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Everything posted by tmo

  1. In the US I would not install a new DME. Over here I most likely will, when the time to get rid of the KNS80 comes. If anyone has a surplus DME free to a good home, let me know...
  2. Shepp say the IR written is the worst. Hopefully I'll catch up with you soon enough...
  3. Correct, we still cannot legally do substitution the way you can. There is a NPA (Notice of Proposed Ammendment) to allow some substitution, but I don't believe it has been implemented yet. The proposed text is below. AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.195(a) Navigation equipment RNAV SUBSTITUTION An RNAV system may be used to substitute for conventional navigation aids and radio equipment, without monitoring of the raw data from conventional navigation aids, under the following conditions: SCOPE OF RNAV SUBSTITUTION (a)RNAV substitution may be used in all the phases of flight except: (1) to provide lateral guidance in the final approach segment of an instrument approach procedure; and (2) to substitute for DME, if a DME transceiver is either not installed on the aircraft or found to be unserviceable before flight. Which kind of makes it useless for when needed, I'd think. This is from https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/Draft%20AMC%20%26%20GM%20%28OPS%20and%20FCL%29%20Amendment%201.pdf
  4. I put kitty litter in an open plastic box in the cockpit; after a few weeks, I replace it with another batch, which I have previously baked in an oven at 125C / 260F for 2h.
  5. Does Garmin sell reasonable navdata for (all of) Europe?
  6. Um, what?! Less? I don't think so.
  7. Nitpicking, but no GPS gives you DME, just "DME substitution" based on GNSS (GPS) data. Which is fine, as long as one understands that a GNSS signal outage will affect the "DME" reading. With a true DME, it would still work, even if the GNSS signal was not available.
  8. You're probably thinking of some GNSS box, like the GDC31 from DAC; I think Icarus SAM also does GNSS, as do the GI275 from Garmin.
  9. Consider a partnership - seriously. Apart from that, if traveling to see a potential purchase isn't possible for you, you'll need to consider a "buyer's agent" - someone whose day job is to buy planes for people. They will eventually find a plane for you, arrange a pre-purchase inspection, ferry flight, transition training, and whatever else they can sell you on, like upgrades and such. There are a few people around Europe that offer this kind of service. I haven't had much luck with that approach, but that is due to me being a CB and having the option to travel to see a promising prospect. But I did kiss a number of toads that didn't turn into princesses as well. Again - do look around and see if you can get into a partnership. Most planes, especially here in the EU, don't fly as much as they should, and a good partnership is in the best interest of all parties involved. I just paid 250 EUR to get two friends added to the insurance on my M20K. And when looking around, don't get fixated on a M20J. Do consider that a different model might be acceptable, especially if in a partnership (especially non-equity). I wanted a J, ended up with a K, and am happy about it.
  10. Very Why would it not?
  11. To be fair, they do have the special suits that inflate wherever and however much they need to.
  12. Probably a stupid q, but the DA at FL200 wasn't some obscene value that would put you that far above critical altitude? It is awfully hot this summer.
  13. Tri Flow, or if out, silicone grease.
  14. Just for kicks, see if you can measure a significant voltage drop somewhere close to the motor - maybe you just have tired wiring / connectors / relays?
  15. Actually, the FAA got it more right than EASA, who are slowly trying to catch up when it comes to GA. You could go get another guy to come and sign off your plane. A few years ago something like that wouldn't have been imaginable over here. As challenging as getting anything done on a plane is, it is still easier for me to go the FAA route than to deal with my local aviation authority. And thanks for taking one for the team ;-)
  16. It's not a bug, it's a feature! ;-)
  17. Or he'll get one off eBay for $250 ;-)
  18. Isn't the work / maintenance done yearly effectively the work to be done every 100h, regardless of hours flown?
  19. The eligibility to upgrade to the MB engine is primarily determined by sn of airframe; see the Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS). Quoting from there: TSIO-360-MB1 (S/N 25-1000 and 25-1999). TSIO-360-MB2 (S/N 25-2000 thru 25-2012) See NOTE 21. NOTE 21: M20K S/N’s 25-1000 thru 25-1230 and 25-2000 thru 25-2012 may be retrofitted to TSIO-360-SB2 engine and gross weight increase to 3130 Lbs. when complied with M20K Gross Weight Increase Retrofit Instructions. So yours (and mine) will be limited to at most the MB1. (overly optimistic me edit) As far as the alternator, if you remove the vacuum, you can probably explore the secondary alternator that goes in place of the vacuum pump. IIRC there are some threads on here.
  20. Not over here in Poland. Simply not many Mooneys around. And I dare not call myself an expert, by no means, many more hours to get there. But I'm working on it
  21. On a N-reg, certainly. But first things first, the IR, from the FAA.
  22. I found that Mooneyspace was a good resource in lieu of a type specific instructor. I got my initial insurance requirements taken care of that way, as it is impossible to find anyone with Mooney experience, much less an FI that really knows the M20K. I should do a FI...
  23. Electric ducted fans and an engine / battery pack from a Prius? ;-)
  24. Wouldn't a full call sign, N6887N also be correct? I know it would be here.
  25. Unfortunately I don't have a spare aircraft battery, and it wouldn't make sense to ship one to Poland just to forward it on to Romania. If you need me to call around and ask if anyone has that particular battery in stock, I can do that, send me a PM.
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