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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. can he do the extended tank mod ?
  2. i'm in, can't wait. my fsx is getting pretty long in the tooth
  3. I feel your pain, i'm praying for trutrak to get it together.
  4. would really only need it when taxing about and maybe for the first 4000 to 5000 feet of flight. so say 1 hour. could even fill it with ice to make it a bit cooler. $40 sounds a lot more reasonable than https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/arctic-air-portable-air-conditioner-38-qt-single-fan-12-volt.html some concern about adding moisture to the interior of the plane, but hell, it's texas, pretty moist already.
  5. Hey just saw a TV add for a tiny dc powered evaporative cooler, https://www.amazon.com/Ontel-Evaporative-Portable-Conditioner-Personal/dp/B07RCZWQ7P/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=arctic+air&qid=1559884282&s=gateway&sr=8-4 wondering how it'd work in the plane 8)
  6. everyone knows the short bodies are the best
  7. thanks all, sorry for not being clear, i'm all kinds of stressed ; needed clarity as to not outright fail the checkride i'm thinking this approach was dreamed up by some mad person not wanting new ifr pilots in the world. seriously, if It was really ifr, would I really want to be doing all that twisting around just to land at the airport I should've went directly to.
  8. updated original post with link to the procedure
  9. looking at the vor-a 60r approach, what is the best way to enter the procedure if say you are coming in inbound say 280 to 300 deg? one instructor says fly over vor then left turn back to vor then out bound 141 other just says turn to 321 as your approach the vor https://skyvector.com/files/tpp/1906/pdf/06576VA.PDF guess adding a link to the approach would help
  10. this is one situation where technology has just moved on. there just isn't any currently manufactured indicator which can replace the ki-214. even the Narco-122d si going for premium. as everyone is currently very proud of their old beatup avionics, it's probably better if you go with a new radio. problem is that means minium of 7k installed. maybe 6 if you get the installer drunk with a hand job. jk. so since you are in the same position I was in, my advice would be just bite the bullet buy new equip and enjoy. I spent almost as much money trying to be cheap
  11. is it possible to get a new rayjay install ?
  12. where are you located, I remember jena and john of avionics unlimited ( Conroe, tx ) giving me a quote of Approx 2k for the install of a kn75. it's all labor, i'm sure you can find someone to give you the part. to be honest, this is what caused me to upgrade to a gns480, options are extremely limited. actually, I HOPEFULLY can put my bird in the avionics shop next week, IF I pass my IFR checkride. when they redid my avionics, they failed to connect the glideslope to the gns480 and md200-706, if the shop above can connect it cheaply enough I may be able to reinstall my ki-201 and sell the ki-214
  13. pma8000g, get it! awesome sound. intelliaudio is just nice to have. never bothered with the play back features. Bluetooth to all my devices, priceless
  14. this post reminds me, anyone know a source for the Mooney curtains? I really want to put them back in the plane
  15. 2 choices I didn't try. 1. find a used narco 2. add a glideslope receiver after which you can use a gi-106a. gs receiver should be about 2 to 300 bucks but you still have to pay the install
  16. unfortunately you can't use the gi-106a, the gs is built into the ki-214.
  17. unfortunately there aren't many, I had the same issue. there was a guy here that repaired mine : https://avionics-laf.com it's not the installer but an older gentleman. before having it repaired, I tried bennet. Neither of the units they shipped worked. eventually I just said the hell with it and added a gns480. If I had it to do all over again, i'd buy a new radio and a md200-706 and be done with it.
  18. I have an ps8000G, absolutely love it. replaced a kma20. Can't really ask for more, the thing is just awesome
  19. buy a Samsung tablet s4, or new ipad ( mini5 ) get garmin pilot/foreflight, cheaper, better screen, more durable, infinitely more useful than anything else you can buy. note if you get the ipad make sure to get the lte model ( built in gps )
  20. can't WAIT to remove that darn belly grinder.
  21. I'm thinking about putting in the g5 hsi, was wondering why people don't put the gmu 11 in the tail where the current magnetometer lives.
  22. I run GP across 2 tablets and a phone. Samsung s2 8.0, Samsung s4 10 and Samsung s10+ gdl39 3d, stratus 3i was thinking bout an ipad 5 mini to replace the older Samsung but to get a gps you have to buy the lte model which I haven't seen locally. I now use larger S4 tab to see the big picture, weather, traffic etc... smaller s2 tab for georeferenced approach plates, traffic, taxi diagrams gns 480 to command the needles. If my brittain AP worked well, i'd be all set. darn trutrak and trio
  23. If I remember correctly, the faa may be thinking of reintroducing a loran type service.
  24. hey jeev, can you do an annual in a weekend? my annual vegas trip is coming up
  25. someone call up brittain and trio, 8(
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