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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. You wish LOL
  2. It is possible that the main lead out of the alternator was tightened too tight and possibly broke the rectifier assy , lets hope thats not the case......
  3. The garmin upgrade is good for a lack of panel space , But Hose is right a lot of money for not a lot of return..... The Avidyne is a less costly upgrade because you are using the original tray and install.....Both upgrades are giving close to 10K trade value for the old 530 , so its not a terribly expensive upgrade.... I think the Avidyne is a decent upgrade for a 530 that is non waas....
  4. Jumping the alternator field wire is not a smart way to diag the alternator , you can fry any or all of the electronics on the bus.......
  5. Yea but as the GW increases , so does the runway needed to get off the ground....
  6. New Donuts are way bouncier than old ones...Old sealant cracks....I have resealed tanks , and can see that the cracks are almost always at the spars and the inspection panels.....Hard landings cause carcks in the sealant......
  7. Generally when a prop fails , people die.... The guy surviving with the broken prop is the luckiest man in the world.....the centrifugel force of the one blade against the mounts is measured in tons , maybe tens of tons.....they instantly break the mounts ....and usually the engine departs the airframe...... Continental had a problem with the crankshafts failing at the flange and the props departing the aircraft in whole , most of these emergency landed safely....This is the VAR crankshaft AD ....The crash in question probably lost a blade...
  8. The garmin prices are not coming down , we all thought they would come down with the advent of the new garmins.... Guess what ,, They actually went up in the last two years....As far as 2K for the 400w it is a great price.... It is still supported by garmin , interfaces with everything , probably worth closer to 3800.....and as far as comp values a king non waas KLN94 still does 2600 and is NOT supported by the factory.... I would give you 2400 for the garmin in a heartbeat.. I might be interested in buying the avidyne position.... Regards Alan....
  9. If the jpi is reading over 12.8 volts you are charging , If the ampmeter is not working , check the two inline fuses at the shunt..... If the JPI voltage is over 13 and dropping with load , it is probably a loose belt.... Also check the ground wire at the engine mount bolt , it is a braided cable, although if this was forgottrn it probably wont start...
  10. Actually Lasar has Pma certification.... Meaning they are certified by the feds to make ceartin parts, as far as the repair goes , they are certified to return it to service , making it a "legal" part .... As far as free sharing , Lasar has every right NOT to share this data and tech info , as they did the leg work and are entitled to profit whatever the market will bear.......Without Lasar , we would be screwed on a lot of parts that are no longer available used , I have done a lot of buisness with them , and I am glad they are in buisness....
  11. On my last one , I canted the gyro up about 3 degrees to clear the end of the yokeshaft, but it was a sandel , so the tilt didnt matter, the other alternative is to swap it out with the altimeter...
  12. Consider yourself lucky , that you didnt discover this in the cockpit....... Food for thought....
  13. Maybe if we dipped it in some liquid nitrogen????
  14. Because the bearing clearance far exceeds the rate of differential expansion, also the case halves does not "shrink" around the crank bearings , they will "shrink" around the center of thier mass , as they are split around the crank bearing halves , their center mass is somewhere between the cylinder flanges , and the bearing flanges .... But the clearance in the bearings is way more than the differential expansion , contraction....
  15. 1500 would be for a unit with the 2.3 waas enabled annunciators.... Most dont have it , it is a 1700 dollar software upgrade from Sandel....... Thats right 1700 for a download...
  16. Paul... I sold the inverter ... Regards...
  17. I will offer 1000 if it has tray and connectors...
  18. All things shrink with temperature , with the exception of some liquids changing state to a solid (water etc) It is not possible for the case to shrink enough to bind the crank....Although some materials have different rates of expansion / contraction.... The preheat makes it a lot easier to start....Preheating the battery , would also help alot as the battery works on chemical reactions that are slowed with temperature drop....
  19. Have to disagree completely , The colder the oil , the greater the film strength ... The oil will lubricate ... If the oil gets so viscous that the starter cant turn the engine , The battery probably wont start it either ...If the oil wont flow , the pump will hydrolock and break... I have never heard of this .... Bottom line ... Preheat for as long as it takes to get the engine up to 40 degrees...
  20. It doesnt , especially when you have a 15 year relationship with the shop and the people are your friends.....I still am friends with the people but that shop has not worked on any of my aircraft in 5 years.....
  21. Those are sweet , I wish I needed them as 75 is a great deal......They would probably be 500 plus if you could even buy them new...
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