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Everything posted by bill98

  1. If you email him asking if there is a way to get one next time they are out of stock, he might make a set. That’s what he did for me. Amazing customer service!
  2. What grease needs to be used ?
  3. That poor thing needs paint really bad.
  4. I think it was this thread but I do not know who said that they dislike smashing their knuckles when operating the J Bar. This is what I use on take off and landing the keep my hands blood free:
  5. Ooo I like that! It would be similar stuff!
  6. Finally finish commercial. Start an aviation themed wood ingraving and plastics company with a friend of mine. On that note- would there be any interests at Mooneyspace to buy a butcher block / cutting board with Mooney logo / Name and possibly a Mooney laser etched in it or other kind of wood art with Mooney themes ?
  7. I am not an Apple Fan (although Tim Cook is an Auburn Grad like me!) but for flying related tasks nothing beats an iPhone and IPad
  8. The biggest difference is the fuel selector cannot be set to BOTH tanks. Other than remembering to change tanks, transitioning to a Mooney will be a piece of cake
  9. Every time I do that it makes it appear as if everything was downloaded. But then the actual file is only 1kb. Does anyone know an IT guy?!
  10. First flight of 2019! Got N5849Q back from Southwest Texas Aviation! 84R - KGPM Made it in roughly 1 hour 15. One day I will figure out how to download data from my JPI too
  11. 53 hours since taking up flying again after a 7 year break back in March. Would have been more but Mooney has been in shop
  12. He is an Auburm Grad too
  13. As long as it isn’t March or april Norman is 1:15 away. I’m not going anywhere near Norman during F5 tornado season!
  14. Really wish sometimes @gsxrpilot had told me buying a plane was the dumbest thing to ever do and not dare think of doing it. On that note he didn’t. Owning a Mooney has made me happieR than I’ve been in ages. @mstephenson51 where in Oklahoma are you? I’d happily fly up from DFW and take you for a ride. Could even fly you back down to DFW and give you a tour of American Airlines mission control center. As a 17 year old, I’m Fairly confident your eyes will fall out of,socket.
  15. I took 7 years off and restarted flying last March. I had 226 hours and at the train me was close to my commercial. End of July bought myself a Mooney. Best decision (also most financially irresponsible ) I ever made.
  16. Why does Beechtalk have a picture of a Piper Arrow posted?thought those guys only cared about planes with V Tails
  17. I'll do an even trade - my 830 for your 900. Now you won't have any issues with fuel senders!
  18. You know my airport Code!
  19. Anyone need A JPI EDM 830? Trying to get myself a 900!
  20. Someone needs to do a panel upgrade and sell me their 900
  21. Anyone mod heir vintage Mooney’s lately with a wing light? I like the wing lights for taxiing on the ground. Really interested in this.
  22. Price might be a tad high without ADS-B/WAAS GPS. Love the M20E's though
  23. Exactly what I did to get mine. whats the rent at PDK? I’ve been looking at jobs a Delta lately
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