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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. Ditto, using Travers
  2. I'm probably hosed. Wife doesn't have off till 7/26
  3. Hi Becca, Glad you and @jetdriven will be at Oshkosh again. My plane has its engine out an apart so Shawn and I are going to try to bring up a trailer and camp at the field (if we can get an improved space). We aren't coming up until 7/26 and are staying the weekend, probably leaving Sunday night or Monday, hopefully we can get a chance to say "hi" to you guys again if you are still there.
  4. My anecdotal experience is that ANR exacerbates (if not a very possible cause) of my tinnitus. I work on conference calls in IT, and switched to binaural headsets to help get better sound quality to, among other things, better understand the rather frequent *heavy* international accents. I used them, often 6-8+ hrs a day. I used passive ear buds for years with no issues, and then went to Bose ANR ear buds. That is when I started getting tennitis. I thought it was possibly due to the in-ear buds as the issue so went to speaker phone and it subsided, but never cleared. So thought ok, ear-buds bad, got these to use for phone/web conferences and my many airline flights: Fidelity was wonderful and comfort was waaaay better than my bose aviation headset so added the crystal mic to use these in the plane. The tinnitus started picking up and after a year+ of using them, I took a break and used almost exclusively speaker phone (pain in the rear), for about 1.5 months. Tennitus went away completely in left ear and almost to nil in right... Started using them but turned the ANR off (which you can do with the QC35's) and seemed ok...no re-occurance. Went back on the ANR and ringing seemed to increase in right ear, buzzing started occurring again in left. I know it is anecdotal, but I am starting to think the ANR, or certain implementations of ANR, are no bueno for some people. Wife has HALOs, plan on getting my own at Air Venture this year.
  5. Dang, Im going to miss it again, not getting there till Friday.
  6. Thanks Art, how long ago and where did you get your case Lycoming or a distributor ?
  7. Yes they and the outfit on sand springs are both going to get a call tomorrow
  8. I tried, Chris isnt biting
  9. Thats why they are being recommended
  10. @SantosDumont Mine is at Jewell now, Sam and David have been great so far. Reach out if youd like a hookup.
  11. Might need a case if anyone has a line on a good servisable unit. Jewell sending it out to check to see if it is repairable.
  12. This is to split my "..hosed CAM.." thread in vintage as the topic has dug up some interesting fodder on engine de-humidifiers as perhaps part of some mitigation to engine aspects of extended airframe ground time/humid environments. By way of context, this came out of discussions on dealing what perhaps may be higher susceptibility to lifter corrosion in the lifter/CAM engagement of the IO360 engines.... or rephrased: "maybe if I manage ground engine humidity, it could help avoid having to pay for an early overhaul or IRAN". Here is what I dug up on the humidifier front: DIY with desiccant media: http://www.barkeraircraft.com/EngineDryerSportAvi.pdf AC condenser engine dryer. One MS'r indicated integrating the system power with a humidity switch...cool. http://www.flyingsafer.com/p-n-2065.html
  13. Thanks Mike, would love to see a pic of the setup. I started an " engine dehumidifiers " thread in General to split this thread and start consolidating content. Also watch for the little brown cigars in the kitty litter. Sometimes the kitty tries to be too helpful.
  14. ah.. using NLP to help with all that typing... finally peeking behind the Anthony magic curtain!
  15. @Marauder Chris, I believe you are being paged...
  16. http://www.flyingsafer.com/p-n-2065.html AC condenser engine dryer.
  17. http://www.barkeraircraft.com/EngineDryerSportAvi.pdf DIY de-humidifier. I would like one that doesn't use desiccant media as it seems that stuff is going to saturate quickly unless you use a ginormous media reservoir.
  18. If letting it set per Cliffy is superior to ground running ... would like a reference on that but is plausible...I wonder if for extended periods of idleness, like I face in the winter due to WX and my occupational travel, if it would be a useful approach to use a desiccant strategy to dehydrate the atmosphere in the engine and then seal it air tight....??? thoughts? Kind of atmospheric "pickeling" of the engine.
  19. Ditto; use the EDM 900 to update the tach/hobbs start/stop time. Shut down > hold two buttons on EDM 900 to show tach/hobbs > take pic with phone and look at pics for times.
  20. I'm having them put in my A1A rebuild now.
  21. Started out with XC and then switched to Aeroshell 100
  22. I think it is reasonable. Not blaming cam guard, just included use of Camguard because it was done. I didn't have metal in my early flying in the filter and the finger screen was also clean. So perhaps if the aircraft sets the damage is done, but interestingly that the damage was done was not indicated in the filter until my Jan 2018 oil change and monitored very closely thereafter with very frequent oil changes.... So, perhaps a conclusion is, if non-use corrosion has compromised the outer layer, the engine is doomed Camguard not withstanding (reasonable)...even if you don't currently see particles in the filter (interesting). That last part is the head scratcher for me.
  23. Entirely possible. BUT.... I wanted to go with the DLC to at least try to introduce a new variable. When the midwest ice machine fires up in the late fall and winter, I try to let it have the sky all to itself so I can run into extended WX grounding out there. I just do monthly ground runs.
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