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Everything posted by bill98

  1. Mine too! Very annoying I have to pull it out and send in for 175 for a SOFTWARE UPDATE TO THE FIRMWARE
  2. If someone needs a prop lemme know. Can be in serviceable Relatively quick It had a prop strike. Can sell for decent price if desperate. Hartzell Scimtar. Came off 65 M20E. Only has 350ish hours on it (plus.... the prop,strike) it’s not curled or anything. @gsxrpilot has probably seen it next to his aircraft.
  3. Anyone have an extra decal? Wouldn’t mind making a stencil
  4. I use the back seat for everything too. Buttttt my mom did make the comment “wtf don’t use the back seat for trash and storage” that was before I showed her where the Jbar went... and before she had to hold her ice tea for an hour straight i bought some mesh mesh off eBay that was supposed to stick to anything except the carpet on my sidewalls is too,tightly knit and they won’t stick. I’m a car trunk they do though.
  5. Us Johnson Bar E model Mooney owners are short on space. Need a cargo net holder on the side of the foot Wells to hold water bottles and other random crap. Like a battery brick or cables for charger.
  6. I was coming here to say I found the information! I am hoping the difference has not affected my engine break in! Also have good news.... I finally managed to get the EDM830 to send data to me USB stick! I did notice it is still on Firmware Version 3.16 though. The latest version is 3.53
  7. I noticed the other day my JPI shows MP an inch to 2 inches higher than the “primary” steam gauge I have for manifold pressure. When I started going off the steam gauge for MP my speed increased big time. Anyone had had this issue before? I am hoping this is just a simple calibration adjustment needed.
  8. Logged my 82 hour since March 9th 2018. Prior to that, I had been stuck at 226.7 since 2011. 50 in the Mooney since July 26 2018. TOTAL TIME NOW 308.7. Got an oil change at SWTA. Saw a familiar looking Mooney there too.
  9. Let me know where else you went and I will happily let you live vicariously through me! I had this picture printed to a canvas wrap and boy do I like how it came out. (Black TV on bottom left is a 60 inch LED - for reference)
  10. Plz stay away from my wallet and checkbook!
  11. OMG I am at work! Please do not post "aircraft porn" during work hours!
  12. Aspen PFD and GNS430W with a Brittain AP (no vertical hold) + a EDM830.
  13. What avionics item should I throw money at now? I want to ensure I am part of the country club of Vintage CB Mooney owners!
  14. Interesting, When I flew to New Orleans Lake Front (highly recommend btw) a couple weekends ago, every 5-10 minutes American pilots descending into DFW from various directions were happily providing pireps regarding turbulence and ice if they had accumulated any. One was "Greetings approach, this is AA 1234, descending from 20-15, we picked up slight rime ice on the nose. Not much accumulation." and another was "This is AA 4321 checking in, we have a pirep, from 14-12 we had some light turbulence". Near NOLA, ATC was asking me for ceiling reports as I went around the lake.
  15. #3 is always warmest on my M20E. #1 being the coolest. 2 and 4 always run around the same exact temp gicenor take 3-5 degrees F
  16. Love my Mooney and love hearing people talk about my Mooney on the ramp and how awesome they look. That said, over the years it appears that while Mooney Aircraft are designed quite well, the marketing/sales team was never the companies strong point. Roughly 1,000 new GA aircraft were sold last year and price tags of $500,000 sure don't help. I love my M20E and was just thinking about how Mooney could sell many more AC. Much like how I love the old Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer and my 2000 Jeep Cherokee LMTD 4x4 4.0, I wish Ford and Jeep would build those exact models and update the interior and possibly have new doors/windows so they aren't as loud. I feel if Mooney made a short body again like the M20E or M20C, had a couple ASPENS (or G5's for you Garmin Lovers), a Lycoming 360 at 180/200 HP, an average run of the mill autopilot, even a Johnson Bar [ =) ] to keep mechanical complexities down (with option of electric gear I suppose) and sell it for under 200. These would still smoke the 172's and Piper Arrows in fuel burn and speed. They would have tremendous popularity and in my opinion the cash flow in for the company would be huge and help with future R&D costs of new models, keeping the assembly line running. I know the GA Market continues to have issues due to high entry into market costs. Please feel free to comment with your opinions and thoughts of the future of the Mooney Company. Feel free to comment regarding my wishes for a Cheap E Model remake (as long as it doesn't go against my opinions )
  17. Flew to Fredericksburg yesterday. It is an awesome airport, friendly FBO too. Sun was awesome on the way back to GPM !
  18. What is the Serial Number of the AC?
  19. I paid 69,500 for a 65 Super 21 with an Aspen, GNS430W, 201 Cowl, 201 Windshield, and a JPI EDM 830, with 300 hours on the engine and 3495 total air frame time, IFR certified and a Brittain GPS... 201 Cowl and Windshield = Money Waas GPS = Money Glass Cockpit = Money Wish you good luck but Going off the one I purchased, you should knock the price down 15k.
  20. Sending you #prayers for warm weather !!
  21. Hmmm Event would have happened after July but before September Of 18. Many FAA wings credits completed after too.
  22. 100 hours in type that boosts an IFR pilot over 350 hours and over 100 hours in RG tend to mitigate/assist in preventing enormous increases after having a claim within first 25 hours of having the ac? Asking for a friend.
  23. How many folks you planning on bringing up in the air with you? I have a 65 M20E and no kids. It has the Johnson bar gear so it is super realiable. Pretty updated Avionics (Not award winning by any means but glass Aspen , WAAS GPS, Autopilot with GPSS - no altitude hold though) I burn 9 GPH going 150 KTS.
  24. When repainting .... repaint in high quality retro paint
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