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Everything posted by tmo

  1. I did not know Lot got fined / had privileges revoked. Interesting, thank you for posting that. Is there any reference to that? I can't seem to be able to google anything relevant and it will come in handy sooner or later.
  2. Yeah, but a Carbon Cub is better for that slalom
  3. When flying longer distances around Europe you probably have more reasons to go to FL160 or so than you would in the US. I'll defer to the more experienced ones - @Ibra @Urs_Wildermuth @Sue Bon So far the best upgrade for my M20K was portable O2 with a demand regulator ;-) and I don't even have the intercooler nor the magic wastegate.
  4. And what is the consensus on the electronic magnetos? As in send one off for IRAN, replace with a SureFly/eMag (if the latter is applicable)?
  5. There are FAA IAs around Europe that will travel for a sufficient amount of money. Since the plane is ferry-able, it might be annual-able, perhaps?
  6. Once done applying, let us all know how much was enough
  7. I'll add that as far as I understand "before 1980" means "Type Certificate issued before 1980" which covers everything up to M20K (approved in 1978) no matter when the plane was actually built. IOW it covers all the J and K serial numbers.
  8. Interesting - I have a 1980 M20K, sn 396, and figured N231ER (which is also a M20K, sn 213) would be close enough. I was wrong. What a difference a few serial number make. Apologies for possibly sounding like an ass, it was never my intention.
  9. You mean the 'aux' circuit breaker? Seriously, with the master on and avionics master OFF turn a radio or some other avionics device on. It should not power up. Now pull the AUX circuit breaker out and you should see the avionics come to life. Did it really take that long to get the issue fixed?
  10. And then ping @OSUAV8TER about his fuel cap kits: https://www.gallagheraviationllc.com/Aircraft-Fluorosilicone-Fuel-Cap-Kits_c_36.html
  11. With all due respect, and I truly have lots of it for you, perhaps leaning _more_ (especially when idling) would be a good option, this way you are sure to have the engine idle OK but stumble way before you get anywhere close to full power, allowing you to either go full rich or abort the roll. I tend to lean my (non intercooled) 231 to around 2gph for taxi. I started consciously NOT going full rich for landing because in my plane it will cause backfire, especially on hot days, which is even worse for a TC engine than a NA one. That said, I don't leave it very lean in case I need a bit of power to save my landing, which is more often than I would like to admit to. On a go-around I made it a habit to never go to full power (throttle) immediately. I add enough to get it flying, re-trim, and only then push the throttle to 40". That written, I've never had a real go-around, so I can't say how this will hold up in real life. ps. care to share your checklists?
  12. tmo


    Soap and water it shall remain then, I guess. The two types of Pledge are not the same: Original: https://www.whatsinsidescjohnson.com/ph/en/brands/pledge/Pledge--Aerosol-Lemon New: https://www.whatsinsidescjohnson.com/us/en/brands/pledge/Pledge-Expert-Care-Aerosol-Lemon To be fair, the "original" in the ad is not the same as the "original original" either. Thanks all!
  13. tmo


    OK, I must be having a bad day, but for the life of me I cannot find this particular type of Pledge anywhere online. Amazon, Walmart, Target - null, nada, zilch. Searched with Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo. All I find is the "expert care" version https://www.whatsinsidescjohnson.com/us/en/brands/pledge/Pledge-Expert-Care-Aerosol-Lemon which has a different composition. In Europe they call it "Pronto", but I also can't find the "beautify it" version, just stuff that seems to be the "expert care" equivalent. Can someone please post a link to an online retailer where I can order the correct stuff?
  14. Are you sure? I've seen pictures of a G5 failing a GFC500 with an error saying: "Servo clutch fault". I would think any servo would have to have some kind of clutch mechanism so the pilot flying can overpower it when things go too far south. Testing for the ability to overpower a servo is, IIRC, part of pre-flight checks for the legacy King APs.
  15. tmo


    So it seems there are now about a dozen types of Pledge. Which is the right / best one - I would guess the Pledge Everyday Clean Multisurface one would be "it"? We don't have Pledge as a brand from J&J here in the EU, at least I couldn't find it, so I went looking at the safety sheets for the Pledges from the US and some of them list IPA as the main ingredient. I thought IPA was a no-no for plastic windows - is there so little of IPA in Pledge that it doesn't hurt, or am I totally mistaken, and I want the one with no alcohol in it?
  16. Also https://www.aero-lites.com/ I have their LDG/taxi light replacements and the cabin lights (#1813 I think), am just about to order the GE330 replacements for the glareshield, just can't decide if warm white or red is the way to go. Needless to say I am a happy customer. LED brightness is best regulated via PWM, so if you go all-led you may want to update the thing that shapes their power supply as well.
  17. FWIW, I'll be all over the AV-30-C as soon as Uavionix get the AP interface for the legacy King stuff certificated. That said, it's been "soon" for a few years now, so not holding my breath while Garmin eat their lunch with the GI-275.
  18. I believe discrete inputs start with the 450A; would the 'unswitched' inputs on a plain 450 that I have also work? From the IM it looks like they are different pins, J2-17,-19, -30 and J1-24 for discrete, J1-29, -31, -44 and J2-15 for unswitched, so not just a name change. Also the discrete messages are set up via flightmate which I think is a feature starting with the 450A.
  19. @OSUAV8TER makes and sells them. Good stuff.
  20. I am pretty sure that is no longer the case for EASA registered planes operated privately. You might want to ask around on EuroGA and/or reach out to Malte Höltken from Aufwind in Germany if you are interested in the actual extent of pilot-owner privileges on EASA planes. I don't follow that too closely as my plane is N-reg.
  21. Practical evidence from a sample of one TSIO-360 says it does not hurt. (I was trying to be funny in the previous post, sorry about that)
  22. Hey, at least you now see the top of the hill...
  23. Congratulations. And a hearty "thank you" for writing up the procedure in a concise post.
  24. I think that the differences between the US and the EU are significant enough that this isn't feasible, but I'll reach out with some questions directly, if for no other reason than to learn how it's done. I don't think there are enough places in continental Europe that are far enough from a good hospital that aren't covered by some form of decent public transportation AND have a reliable airport / airfield. Perhaps up north, where the population densities are smaller.
  25. At the risk of sounding stupid, did you check the inflation pressure? The wheel might look right when standing still, but be somewhat underinflated - just enough to flex in a weird way upon touchdown.
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