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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. +1 on Zephyr. I did have one qualm but it wasn’t the end of the world. LJ gave me a tour of the shop. Nice folks. Real motor heads. just, for the love of god, do not use Jewell (Kennett MO). Complete trash.
  2. Recommend paper towels over rags. The goo drags around a lot and having fresh towels every few passes makes the matter quicker. I use a low concentration simple green aviation.
  3. I also use a magnet. It’s affixed by a plastic nut that has broken about every 6 months but I got a 4 pack so… might check out the steelie above. The adhesive to yoke, magnet to hold, is very simple and sleek. the Ram equipment is ugly and bulky. Big fan of that fancy mygoflight gear but the CB in me won’t spend $250 on a yoke Mount.
  4. I would imagine it’s the same pitch, just instead of saying “your airplane” they changed the slide to “your mooney” but, maybe not?
  5. I have 48103’s on back order with Spruce and aircraftoil.com both Champion and Tempest, whatever shows up first. There seems to be higher confidence in getting Tempest faster (USA made) than Champion (China made), but it’s really not predictable as it seems. There may be folks who need to run filters for an extra oil change or so until they are back to available, it seems.
  6. I believe that the 79 is like my 77, there is a fuel line going to the gauge. I think they get gunked up
  7. 77J. SN 141
  8. Scammers have feelings, too.
  9. @dominikos where are you going in the Bahamas?
  10. Plus 1 for the flexibility of soft bags. Formability and less clang and bang on my plastics and leather.
  11. Yeah, I’m not worried about it for any reason. Just being nit picky, and this topic has come up before. I’ve never thought of it as a positive though… interesting thought. I don’t know if I understand how it’s removing anything except oil with the same concentration of corrosive byproducts of combustion than the rest of the oil in the system, though.
  12. I remember reading some stuff about where the end of your breather tube is, relative to the cowl flap door. I am drawing some oil out but I don’t think it is from excessive blow by pressurizing the case bc the oil is staying pretty clean. I’m wondering if my breather tube is creating a vacuum. I don’t remember where it is most optimal… maybe shorten it so that the end of the tube stays behind the cowl flap door? What’s the consensus on location for the least amount of inadvertent vacuum from the slip stream in flight?
  13. This is truth. Pick your altitude, pick your detours- at your leisure. Less stress.
  14. You’ll be fine skirting around them if it’s just typical afternoon t storms, generally. Move around them, hope it’s not directly over your landing airport when you get there. If it is, just land somewhere else and wait it out. ADSB weather or xm weather will work wonders for this type of dodging, and just look outside.
  15. A normal creeper is fine for the belly but anything from the main landing gears across the bottom of the wing, the angle is very uncomfortable to apply elbow grease. That is where it would come in handy
  16. Ugh. For someone that tries to keep the bottom side of the bird as clean as the rest of it, I feel like the introduction of this product has nearly left me without choice to spend .6 AMU.
  17. I hear a lot of folks talk about the viability of Mooney having to do with man hours required to produce these made-by-hand airframes. I was just reading the latest AOPA issue that has a nice article on the DA50RG. They are saying 4-5,000 hours per plane. That’s about the same as Mooney? No?
  18. My G5 is dead on with my round dial. Fwiw The altitude was calibrated together, they are within 10’
  19. No chance, don’t fall for it. Plan for the forecasted wind to change to headwind again. Lol
  20. True- Good point and I will add that point to my write up. I learned a lot about what the industry as a consensus considers an overhaul. Jewell has their own definition, doesn't do what 90% of other shops do, and simply calls it an overhaul via a logbook entry. While you will have a signature calling it an overhaul, it's not really an overhaul if you ask 9 out of 10 engine shops. More of an R&R.
  21. I don’t have a ton of experience with it yet so, there may be further explanation to be had.
  22. I believe you have to set your bug to 2500 and descend via ias or vs mode. Only until you’ve reached the FAF will it capture GS. If I’m following correctly.
  23. Sounds about right. You’re going to love my PIREP write up, then because it’s chock full of fun pictures, boggling communications, and ineptitudes. I tried to deal with them like a professional and keep the situation between parties but Sam is probably succumbing to old age/dementia and David has the overall disposition of a toddler so that was a complete waste of time.
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