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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. What this sound is is the fuel in the spider , and lines boiling and spewing out of the injectors into the intake ports......It is normal , and is why hot starts are easily flooded... Next question please.....
  2. Does anyone have a yoke trimmer that is good , Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  3. I think my ailerons are different....Although they would work , I don't think they are correct for the F
  4. Had fun guys.....Would have been better if Smiles showed up!!!
  5. Just want to verify , this is for all the seats including rear....
  6. If only your Mooney had a potty...... You could do both at the same time!!!
  7. Scott , you are for sure an optimist......As far as the winds go , I smell something , I don't think its "change"
  8. The interest doesn't fade , but the expense dictates the market....when LSA and the Diamond DA20 types get a decent foothold in the fleet , you will see a shift to this type of aircraft.....and GA will press on.....I personally love the fact that the planes lost 50% of their Value....I got into a S35 Bonanza two years ago for about 43K , 8 years ago the price of admission was about 100K for that aircraft....As far as my Mooney , I will sell it for 20K less than I would have had to pay 8 years ago , and still hold a decent profit..... Like every facet of life , change is imminent , and time presses on.....
  9. I just wanted to throw out there if you look at Awful Charlies profile , The Avatar in the profile moves .....
  10. Mike , your stats are incorrect , 100% of the Mooneys have an AoA device.......Mike lets talk about things other than AoA , its getting boring......Lets talk about Awful Charlies Avatar.......
  11. Mike , can I base jump off the roof of your 201 at the critical angle of attack , at 12500 feet , and get some floss from Smiles and his hottie hygenists on the way down at 9000 feet , and land at the restaurant at sky manor , and pick up two free prop pasties from Don after I land????
  12. Go to www.faa.gov , and look up the TCDS info, it will give you all the info......Somewhere in the late 60s the rules for POHs changed , you should get a later POH for an E .....Also the checklists that spruce sells are full of great info......Regards....Also , a little common sense goes a long way......Fly safe!!!!
  13. Part 135 is riddled with procedures , and the feds are all over you , the currency standards are unbelievably rigid , and for the most part an ATP is the price of admission.....Aside from bernullis principle , there are no similarities.......
  14. The stall horn sounds before a stall , not at or during a stall , You could fly around all day long with the horn blaring , and not stall the airplane.... So the argument that the horn doesnt go off until you have screwed up is moot......
  15. Also its my understanding that the wing always stalls at the same AOA ..... If this is correct , than why is the stall warning not suffient, ...
  16. You already have an AOA , its that little metal vane on the leading edge of the wing , that makes a buzzer sound when you move it on preflight...
  17. Lowered the price folks........
  18. Oil cooler removed from C model , no cracks or leaks....150.00 plus freight , Call Alan 856 419 5209.....
  19. Selling seats from C model.... Not perfect , but very serviceable.....no cracks or repairs in structures , vinyl old but decent...Alan 856 419 5209...400.00 plus freight includes rear seats as well...... Removed from 63 C model
  20. Remember if it is purchased from the same state that it is registered in there is no sales tax....
  21. The rationale is that a stall switch/horn , that is in almost every aircraft ever made , is an aoa indicator , it just doesn't have a snazzy gage.....
  22. No its not... The stall vane activates at a certain AOA regardless of airspeed.....it is an angle of attack indicator......
  23. They all have an aoa... The stall horn...
  24. All airplanes have an AOA .... Its called the stall horn....
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