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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Mike , if you post one more Pole , I am going to steal your avatar ....
  2. Holy crap , a 2005 O cant bring 230K if this is the case , they will be under 200 in 5 years , and 150 in ten......That's Amazing.....
  3. I would not pull the wing , if there is a repair doubler it would be a no brainer , As far as cause , probably from people stepping on flap..... If the wing has to be pulled , have it done by an MSC , it is a huge undertaking , and you want someone that has done this numerous times before.... Have your mechanic go over the whole plane before you go any further.... If he was diligent enough to find these cracks , he can probably find any other major issues... If for some reason you decide not to repair aircraft , Contact me and I will make it as painless as possible.....Regards the "Boogie man" (Alan)
  4. Was that the first , second , or final landing......
  5. I vote we strap him to the tail of a Bonanza , and let smiles give him the "marathon man" treatment.......
  6. Gawd I bring out the best in people...
  7. I may brong the fork tail...
  8. I say if Mike (201er)starts another thread we all defect to Beechtalk!!!!
  9. Where are you located
  10. I could do that one...
  11. Accutrack II and BI805 valve.....
  12. There are two ways to cool an air cooled engine.....Cooling air , Fuel, (rich mixture)... You should be able to move 16 to 18 gph through the engine, 0-360, at takeoff power , If only 12 or 13 there is a fuel issue , also make sure the probes are not GEM probes.....there is a programming solution for the GEM probes , but it doesn't work....The difference between the probe types , wire colors on the sensors ....I think one is red and yellow , and the other is red and white.... As far as fuel , If you have a fuel flow , make sure you don't have a fuel line bent beyond a 4 " radius.....also check the mixture and throttle arms reach their stops....
  13. I wonder the spin in the Beech was unrecoverable???? Nasa does do funky stuff to aircraft to test them.... Maybe rear CG ??? Also , why did he shut down.....
  14. If your plane is 64 or later , It should have a PC , if it does , you can add a unit called an accutrack II that will track one of two heading sources , I have one I will sell for about 1200 but you have to have the PC to add it too..... Putting a PC in an aircraft that never had it would be a big project , because the brackets to mount the vacuum servos in the wings would be a bitch to mount.....
  15. Does that include crew and fuel surcharge , and incidentals? if so seems like a great rate....
  16. A lear for 2500 is a 25 or 35 , and you can't put 8 people in one ....maybe 3 or 4 and crew..... The least expensive way to do this trip would be a KA200 and after all the costs and add ons , thats probably over 2000 an hour.... Not familiar with the route , but a KA200 is probably 290 KTAS at 22000 feet....burning about 700 lbs of fuel an hour, can be at 22000 feet in 16 minutes....
  17. Here is a real genius....
  18. Is the exhaust from a 63C the same as a 65C ..... Thanks...
  19. If it doesnt fly hands off , or slower than typical models , MSCs have the travel boards , My flaps were down 3.5 degrees , I set them 1 degree negative , it is a tad bit faster than it was....
  20. Its coming back!!!!
  21. Hey Scott, like my new Avatar??? (now that's funny)
  22. Thanks for the P.M. Scott , disappointed you didn't share it with the rest of the class..... Got a stick of Beemans?
  23. I have it , Ihave to locate it
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