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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. Update us on your trip. I did south route via "Anthony gap" by El Paso. My origin was KHAE, but I did it up from KORD to simulate your routing. Left some of the WX layers in.... notable this time of year. My Mooney is in the hangar till the MidWest ice machine calms down.
  2. Had an electrical issue and had a single speed break deploy on takeoff. When I do the controls free and correct the speed break deployed on one side due to the placement of the switch on the yoke. The break that deployed was on the down aileron side and I was looking for an up aileron on the other wing so didn't see it since the break was stowed on the wing under observation. After I rotated, really hard yaw into the break... though I got slammed with a X-wind gust, but it persisted and stabilized...didn't feel like a gust. Immediately lowered the nose to keep airspeed and saw the single break out and stowed it. I have now modified my pre-takeoff list to check both breaks. Sent units back to precise flight for overhaul (obviously). When landing with them out with close to no-wind, I can land about on the numbers and stop at the indicated spot to make the first turnoff. It was experimental, 80MPH over the fence and heavier breaking. You have to drag it in under power, so I thing this would probably be something to think about to limit ground contact energy in making an off-field landing. Wouldn't & don't do it or recommend it for normal course of ops , but was good to know what the plane will do.
  3. ^^ These ^^
  4. Welcome aboard Robert and good luck with your purchase.
  5. Mooney "caravan" to Alaska in 2020 2021?
  6. Dang, I was just there yesterday... in LA now.
  7. @carusoam Well considered thoughts as always. One suggestion: have you considered creatively adding to the "PP thoughts only..<insert>." Where < insert > is replaced by the appropriate subject matter expert... maybe something like this (the good stuff starts at around 50s:
  8. Paul, you need to start this on the beech forum if it doesn't exist and have everyone donate 1 gallon of 100LL via PayPal per map update.
  9. Then thanks even more Paul for doing ot all by hand. If you do want to start coding Python is great for just about anything and evrything one may want to get implemented quickly. Very plain english friendly as well. Udemy.com super cheap well structured courses.
  10. Hope you have a nice script that makes it easy.
  11. Naaah, both the girl aand the Cessna look like trouble to me ... pass
  12. I rented a 172 off of Oahu .... just don’t look at the face of the prop or airframe too closely ...the salt corrosion is impressive on the older units. flew to Maui and back, prettiest flight I’ve ever done
  13. Nice pics Skates
  14. Purdy.
  15. Problem is for normal, non-short field approaches, 80mph is your short-final speed, not a normal pattern base leg speed so you are turning at 90 not 80. Should have clarified the 100/90/80 are relatively my downwind/base/final speeds and over the numbers at 75. I find it works well.
  16. ^ Great advice if you have been driving a 172 around the pattern at a much higher airspeed than norms for the platform. But for Mooney's... Mooney's are an *on-speed* aircraft and will clearly let you and insurer know when excessively fast on final due to excessive float (overruns, porpoising & prop-strike due to trying to force the aircraft nose-low onto the runway) ...or your insurer/next of kin know when excessively slow. Systematically speaking, pilots who are flying Mid/Short body M20s are doing it at 100/90/80 MPH ("ish" +/- for weight). If that is incompatible with other aircraft that have a 20MPH lower stall speed and thus tighter patterns... there is one choice to avoid crowded pattern contention and that is the same thing that jets do... fly bigger pattern which allows both for airframe appropriate speeds and more gentle turns. Making traffic and tower happy isn't killing Mooney occupants.. things like slow airspeed combined with higher rate base-to-final turns & departure stalls are definitely killing distracted pilots. So, you don't have new Mooney pilots staying off-speed in either direction for long periods as training and the laminar flow wing and slippery aerodynamics will respectively correct.... or tend to hand your wallet (possibly with your (_!_) attached) as corrective feedback. The only time that I can think of Mooney's en-masse going faster than the above mentioned speeds "in the pattern" is when they are not in the pattern and rather on an instrument approach and trying to keep 90Kts + on long-medium final for approach traffic flow compatibility.
  17. Looks great, what about a maple leaf shaped mixture
  18. This ^ Don't have LED's, do have EDM 900. Don't have aspen or G5 (for now ). Do have IPAD/Foreflight, don't have Garmin EFB. Do have CIES, would buy them again. At the end of the day it is a buffet of feature/function/style and personal choices. ... and we are lucky to have them. I have founded quite a few startup businesses (12 at last count). What I have learned is that it is very **hard**, exhausting in every sense and (statistically) far more likely to be financially disastrous than a big lottery payday. Business that survive are like those few turtles that hatch and actually avoid being eaten and make the ocean and even fewer survive the ocean to grow to adults. Businesses, particularly technology product businesses that target aviation, are pretty dang brave and put their (_!_) on the line to bring products. They are not pariahs or leeches, they are taking a personally very high stakes bet that they have researched, considered, planned and worked hard enough to bring a product package that a certain and substantial subset of the of the market will voluntarily value more than the product's price sitting in their bank account. The Mooney aircraft is a technology platform of parts... products like these. So, for my part, I say bring on the innovators and vendors. Drive up the functionality, options, safety, choices and drive down the price. Most products will fail, it is the price of the ones that succeed and we all rely on.
  19. Ive hand propped a beech D18 and cherokee. I think I would rather do th 18 again versus a smaller plane. Seems like there is more time to get out of the way in your built-in escape manuver. Probably similar to doing a T6
  20. I don't think this does anything to offset the larger Signature trends, but I have been to them at Chicago Exec twice in the last couple of weeks and there were no fees to stay for a few hours and drop off / pick up a pax. They offered a crew car gratis both times.
  21. I would add props (no pun intended) to Mike @201er for publicly posting a safety issue so it can be usefully discussed.
  22. https://www.uber.com/cities/nogales/
  23. ..... and to top it all off when you come back in you have to fly into an airport of entry... little backwater (should say back dessert) Nogales (US) "International" is one. We used to stop there to do customs when I was a kid coming back to the US from Mexico trips in the family PA 32. Then we would fly to Bisbee (Home) and be done.
  24. @fuellevel I was one of the first early CIES adopters and have a software dev company for additional context; would be happy to beta test for you. I think @Antares is an AppDev type as well... can't remember if he got CIES though.
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