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Everything posted by KB4

  1. I sump wings every flight and fuel selector valve every few weeks or monthly. (never found water) If I was getting fuel from an unfamiliar pump, I will sump the selector after 15 min settling. Sump into mason jar sitting on a 5 gallon bucket upside down and use left over blue juice to wipe up messes. If you have found water in any sump, your frequency should be greater than 1 per month.
  2. Critical at least where rods sit behind the inspection panels like the ones under leading edge near sump after annual I found 1 screw that was too long and was touching the rod. For belly just order a few from spruce until you find the right size combo. Surely some of belly pan screws are still serviceable. When you remove any screw, clean it up before installing. Take a shop towel spray some tri flow in it put threaded part of screw where you just sprayed, and spin away with your screw gun cleans em up fast and makes for easier install and removal later. @StevenL757 gave me that awesome tip.
  3. Your cell carrier also gave them all your location information. The contact tracing part.
  4. I believe you need at least 15 minute settling time.
  5. On pilot side, At the leading edge of the horizontal stab look down and to the left on fuse, you will see the panel that has at least 4 extra holes, that's the one with the power supply attached to back side. Check Ebay, Whelen power supplies are listed often and should be less than 100$ If your mechanic is talking 500-600 nonsense to fix, then remove the power supply and hook up an LED https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/orion500series.php
  6. West Marine Off Shore manual inflate, which ever you get also get this light and a manual whistle, stow them within the life vest.
  7. In image with red hanger door in background, the window sure looks tinted to me or to my monitor. Or is the protective film still on it. Also just a thought is this the new tint that darkens as sun gets brighter like transition lenses.
  8. Just curious, Did the passenger hear something unusual? At 3:30 she turns and looks back and does it again shortly before baggage door departure. Remind passengers that fly with you often that if anything seems off, let you know.
  9. Check Barnstormers too. I saw this ugly J for 52k. Leaves you tons of meat on the bone to add most of the goodies that @gsxrpilot mentions. https://www.barnstormers.com/classified-1545722-Hangared-Mooney-201.html?catid=20607
  10. Charge 30-60/hr. for a watch me work and sign me off. Charge 60-80 where you are doing some or all the work. Teach as you go and you will be very busy quickly. For example during an oil change my guy asked me how many twists per inch should the safety wire have? That kind of stuff. I think the answer was 6-10 twists per inch with that gauge.
  11. Can you share your data or whatever it is you are using as basis of claim that they outlast any other. At half the cost, if your claims hold true, this is an awesome alternative to Lord.
  12. Don't rely on these #'s. Get an instructor or safety pilot and fill in the Control and Perf. #'s for your plane. This Excel should be enough info to get you started. While completing this you will be INSIDE the cockpit most of the time so get someone to help look for traffic. CONTROL PERFORMANCE MP RPM AI AIRSPEED RATE OF CLIMB/DESCENT CLIMB Standard 26 26 110 Constant AS Vx 26 26 10⁰ - 12⁰ 69 1200 Constant AS Vy 26 26 7⁰ 88 1000 Constant Rate 500/min 26 26 500 S + L MP RPM AI AIRSPEED RATE OF CLIMB/DESCENT Cruise 25 25 Level 160 23 23 Level 145 Approach at 90kts 12 23 90 DESCENT MP RPM AI AIRSPEED RATE OF CLIMB/DESCENT Constant AS 11 23 4.5⁰ 100 500 Constant Rate 15 23 90 500 Cruise Descent 19 23 4.5⁰ 148 500 PRECISION APP 11 23 90 500 NON-PRECISION APP 800
  13. June 2019. IMG_4079.MOV
  14. In 4 weeks, I will have Century 21 AP, an AI, vac system, for sale all functioned as they should. Looking for a fair offer. Century 21 AP---Sold
  15. Worth a call to these guys if you cant find on their website. I picked up a trim wheel cover from them. Just fyi no holes in part and may require trim. Mine did. https://vantageassoc.com/airplane/mooney/m20.html
  16. Adequate clearance on mine. Worked so well, I didn't need this flexible funnel which is same as pvc method only this thing forms. https://smile.amazon.com/Form-Funnel-Flexible-Draining-Tool/dp/B017MTFIYE/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=flexible+funnel&qid=1587942251&sr=8-1
  17. Zero mess a few drops. Back the screw all the way out after piercing, takes an hour to empty filter https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/tempestoildraintool.php?gclid=CjwKCAjw4pT1BRBUEiwAm5QuRyF7n73WbQtJLFo3oE-24sqB6reD-szLhIagumcic6-Ba22VTy9jQRoC3IEQAvD_BwE Last oil change I did have some spillage, so I am down grading this product. After sitting all night. It seemed to drain out most of the oil from the filter, not all, but enough to unscrew filter without a huge mess.
  18. Sabadil by Boiron is all natural and works better than any over the counter allergy med for me. No side effects.
  19. First, great decision making. Some would have just self announced and landed. Probably short staffed. Do not hesitate to call Approach. "App Mooney XYZ I can't raise the Tower at N.E. Philly, is the tower closed? Reverts to non-towered. Controllers in the North East are the best around and can handle high volumes, are pilots themselves, more than willing to help and forgive mistakes. My clearance was "hold for release call back when ur #1" After a 15 minute Congo Line, I was number 1, lined up and off I went. Never called for my release. Checked in, and heard "you departed without your release" Ohh Fudge. Admitted my mistake, apologized, and all was forgiven.
  20. I have tried LoPresti speed wax. (expensive so I only use on windows same bottle going on 2 years), Rejex, Starbright, and AirGlare. Couldn't see the difference in shine all seemed to do that very well, but AirGlare seemed to last longer for me and when I went to wipe the bugs off 1 day, it went so easy, I didn't expect that. First polish I used the Meguiers Dual Action thingy with blue chemical guys hexagon pad polish pad, Second time around I used the red ultra finish pad. For clay bar, I used this with the chem guys clay lube, can make your own too.
  21. Check with these guys. You may have to send them the old piece so they can fab a new one. Put me down for 1 clamp and get some others J owners---maybe could bring price down. https://awi-ami.com/mooney-m-20-200-slip-rib-m-20j-exhaust-system-itemized-parts-list-mapped-image
  22. Gear Safe light did same for me, that's normal, but I didn't have the dim lit position light. IIRC my Whelen tail led did have the dim lit you describe.
  23. Tragic story. Fortunately for him, you were there in seconds to help and undoubtedly made the difference in saving his life. Making the switch to LED's means you just leave all lights on all the time. Big thanks to @StevenL757 who lost 2 great flying days helping me with my LED's few years back.
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