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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I have a 1974 E. an e is a c with a larger engine. some other tiny differences. it's faster than both the c and f, maybe. faster than the c but not alot faster than the f a J is not alot faster than an e. my E is a 145 to 150kt airplane BUTTT i tend to fly lop so let's just say 140ish. saving 10 to 15 mins doesn't really mean a lot when flying HOURS the backseats are very useable, well unless you're like 7 feet tall. i'm 6'0ish and when in flying position, the space behind me is larger than airline economy. I wouldn't go acting like an airliner but you can take someone to lunch. Useful load, not enough diff to talk about. prob more difference between copies of each plane than the models themselves. I'd really like the extra 12 gallons of fuel from the F, it would save me the expense of adding long range tanks If i was to upgrade, it would be to a k+, the F and J just aren't that different from the E. also if you're crazy with boatloads of cash, you can make an E faster than the J.
  2. take you laptop/tablet to the airport, tether it to your phone update at the airport. ok not much of an improvement 8) I just purchased online and made my own card think it cost like 8 or 9$
  3. so it runs further lop than before and smoother at the original settings. starts better, not sure how that works as i have a shower of sparks but properly primed it starts in about a blade maybe 2. when flying at altitude, 8k+, she def seems peppier and burns less gas. biggest change, No more 500hrs, hopefully, knock on wood, fingers crossed, etc...
  4. I'm a fan, my surefly has worked perfectly from day 1. I'm so happy with mine, i'm going dual at my next annual.
  5. It's not a legal term. for me it's Low ceilings that approach mins and wide spread, as in will be in it from start to finish, without Icing/thunderstorms. I add the without icing and thunderstorms as i will not fly anywhere near either. Actually as the paint is coming off birdy, it's hard to get me to fly in even mist 8) 1000 ft ceilings are practice days around here.
  6. Just replaced mine, here's a pic
  7. I'd def keep P2, anything to prevent the dreaded gear up
  8. what is the airport and p2 system
  9. Just found out this is really a thing, next Mag service i'm going dual 8). really happy with the surefly purchase.
  10. I have a 2 blade prop, original oil cooler, original windshield and the lasar cowl closure, your numbers seem to match my birdy. yes your E should run LOP nicely. Probably won't even need to talk to gami yes, you'll have to climb at something like 120mph to keep things cool when it's super hot maybe 110/115 . did you use the ram air?, that'll give you about another inch mp at altitude. she looks really nice, congrats. tip, when in cruise at altitude, slide the seat back, things get really comfy
  11. Hope you get it working, I love the pc system in my E. will be missed when i upgrade the AP.
  12. as an owner i didn't understand this. why would i ever pay you for equip and installation and then let you fly my plane for hundreds of hours, so you can make more money. I bet if anything breaks, I as the owner have to pay for it. while i'd like the option of the Trio, that just doesn't make sense
  13. Because I can? As far as i can tell, birdy has absolutely complete records from her birth, I intend to keep it that way. It's how she was maintained before me and it's how the next owner will get her.
  14. I keep everything, even the gas and oil receipts.
  15. Just fly right as it turns night for the next couple weeks, too hot to fly during the day anyway
  16. there's a chance you had to many devices connected to something, ipad/g3x etc... turn off your phone and extra ipads see what happens. I get this sometimes when i fly, my gdl39, audio panel or headsets wont' connect to certain things because i have my 2 ipads, 2phones and watch all competing for connection
  17. is that stall speed with full flaps or clean?
  18. If true, i'll def be going dual, Thing has been one of my best upgrades. will probably add the electroaire switch this time
  19. when i first got my surefly, there was a blurb about possibly having a second using a dedicated tcw battery. Doesn't lycoming also have a sim stc?
  20. I keep a can or two of boost int he plane for those times i need a pick me up and i dont' feel like messing with the cannula https://www.boostoxygen.com/product/large-10l-12-pack/
  21. nm funny, planning for the long range tanks but currently the E only holds 52 gallons. when flying distance( travelling ) i'm usually flying between 8 and 11k feet and well under 10gph, usually peak or just LOP. my most common trip usually sees me stopping in millington which is almost exactly 450 nm. least gas required was 26 gallons most was 39(dodging thunderstorms and headwinds) average is right around 32 gallons with a slight headwind, leaving 2 more hours of flight time in the tanks. now when i really want to get frugal, i run her LOP up high and around 8ish gallons per hour, slow but man you can cover some distance
  22. 450 miles is my normal ifr leg length, 484 miles i wouldn't worry about a ferry tank unless fuel isn't avail at your dest
  23. I usually have 3, my garmin watch, samsung phone and a finger tip pulse ox. I pull them out anytime i fly over 6000ish feet, really helps avoiding those nagging "headaches"
  24. I believe they had dme/dme or Loran lined up but guessing that's not going to happen.
  25. Much more likely I'm just being honest, VORs are down a helluva lot more than GPS. Currently 3 of 4 in my area are Notam'd out, one being a MON vor. think i've had gps blip once or twice in 6 years
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