petty jealousy over the Cirrus owners????
  4. If you are worried about an emergency backup , but don't want to spend , The Stratus2 AHARS is a nice thing to have....About as legal as the Ilevel , and has the benefit of weather , TFRs , obstacles traffic etc etc..... Its a great box to have.....All in about 1200 including the Ipad...
  5. The Strat is pretty cool too..
  6. The C.A.P.S. is the Shiznit!!!!!
  7. What does this have to do with the crash in Mass .... Oh yea , NOTHING , a catastrophic engine failure is what it is ..... A tragedy.....
  8. Will fit all Mooneys , same wing means the only difference SHOULD be the scale ...
  9. I'm getting a sick feeling in my stomach , That plane looks Familiar...
  10. Probably safe to double your costs and then split by the number of partners.... Fuel , systems , insurance , training , etc...... Also it will be a big transition if done correctly , also very rewarding..... Good luck...
  11. Anyone going to AC , might want to fly with Chris , I flew with him to Easton this year and he really taught me a lot about how I fly , Not so much as an instructor from the right seat , but with an EXTENSIVE debrief afterwards , he lives near AC and I felt like I learned a lot....
  12. Not sure about , but to have ADSB out , the tray MUST be changed.....The WAAS position info is fed to the 74 through a separate connector not on the old tray...
  13. There are also some servo cans , about three times the size of the wing servos..
  14. No install manual , lots of servos , but not the Baro sensor..
  15. Selling Brittain components Make offers , These are very rare.... Alan 856 419 5209
  16. Selling 430W with tray and antenna first $$$$ gets the unit , Alan 856 419 5209....
  17. There is no way you are insured (as a driver) unless you have a commercial policy , I believe this will be short lived in its current form....This will also drive up the cost of cabs , and the Uber will follow suit....
  18. The 700 can be ordered up with almost all options available , it is a great unit , and JPI is great for service , and they have been around practically forever , (so has insight) the nice thing about the 700 is it fits in a small hole , so no panel mods required , It also affords cheap upgrade paths when you want to upgrade in the future......If you choose the 700 , leave an extra 18 inches of the harness in a loop , so if you upgrade in the future and want to move it , you wont have to buy the 300 dollar extension harness.......I started with a 700 , and upgraded it to a 830 ....
  19. Chris's girls have bigger boobs
  20. Spoke to the owner , and because he won it in a giveaway where he was one of the cosponsors , He said it wouldn't sit well with him to sell it....
  21. I was at If I remember correctly Santa Monica , waiting for the Van to take me out to the Sanyo Airship.....At that moment my wife threw a hissy fit because she and my daughter would have nothing to do for 45 minutes....I suggested she take my daughter to lunch....She was having none of it....I gave away my ticket....and watched the Sanyo van drive out to the Sanyo airship......I swear everytime I looked up for the next hour , I saw that blimp mocking me......Its still a sore spot 10 years later...
  22. You hit the nail on the head , If it needs a main board , and has not had the waas upgrade , you will have to upgrade.....
  23. I think the point was lost here , if I am reading the OP correctly , he wants to know if he can put an electric gear retract rod in a manual gear plane....the answer is probably , if not I have a manual rod for a 66 E ....
  24. Also if anyone read the news article and saw the pics , it took three hours from the impact , until it was extinguished , I think there was considerable fuel on board.....Just sayin...
  25. It seems people are afraid of 28 volt units , There is an "aviation legend" that these are not supported anymore , it is not true..... These are getting harder and harder to find.....
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