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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. I just seitched over to Samsung/Android after many years on IOS and Apple everything .... it is not in the least a trivial switch for a heavy iphone app user. But Apple's slowing my $1K iphone down so it is practically unusable finally pissed me off enough to jump off the moving iphone train. Still use iPads/Forflight and a Mac but no more iPhones
  2. Thanks Dave, no worries; all sound points. I keep checking my O2 sat and seem to be at 93-94 ish with it. Just wondering what norms were not to set to that per se, but to see if I'm pushing 2 or 3x the O2 necessary for the altitudes (low to mid teens) I may fly . I knew I could empirically go down until I say my saturation start to drop, was just curious a what very rough starting point I would expect that to happen. This AOPA article seems to cover the topic. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/1998/september/pilot/o2-issues They mention a /10K' rule of thumb as well, but you are right, ultimately you need the pulse ox to *know* what is going on. Thanks for your thoughts.
  3. Yes, I have a PulseOx and have been monitoring spo2, I just wanted to understand norms for flow rate to verify efficiency of my system.
  4. @M20FanJesse Jessie, could I suggest on Wingswap you capture and categorize data similar to Controller as opposed depending solely on elective free form narrative format to capture it. It may be useful for or or others to structure the information for search/analytics and it prompts add posters to fill out more complete detail resulting in a better add. .
  5. Beautiful pic!
  6. I have a Mountain High portable O2 bottle with Cannulas. It isn't pulse demand, just constant flow. Was wondering what flow rate some of you you use in the Mid-Low teens with this type of set up. I do have a finger pulse Ox, but was just curious what rate folks use per person.
  7. US, crossing the border (car/on-foot) was a non issue when I did it in the '90's. Just need proper docs.US DL and Passport usually get it done.
  8. There's an app for that?
  9. hmmm.... looking at this (takes awhile to load, see if you SN applies, I think they may look low for your 1992 bird..) http://mooney.free.fr/Manuels M20J/M20J/Mooney Service Manuel M20J Vol. 2 of 2.pdf If the relay breaker trips, do you reset it to get the gear down or do the gear lock down per normal, just with indicator lights dark? Where is your throttle position during gear down? Does an advanced throttle while lowering the gear avoid the breaker trip?
  10. That was me going to Tucson last time. I went into Avra Valley where @KLRDMD, I believe, flys out of. It was a great airport and FBO/MX shop. That said, I have landed at the Nogales airport, it is fine (was) ... I started the aviation program as a teacher at Rio Rico High School way back in the day so was there all the time. If you ever want to do more serious flying in Mexico, there used to be a group called the Baja Pilots Assn, who have every detail you may need. I think it is these guys: https://www.bajabushpilots.com
  11. Also, I would love to personally see this operation sometime
  12. Sounds like Mooney shine to me.
  13. I have rectified the oversight. I think I did a decent rendition of Picacho peak with a sharpie.
  14. Gotta love it!
  15. Yes sir, as a 3rd gen AZ boy, I do concede -10 points for Yippi on that front... it is out of Park City, UT..... but DAAANG that stuff is nice. I understand as a lark, Hi West aged out some of their whiskey in spent vermouth and petite sirrah barrels and blended the infused whiskey's into their base. That is why it is almost blood red. When they released it, pretty soon the price doubled + and you couldn't find it in stores . So, I had to try to clone it using https://www.amazon.com/Liter-Whiskey-Oak-Barrel-Aging/dp/B01HMXDJJQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1538179010&sr=8-3&keywords=golden+oak+barrels ... .
  16. I think the world would be fine with 2x Don's.
  17. Hook a brother up! Speaking of **awsome** things western...: This stuff is aaahhhmazing!
  18. Yeah, I maintained a PA31T for a few years. It actually was kind of reliable compared to our C414's we flew.
  19. Picacho Peak, one of what I would vote as the three most distinct & interesting mountain VFR landmarks in AZ. Cochise Head and Humphrey's peaks being the others.
  20. Once they drop that kind of coin...probably "Oh 'Chute"!
  21. Come to think of it, the two times I have been in severe turbulence ... once in a 737 (things flying around the cabin, lady I have never met left finger nail dents in my arm) and once in a PA28 (Needed a new wing after that landing after breaking the spar on landing) ... were in New Mexico. Turbulence is in New Mexico, Laughlin is in Nevada .... although a mere river swim to AZ.
  22. Thanks Andrew, they are over there now doing that walking tour. Not sure which towns they are going through though for geo/proximity. But next time Shawn and I go to the UK, maybe we can coordinate a time to show Liz your plane. Think she would enjoy that.
  23. Thought it looked familiar. I actually took my dad fishing on that lake in '95 when it still had water in it... used to water ski on it when I was a teenager. On my last AZ trip flew that way on the way in to KFFZ it looked basically dried up.
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