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Greg Ellis

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Everything posted by Greg Ellis

  1. I just finished a Garmin webinar. One of the slides said that the C, D, And E models are currently in certification process. The website contradicts this by saying they won’t begin for the next 12 months, that only the F, and G are currently in the certification process. I asked the speaker. She said that the website is way behind and has not been updated. The pre J Mooneys currently in certification process are C, D, E, F, G. That was great news. I though they were still 12 months away from even starting but turns out they are currently in certification process!!!
  2. @glafaille I see you are located in Tyler, Texas. That is just a stone's throw from Longview where an excellent Mooney mechanic hangs out. I would definitely send this to Don Maxwell in Longview and get his opinion on this. He does not visit this forum so he won't see your post but he could offer some insight into this as well. If the plane is located in Texas, there is a slight chance that he may have worked on it at one time or another. Although you have received some excellent advice from this forum as usual.
  3. Looking at the battery powered grease guns that are available, other than saving physical energy are they really needed? And by this question I mean, they say they pump out up to 10,000 psi. Some of the hand operated guns say up to 7000 psi? If I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a battery operated grease gun (after buying the batteries it looks like they are close to $300) will 7000 psi be enough? I know that I may get tired doing it by hand but it is roughly $50-$70 for a hand operated 7000 psi gun compared to a couple of hundred dollars for the battery operated one.
  4. Great video and fantastic selection in music!!!
  5. I am 6'2 and weigh 260 lbs. I have no problems in my 63 C model. I quick glance around the forums and the internet reveals that that cabin width of a C model Mooney is about the same as an A36 Bonanza. The difference is the height. The Mooney cabin is shorter than the Bonanza but in the Bonanza you sit higher and more upright and in the Mooney you are more reclined so to speak so the cabin can be shorter but it is also what makes it feel smaller. Mac McClellan mentioned in his article in Airfacts Journal how the Mooney seat is very close to the floor of the Mooney. There is not much room between the bottom of the seat and the floor. You just sit lower. I have actually had a friend of mine who is 6'4 and weighs about the same as me sit in the back seat of my Mooney and he said he was fairly comfortable. He probably would not want to go on a 4 hour cross country but he did fit with no issues. I have been in the back of his former A model with no issues as well. Like was mentioned, let us know where you are located and I am sure there is someone that will let you sit in a Mooney or go for a ride even.
  6. It looks like the same aircraft but it also looks like, from the photos in the advertisement, that the panel went through another upgrade since the photos posted here in 2018.
  7. The video used in this movie of the B36 looks like it was filmed at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth, Texas. It is now the Navy JRB. When they taxi to the runway and start the run up that they show, the lake in the background is Lake Worth which is just off the north end of the runway. They used to fly the B36 out of there as well as others. General Dynamics which is now Lockheed Martin is on the West side and the JRB is on the east. There was a B36 Peacemaker parked out at the edge of the base for many years that you could pull up near it in your car and look at it.
  8. The Blue Angels are making their rounds as well. They flew over my office in Fort Worth, Texas yesterday. It is amazing the attraction they get. For this very short fly by, people were parked in all the parking lots around me basically tailgating for this. I do appreciate the fact that they are doing this along with the Air Force Thunderbirds. Blue Angels Fly BY.mp4
  9. I just read this email as well. I was looking forward to my first Caravan flight. Well...2021!!!!
  10. Over in the general mooney talk section, someone has a servo assembly for sale. Not sure if it is what you are looking for. it is also the top post on the search list from carusoam Above.
  11. Slightly on topic...Martin Pauly has a YouTube channel and he routinely flies his Bonanza into major airports such as Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, DFW, etc... He says it really is a non-issue and controllers are quite helpful. I am sure the landing fees/handling fees can get quite expensive though.
  12. Just a quick question. When you emailed Garmin regarding this issue, did you use the Aviation Product support email in Garmin pilot or did you send it through another email? I ask because I am having a different issue with Garmin Pilot and I have received no response back from Garmin using the email in the aviation product support section other than “We have forwarded your issue to the proper department...”
