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Everything posted by bill98

  1. That’s in the ForeFlight M20E performance profile thread! i would be more than happy to work in making the APP too. @gsxrpilot when you say longer flight... do you mean in NM or in hours flown?
  2. Qantas has the non stop A380 flight into DFW. I know there are many Mspacer’s that live within an hour flight of Dallas. Caravan some Aussies to Wisconsin from Dallas ?!
  3. As long as your interior is comfortable and not soiled in dog shit, panel number one immediately followed by paint. Throw some lamb skin or a “wild cherry girl” seat cover over your seats. Then eventually find a fresh set of seats online.
  4. Hopefullly because of my hangar parking thread =) no worries always glad to help!
  5. Someone call? Who wants to be trolled? my schedule is free this afternoon between 1400 and 1500 otherwise I’m booked. Anyways, I’ve never once sumped water out of any plane I’ve ever preflighted (knock on wood) i did see my friend one time discover his plane had JetA in it though not sure how that can even happen
  6. My remark was tongue I cheek
  7. Well don’t trim the suction cup!
  8. has anyone used the Ram Suction mount ones? https://www.rammount.com/blog/2015/04/ram-mounts-new-sun-visor/
  9. I’m curious how he got to the airport
  10. for sale on ebay for $27?
  11. Get an E! Fastest out there (of the vintage ones) and at 8.5GPH! Just don't expect to take 3 passengers with you. Get me a ticket to a Chiefs Game in 2-3 weeks (I lived in Leawood when Montana and Brett were in KC playing Ball) and we can go fly as long as you like and to where ever you'd like!
  12. I managed to score a battery operated PowerTow for $50.00. Don't ask me the things I had to do to get it for so cheap!
  13. What techniques/rigs does everyone use to try and prevent hangar rash? I spray painted some lines from where my MLG was sitting in the hangar out the door. They weren't that straight so entry when putting the AC up might eventually cause some damage down the road. Anyone have chalks permanently in place in their hangar or a rope down? Maybe tennis balls hanging from the ceiling or mirrors at the sidewalls ?
  14. Thanks for the Mooney back in July Jimmy! One thing banks do not understand either regarding the sale price is other incentives (such as getting the hangar the aircraft was in prior to you buying). The difference between getting something such as the rental slot for the hangar can mean the difference between hail damage or flying the aircraft the next day and pulling it out of the hangar. Something like a hangar also then means cheaper insurance. Could I have tried to haggle on my purchase? Possibly. But being able to keep the aircraft in the hangar it was already sitting in and having to do ZERO research on finding the plane a place to stay was worth a few K in my opinion. Plus it just so happens the hangar is among the cheapest rates in the area. You could make master guide - update it once or twice a year. New avionics do not come out every month that are game changers. New ones might come out once a year so overall the value shouldn't fluctuate that much through out the year. Only exception to this would be on Cessna 172/182 since having a complex AC is no longer required for the commercial checkride.
  15. What exactly are you wanting in this App? (explain to me Like I am 5)
  16. Ugh howdy folks! i think we did it!!
  17. Can anyone PM me what the general price will be (if you don't want to post it here)
  18. This is the truth. The totalled Mooney actually looks fairly similar to mine. I had to do a second glance.
  19. Also - I could not for the life of me do a Chandelle correctly. It might have been that I was jaded at that time in my flight training.
  20. Congrats on passing the written. I passed that in 2009... then forgot to actually do my check ride so now it is worthless. (I scored really high on it for once)! Call All American they might be able to point you in the correct direction.
  21. Anyone know a place that will do an IFR check / certification on an aircraft for cheap innthe DFW area? Pitot Static tests etc.
  22. Had the pleasure to be flown home VIP style from SWTXA at 84R back to KGPM Saturday in a Mooney M20J ( @gsxrpilot played zero part in assisting in arranging the flight ) Being 5'10 and 205 of pure lean muscle, It was quite comfortable in the back of the J and felt very little bumps as we avoided the build-up of storms to the east as we proceeded northbound.
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