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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. Can’t see pics
  2. Keep in mind, there are two sizes back there. Word on the street is, the ones available through McMaster Carr are better quality. also keep in mind, stud LENGTH is critical for a tight fit. There is only so much travel for the acorn nut. If stud is too long, the acorn nut tightens against its own head before pulling the panel tight. I have seen them Jimmy rigged with multiple washers or extra nuts but I don’t believe that’s correct…
  3. There are a few
  4. And in the latest installment of $1,000 lightbulbs is the XeVision. I got this in an Ad from Spruce today, haven't heard of it, but it's claiming to blow away Whelen. For 2x 3x the brightness of even the best Whelen, maybe we are close to the justification territory or a $850 light bulb? Will it cut 1/4" steel when used in the shop with that intensity? Any Pireps out there? Knowledge of this XeVision? https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/xevision_xetremeland.php?utm_campaign=USA%3A XeVision&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter
  5. Hahahahah. The “loonies in your pocket” approach would be to list them on eBay with a starting price 4x its’ retail value. A drawer full of springs is worthless in buying a new boat until you convert it to cash. The prudent thing, the helpful thing, the business principled thing to do would be not to sell them to some random yahoos for the quick cash and save them for the people that have been putting food on your table for years. I don’t know the doc personally, but he’s provided more free advice, free information sourcing, free part lookups, free copies of Mx manual pages, free research, than anyone participating here. I can’t think of a more idiotic thing to say, both in principal, fact, and manners.
  6. I don’t know if my old one was on the list or not but I spent $2,000 chasing this issue just for Garmin to finally give up and recommend a factory exchange. I had recommended that idea from the jump but my shop was following the money pit.
  7. I sent letters to every J owner within 3 states of me when I was looking. Did not yield my final result but it came close.
  8. Prep the surface with goof off or alcohol or both. Mine has been holding strong and my plastic is granular/not smooth. make sure it’s an adhesive pad not strip
  9. What if he dies inside your wing?
  10. I think prior to lapping, if stickiness is suspected, reaming the guide would be a reasonable first step, assuming compressions hold. Morning sickness would be a surefire bet. Left unattended, heating and gunk likely lead to an unhappy mating surface.
  11. Please. This. @AH-1 Cobra Pilot ?! Or better yet, an insert that turns the gaping hole in the cieling into directed air flow.
  12. I figured it had to be. I’ve just never seen that mentioned when discussing. Thx!!!
  13. Relative to fogging the wings, what’s the thought on how a coating of ACF50 would affect say, your autopilot servo? You’ve got a Garmin roll servo in there… any trouble with it having said chemical all over it?
  14. Who has your case?
  15. 10 points for dropping a sus on the people.
  16. The G1 is a great instrument. The only thing I didn’t like about it is that it isn’t capable of fuel flow and does not record data. That being said, insight will offer a steep discount on an exchange should you move to the G2, g3 or g4 units. All you have to do is change out the Bezzle. Probes are all interchangeable. Of course, if you added something, like flow or oat, you would then need the respective probes. oh, and I do not believe there is any distinguishment between 4 and 6 cylinder models. I think you simply use 2 less probes and it understands you are running 4 or 6. May have to confirm this, but mine read 6 cylinders immediately after a software upgrade and then reverted back to 4 after the first run.
  17. Case in point, it’s inevitable.
  18. Very tempting to have as a backup engine!!! Overhauled, pickled, and ready for a quick swap.
  19. All I will say is, go ahead and push your budget 30% more than you were originally comfortable. Not because of your number specifically, but anyones original budget. Assuming you aren’t by nature financially reckless. have access to 20 amu’s at all time, and find the most pristine bird you can find near modified budget, be it an c e f j or k. Be patient and look at a lot of planes.
  20. S’pretty. Please hold a moment of silence for my engine whilst among the others.
  21. I would be, if my airplane had an engine. Sad face.
  22. There are two lines on my io360. intake manifold sump drain(sniffle) and mechanical fuel pump drain- where fuel goes when the pump *diaphragm?* fails.
  23. Interesting, I always thought you used the back of your hand so that your hand was still usable if it burned. Or at least that’s what I recall from firefighters visiting my elementary school. Lol. I guess there’s more than one reason.
  24. Wait, curious- are you talking about a Johnson bar? I was thinking the spring loaded switch on an electric- which also has “sleeve” to “unlock” the switch.
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