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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. 25 Lbs is a little on the high side , about 6 lbs for the pump , 3 lbs for the regulator and the lines , about 6 lbs each for the AI and DG still a considerable savings..
  2. Selling it to buy a Beech.....Heh Heh.....
  3. If you can get it in the "mush" 3 feet over the runway , you will have it made.... (the Mush being a higher angle slightly higher than normal power setting , and just above the runway , I recommend doing some MCA and approach to landing stalls at attitude to get the feel of it) Its not rocket science , just practice , and s eat of your pants feel of where you want it to be....
  4. If the bar was not in the locked in position , its not preload , let this be a lesson to all the manual gear guys , If you don't know the thumbnail trick , you should learn it to save some grief....The agreed upon value in the policy is the value , no matter what you do to it , If you remove parts from the airplane , they can deny the claim.....
  5. Jealousy is a form of flattery......My old bird , came out of the factory , the same week as his...
  6. I might be interested in buying the whole bird.......PM me if interested...
  7. Bennett , The AI will not affect the GPSS as this feeds the Heading / Course info to the autopilot between the HSI and the Main AP controller , other than the power feeds it will be a seamless install....
  8. The weather and current conditions are amazing , as well as the TFRs and what not........I love my Stratus2 / KT74 ...
  9. It has a different connector on the back ,(I saw it at Osh) I believe there is an adapter harness to mate it to a previous install , but I will need power wires and a separate breaker , so it is probably a 3 to 6 hour install.....
  10. I have sold over 30 GPSS units , and never had the urge to install one , I just turn the heading bug...
  11. I know I was on my A Game when I got my license..
  12. Daver , great post , If I posted it for a dollar , Pete would say its overpriced.....He is the all knowing omnipotent one..... All hail Pete....
  13. Because I just posted the price , I sell the GDC units for about 900.00 ....
  14. I have the century 1C975 GPSS unit if you want it for 300.00 , Regards Alan
  15. Wow , you must be hatin it , I know you had a nice plane before the incident , You should consider a broker with a good track record , well worth the 6% .... If you find something near Philly , I will lay eyes on it for you.... Good luck....
  16. I have an E mount , which may be the same if I can find it
  17. If they are in the boundary layer and do nothing , than why would they be flush riveted on some planes?
  18. All this talk about vortex generators is making me think that perhaps the rivet heads protruding on the leading edge of some aircraft could create turbulence , thereby increasing laminar flow........Any thoughts ???
  19. For Peter Garmin...... From Oshkosh with love..
  20. I saw it , it is 7 K , forgot to ask about certification....
  21. It is not a cute entry , wing drop , It is about a second from flying to halfway into the first spin.....Its no picnic...
  22. Ed Kolin is the best......
  23. Call Jared Bowles at Beegles Aircraft in Colorado... If they have it it will be a third of the typical salvage yards,....
  24. I just went through this , if the payout plus the salvage is more than the agreed value , they will total it.....what they do is estimate the salvage value , and subtract it from the insured value, and that is the max they will pay.......Sucks Ass......I just took 21k for a 34 K claim , but I wanted the plane , and being in the parts biz it was an easy decision.....
  25. I have some white windlace in good shape if needed...
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