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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Corrosion is common on the lower splice plate where the two wing halves meet at their lowest point...Also at the lower spar cap in the wheel wells and in the tanks under the sealant....
  2. There is no way in hell that a Mooney wing will survive 12 Gs.....Where do you guys come up with this stuff???
  3. 2350 from Lasar , 1500 to install , I ws a little light...
  4. John I use foam weather stripping from home depot and my cover does not leak , also I replaced the three pieces with a single piece , so less possibility for leaks....Marauder the Belly is only about 3.5 K installed , but It is not a speed mod , just a cheaper fix for a geared up airframe ,
  5. Dont get the windshield , you lose the access to the avionics and it is a great thing to have....The only speed mod worth its money is the cowl closure....I did all the mods to a B model , and the only one worth a dam is the cowl closure.... Good luck w/new bird...
  6. I converted from a two blade to a three blade in a Bonanza , on Beechtalk they all said better climb , and slower cruise , Both were imperceptable....The three blade is MUCH quieter and MUCH smoother , The harmonics of a three blade prop are different than a two blade prop , and you will notice the difference , just takes getting used to,,,,,Stick with the three blade unless you have a problem with it....
  7. Every C I've flown has 100 mph flaps , I generally fly 15 miles ahead of the airplane , but when needed I personally cut the power , pitch up , throw out the gear , wait 15 seconds , drop the flaps , slip the hell out of it and drop 1000 fpm....
  8. Most tanks that fail the hydro usually fail for corrosion inside the neck , Oxygen is extremely corrosive....
  9. I always thought that speedbrakes were a waste on a non turbo bird.....
  10. All of my Avionics auctions , specify a 14 day return policy , but ONLY if shipped directly a factory authorized retailer / installer .... I have never had a problem in over 500 transactions...
  11. And I just want to qualify , when you fly into a field in a King Air or a Gulfstream , the ramp fee is a few hundred dollars.....
  12. Everybody keeps talking about landing fees , most of the towered fields I go to already have a landing fee, and that goes to the county , not the feds , So by alot of your logic , there would be two landing fees .... No thanks...... I go to millville NJ alot and it is controlled remotely , and it is seamless.....Controllers work off of a computer screen , they dont actually see the aircraft until they are on very short final , Put them in alaska for all I care...... The larger airports are going to be handling the IFR work , so if you are that worried about controllers than file...
  13. So does LASAR til you install it....
  14. Thank you Charlie for your Avatar......
  15. I have the swta cowl mod on my E , when I changed the oil last week , I set the upper cowl on the floor in the hanger of my IA who coincedentally was doing the Annual on smiles plane.......The upper cowls were IDENTICAL.....Also keep in mind folks , when mooney goes out of buisness , and they will go out of buisness , owner manufactured parts will become an option.....
  16. Call rocket engineering , but probably not....And I dont believe that any prop manufacturer will do the flight testing for a fleet of 100 or so airframes....
  17. Marvel mystery oil is not a mechanic in a can..... Put it on squeaky hinges...Thats about all its good for.......60 on compression is good , if its not leaking out the valves , fly it for a few hours and recheck......
  18. Scott I have a 4000b that was ohauled by mid continent in 09 you can have for 350.00 Let me know.....
  19. From a 63 , should fit all shortbodies.......Price was lowered to 400 .....
  20. The problem as I see it is there is no compensation for mixture , or knock ....... A modern auto uses Manifold pressure , temps , air mass , detonation , fuel burn (oxygen) and more to determine not only ignition timing , but also mixture..... Its like paying 4000 dollars to go from 40s tech , to 70s tech...... And those pics sure look a lot like 90s era general motors hardware...... Great equipment , but not worth the price of admission....
  21. I disagree , I know people that have been shopping for airplanes for over ten years .....The price issue I totally agree with.....
  22. The only partys that get my goods before funds are in and cleared are Lasar , and my avionics buyer.......Dont get scammed....
  23. The calender issue is only a concern for part 135 operators , I have flown behind 40 year old engines and never had a problem.....The corrosion on the cam thing is so overblown its not even funny , understand most buyers are not really buyers , they are shoppers , looking for the perfect plane.......That would be a NEW one......
  24. 79 had 14 volt electrical ,
  25. I have never used a mask , I use the nasal cannulas , they are much more efficient , and I use O2 at 9 k and above , reduces fatigue big time.....Oxygen is cheap...
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