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Everything posted by 0TreeLemur

  1. With so many squawks and few major finds, it is clear to me that this airplane has not been loved. Even if it is a heck of a deal, I don't see that important Mooney specific items like spar corrosion, landing gear pucks, gear swing, play in the gear mechanism, or fuel staining mentioned at all. Nothing about compliance with ADs and SIs? Looks like a money pit to me. I've bought two Mooneys. This does not look like a Mooney pre-buy inspection. The important stuff is not mentioned.
  2. Bonus: by starting with 7.5 on both sides, you now have two opportunities to run out of fuel!
  3. A glimpse of the Ohio River below from 7500' during our memorial day trip from Alabama to Grand Rapids, MI. 580 NM in 4.4 h using only 35 gallons each way!
  4. Coincidentally, I am trying to set this up too. The IFD540 had a PIN set, so I followed the online instructions to override it. Then I changed the SSID in the config tab, page 14/15, tab, accessed through maintenance mode, to match my stratus. But, I did not see how to configure the IFD to show ADS-B traffic? I expected that to be in the map options operating in NAV mode but didn't see it.
  5. Good point. 2500F is probably a better number.
  6. Those gauges are poorly made. I've come across several, and none of them agree with each other or a calibrated standard. Even new, they aren't very accurate, at least the one new one I tested. Glad you didn't have to pay for it.
  7. This is an interesting figure. I've wondered if anyone ever put a go-pro under their engine and taken video in flight? Steel melts at about 2200F. Stolen from hearth.com. (sorry)
  8. That is weird. Thermocouples are pretty darn simple. Not much to go wrong until they fail. Hangar fairies moving them closer to the cylinders while you sleep? The new JPI we installed in March came with two faulty EGT thermocouples that read about 600F low compared to the other two. Yet in Lean Find mode they responded perfectly.
  9. I've never seen EGT as high at 1650F in a non-turbocharged engine. The highest I've ever seen is maybe 1500-1550.
  10. My '67 C had no duct hoses above the headliner, and no heat hoses to the aft cabin.
  11. In my C I never detached my shoulder harness and didn't have an inertial reel. Even with it off I find it awkward to get to. I made a pvc handle.
  12. I've listed an EI CGR-30P in the avionics section. I've flown with both the EI and JPI. I like the JPI EDM900 because it is primary and shows everything on one screen. For engine management the EI is fine. It's not doing me any good sitting in a box, and I'm eager to sell it.
  13. Along those lines: can anyone point to a previous thread(s) here on MS with photos showing a proper recoveries after mishaps? Horror stories are interesting, but improved understanding of how to do it correctly would be valuable (and FAQ worthy).
  14. Full disclosure. When I duplicate my work, I often catch mistakes too. Using spreadsheets created by others is risky. Sometimes the sign in formulas (+/-) is the opposite of what the user assumes based on a column header.
  15. Evidence suggests otherwise. Even without adhesion on the bottom of the capsule, those have stayed in my J for years (decades?). There isn't one "right" way to do this.
  16. In my opinion Jake from Bevan Aviation is a living GOD. His willingness to share his experience on this site has helped many, including me. Knowing that he exists helps me sleep at night. As the owner /operator of a KFC-150 a/p this PIREP warms my heart. Thanks for sharing @Will.iam
  17. "Never weigh an airplane. Nothing good comes from it." - my dear departed A&P/IA Dave. A basic paint job weighs at least 30 lb. If not stripped when re-painted, this adds a lot of weight. In my experience, A&P's struggle to make accurate W&B calcs. Probably because they don't have time to check their work. I duplicate their work and catch mistakes every time. Digital scales sometimes lie, even when recently calibrated.
  18. Yes, silicone. As you can see, the person who installed the ones that I removed used too much. They almost filled the receptacle, and most of it was not in contact with the indicator capsule. I tried not to use too much. Just put a small bead around the outer edge of the capsule that makes contact with the recessed rim and install it. I used painters tape on the face of the dial so I could insert it without having to hold it by the edges.
  19. Hmmm. Never claimed to be. But I have "walked" in Lunar and Martian gravity and logged over 10 h of 0-g time in the NASA Vomit Comet, 25 seconds at at time. Next fly-in should include name tags, and they should include our MS screen names!
  20. From the theory: The airspeed indicator is just a pressure gauge with a particular set of marks on it to correspond to the solution of the equation V=sqrt(2*delta_P/rho) where delta_P is given by (P_pitot - P_static), and rho is sea-level STP air density. What's causing delta_P in terms of mixture, etc., cannot affect it. My guess is that while you were doing your test, you flew into a different air mass having a different wind component. That's a more likely explanation.
  21. Here's another pic showing a pretty good job of alignment done by the ground crew! The first one is our "new" J.
  22. Our J has an IFD 540. Transitioning to it from a Garmin 430W was painful for the first few flights. There are quite a few good videos on YouTube, and a good simulator for the iPad that help figure it out. A few practice flights and an IPC with it cleared up most of my issues. It's FMS capabilities are really powerful. Its software provides a lot of options with dynamic buttons depending on what you are doing. I too like the fact that you can do everything with buttons in rough air. It drives the KFC-150 a/p just great.
  23. Except the G5 flies backwards!
  24. Should have been more clear. I got one of these but didn't pay that much for it. It comes with no mount, or it got lost at my A&P's shop... By "external" I mean not internal to the stratus, not on the outside of the airplane. There is an extra L-band antenna on the bottom of my bird from a since removed DME. I'll connect to that someday when she's sufficiently disassembled.
  25. The one and only time I flew into Fisher's Island, N.Y., located in Long Island Sound, it looked like a postage stamp. 2300 with beach at both ends. Definitely changed my perspective.
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