  13. I am quite interested in this issue you are having because I currently am having a very similar issue although mine is with #3 cylinder in my 63 C model. The engines are equivalent. I have one cylinder that is crazy hot 17 hours into its break in from being overhauled (hotter than what should be expected during break in period). It is currently back in the shop trying to trouble shoot the problem. I will let you know what they find out. They are currently looking at: 1: Baffling since it was all removed when the engine was removed to replace the engine mount 2: Intake/induction leak 3: Exhaust leak 4: Mags/timing 5: Remote possibility of a bad sensor
  14. I am not sure if you have done this but since you recently signed up for Savvy Analysis, they are probably going to request that you do their flight profile. Have you done this? It can be found in the help section of your Savvy Analysis Dashboard on the website.
  15. I received mine yesterday. It was a nice surprise. I was not expecting them, the box and label were kind of non-descript so I had no idea what it was and then opened it and was happily surprised. The little things that thrill pilots.... Thanks for all the hard work from everyone.
  16. I had my tanks resealed 7 or 8 years ago and seeing what was involved I am glad I paid someone else to do it and do it right. I had gone through 4-5 patches done by very reputable A&P's that never lasted longer than 1 or 2 flights.
  17. Flight Chops, Matt Guthmiller, Kermit Weeks, Lewdix Aviation, MzeroA, P1D, Aviation 101, Angle of Attack, Baron Pilot, Mikey McBryan (From Ice Pilots; Has a great series on restoring a D-Day DC-3 just in time for the anniversary), Just Plane Silly, Martin Pauly, Steveo1Kinevo, The Flying Reporter (UK pilot). If you want a good weather channel to watch try Meteorology Lab/Tim Vasquez (breaks down the weather every day around the country with special emphasis in Texas since he is from here). I don't always watch all of these. But these are one's I have watched and am currently subscribed to. If they do something that catches my interest I will watch them.
  18. This was one of the first lessons I learned from Richard Collins.
  19. An FAA search of the Tail number shows this plane is a 172 registered to Lani Sea Sky Tours which is a flight school. Wondering if it was a solo student up flying and got caught in clouds and thought he was experiencing worse conditions than he actually was due to inexperience. He certainly did not seem to be in a rapid descent or even a spiraling descent like he said. Could also explain why he did not quite understand the nature of declaring an emergency and what that granted him as well as what a visual approach allowed him to do as well. Although he did seem to understand flying victor airways.
  20. They did not direct me to fly to the VOR then outbound on the radial to 11 DME. They told me to go to the 11 DME point on the 334 radial. Not to the VOR first.
  21. This is the second time this has happened to me heading east to west through Longview Approach’s airspace heading to Regional Approach airspace around DFW.
  22. Thanks. It will soon have a second G5. I have no clue what I was thinking when I just didn’t put a second one in for the attitude indicator and remove the vacuum system. Live and learn I suppose.
  23. I agree with you. I just started to head in the general direction of the VOR and then asked them to give me direct to DODJE which was a fix on the arrival. Worked out okay. A few years ago I was picking up my IFR clearance on the ground at Beaumont Airport in Texas. The initial waypoint on the Clearance was given to me in latitude and longitude!!!!! I asked them to repeat the clearance and they said the exact same thing. So I decided to just depart and fly runway heading as instructed and when I got in the air and contacted departure they sent me to an actual waypoint and heading. I could possibly understand the lat/long given if I was in the middle of nowhere and there was nothing around (maybe in very remote Alaska!!) but I was in south Texas. There are arrivals and departures and preferred routes, etc... all over the place so it baffled me why I was given lat/long for an initial fix on a clearance.
  24. Thank you for that information. I will try that. Man...I LOVE this forum!!!
  25. And I am not saying that this is absolute but the recommendation for my C model to run the tank dry comes directly from the POH page 21 under fuel management. Now I agree that this was from the 1960's and we don't do a lot of things like we did back then but I do follow this. I also took the Advanced Engine management course from Braly, Deakin and Atkinson and their recommendation reinforced this procedure as well. And there are many others that have given me this advice. I am not saying it is right for everyone and people have their own level of comfort on how to manage their fuel but it works for me for what that's worth.
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