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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. I went flying today!!!!! Got tired of arguing.....
  2. I had a 7K claim 5 years ago , my premiums never went up, I believe I am with Aerospace........
  3. I had read a book , I think Larry Balls , that had mentioned Mooney had started out developing a 4 cyl turbo , and scrapped it because the reliability aspect of the 4 cyl turbo was not even close to the 6 cyl..... I dont think I have seen a turbo 4 cyl from the factory , with the exception of the Twin Commanche (Twinkie) .....Are there any ????
  4. I am illiterate.....Iliterate ......... A Dumbass.......
  5. As all your gages are together , I would look towards the ground or power to the gages..... Its common to many of the gages in the cluster , and check the fuses on the shunt......
  6. Any possibility the fuel line to the transducer is bent at too deep a radius? Had this problem when I installed my JPI....
  7. RX should listen to smiles , He says he doesnt know........All ADs and service bulletins are required per Lycoming to specify an Overhaul, This has no bearing on airworthiness ,TBO is just a reccomendation , but the manufacturer mandates what is or is not an overhaul..... RX not only are you wrong , you you cant even admit you are wrong....The worst part is that you are advising people that think you know what you are talking about , and you dont.... You can dissassemble an engine and inspect everything and reassemble without replacing anything , and it is legal to fly , it is not considered an overhaul , it is an IRAN inspection....IRAN is not an overhaul , it is an inspection....Prop strike inspections are IRAN inspections not overhauls...IRAN = Inspect And Repair As Necasary........
  8. I am not getting you wrong , you are wrong , the manual references service bulletin #240 , please read 240....http://www.lycoming.com/support/publications/service-bulletins/pdfs/SB240V.pdf IT IS MANDATORY!!!!
  9. All engine oil hose All oil seals All gaskets All circlips, lockplates and retaining rings Piston rings All exhaust valves (except Inconel alloy valves) All exhaust valve retaining keys Crankshaft sludge tubes (where applicable) Cylinder fin stabilizers All bearing inserts (main and connecting rods) Magneto drive cushions Stressed bolts and fastenings Camshaft gear attaching bolts Connecting rod bolts and nuts Crankshaft flange bolts Damaged ignition cable All laminated shims Crankshaft counterweight bushings Piston pin plugs A.C. diaphragm fuel pump........................... Here is the list of parts that I copied from Tonys link that have to be replaced reguardless of condition..... Try reading your own post GENIOUS.........section 3 of LYCOMING overhaul manual...
  10. That is incorrect , All stretch bolts must be replaced , exhaust valves must be replaced , All steel and aluminum must be ndt inspected.....Overhaul is not subjective , it is layed out in the fars...
  11. No , overhauls are very specific about what is replaced ,case recertified, all bearings , all steel parts magged , new rod bolts / nuts , new case through bolts , new rings , pistons , exhaust valves , fuel system overhauled , Mags overhauled , Prop gov overhauled..... Just curious why a lycoming was torn down for a prop strike inspection.....It is not required on a non counterbalance lycoming as per prop strike AD......
  12. See where the seal is leaking from , If it is leaking from the case side (outer) than pull it back , clean up the case real good , and reinstall with a bead of Proseal between the seal and the case , If it is leaking from the crankshaft , replace the seal with a one piece seal and again proseal will not leak ....You are pulling the prop either way , because you cant access the flange with the spinner back plate on ...A split seal is for amatuers that dont know how to do it right..... Do it right...... Check your breather , if there is a crankcase breather problem it will make a good seal leak....
  13. My aircraft is not a trainer...
  14. One thing Beech does is the right pedals can be disengaged and layed flat on the floor , and the yoke flipped over to one side , makes the passenger screwing up almost impossible......Almost......
  15. And that is why we have insurance , They will take care of the expense , and a wounded ego will heal.....We all make mistakes , most of us walk away from them...In the grand scheme of Aviation , it was a cheap lesson ....Hope things get taken care of quickly.....Regards....
  16. Also the gear speed is usually substantially faster than the flap speed making it a no brainer...
  17. Dont even approach this subject with this attitude.... Take it from someone who did it...... There are modes of flight , where you are already slow enough to enter the trafffic pattern with the gear up ... How about an approach???? Once it is slowed down to about 90 knots the handling is not that different gear up/down..... I was doing a go around , got rattled , put the gear up , fell from the checklist , didnt put it down... didnt realize it was up until the prop hit the pavement..... went around and landed with a bent prop.....That was about 7 years ago and a very humbling experience......There are alot of pilots with a lot more experience than me or probably most of you that have done the same.... It happens.... There are those that have... And those that will..........
  18. Generally if you are dealing with Jets , you have 8000 feet or more of runway , Generally in this situation in the mooney , I will keep it fast in the descent , 135 , 140 kias , throttle all the way out , level it at about 1/4 mile from the numbers , get the gear down , get the flaps down , land at about 3/4 mile past the numbers..... In the beech you can scream to the threshhold at 160kias chop the power , drop the gear , full flaps , land in 2500 feet..... It doesnt float
  19. I had the intake tube bolts come loose on one runner , Causing High EGT on one cyl, and backfiring running rough at low power settings....
  20. Was your engine monitor a new install , or a upgrade from a gem.......On my beech I did a gem upgrade , and the JPI reads the gem (insight) probes about a hundred degrees hot , even if programmed for the gem probes.... I replaced the probes and the temps went down 100 degrees or so....
  21. Since I doubt you could even do a parts # cross reference on an inner tube , I would venture to say both are correct.....The bent style stem just makes it easier to fill.....
  22. The tails havent come off the Beeches in 40 years , Also show me a beech that has a rusted out roll cage...... They both suck , and they both are great....... Again ...love playing both sides of the fence....
  23. The avionics master is not really a switch , its a circuit breaker , it actually closes the avionics master relay when it trips....Meaning it doesnt turn on the avionics bus , The avionics bus is on a normally closed contactor , and when you select off it powers up the contactor and opens up the avionics bus......(if it fails the avionics stay on)...
  24. Im getting all "torqued" up over this subject....
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