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Everything posted by INA201

  1. I haven’t really made any trips or long voyages since March or so. I’ve made lot of local flights which had been fun but not exactly the same. Have you guys changed your habits? I do run a restaurant which has kept me “tied down,” pun intended. Anyway, just curious as there is always an interesting story, thought, and insight in our group here.
  2. There are certain operational issues that can affect the longevity of the sealed batteries. One of the big ones is to leave them fully charged as best possible. Overcharging will also cause issues. Take a look at Mike Busch’s Battery webinar. A lot of folks use battery maintainers. I’ve had great luck with my Concorde in a 1978J.
  3. KSPA my 201 231 252 2 ovations may be others that I’m unaware of I’m the little guy on campus haha!
  4. My plane will auto taxi and park next to Mooneys that are on the ramp. Just one of the great features of our fine aircraft.
  5. The tail dragger versions are not bad looking imop.
  6. A friend of mine went from a glassair to a Taylorcraft and loves it. Don’t know if that helps. He did comment that it flies a lot better than a J-3. I’ve heard that before from others as well. That’s all I’ve got!
  7. Another look is to add TFRs and the red shaded areas are primarily firefighting operations unfortunately.
  8. Useful load is claimed to be 1232 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond_DA50
  9. The demand for cold air must be low. Let’s go with $200 now.
  10. I haven’t used it this year so figured I would turn it over. Works well and I would get 1 1/2 to 2 hours when freezing blocks of ice. It has a cigarette lighter plug and will fit through the baggage door in my J. It has a feature where you can just pump the water out when you are done so it doesn’t have to be removed every time you use it. Picking this up would be ideal but we can work out shipping. $300 Heres a link to the Sportys add for it. https://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/arctic-air-portable-air-conditioner-38-qt-single-fan-12-volt.html?utm_source=google_shopping&m=simple&&mrkgcl=596&mrkgadid=3149425871&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Aircraft+Supplies&adpos=&creative=295428070030&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7vLu-PDg6gIVk8DACh1PygvVEAQYASABEgJkDvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  11. I think they could use their creative and volunteer energy to at least create entries into the various categories of aircraft. They could also put together a really memorable event that could be digitized so that every EAA member could be involved. I’ve always looked at challenges as opportunities if the possibility to do so presents itself. The Flight to Oshkosh is cancelled but the spirit can be harnessed with some creative leadership. Who knows.....let’s see.
  12. Rejex is what a lot of turbine guys use to make it easy to get the black off. Gotta get everything off first with a clay bar or similar and then Rejex. You can wax on top of the Rejex after 24 hours if you want a better shine. It’s not the best shine but bonds to the paint. I do it once a year to protect it.
  13. You won't get an accurate evaluation right now until the economy stabilizes. There will be a fire sale or two for sure in the coming months unfortunately.
  14. We visited Mount Washington in August about ten years ago. It was 85F at the base and 45F at the summit and very windy. The elevation is not really all that high as well. It’s really a phenomenon.
  15. This is a good one.
  16. I have read, contributed, and do believe that the multiple posts comparing Ferrari's hand made cars to our beloved Mooney's do have serious merit. On the other hand, I have never seen a Mooney video anywhere close to this one, and frankly, wasn't looking for it. We have all talked about Mooney not competing with Carbon Fiber Technology along with parachutes and all of that. Am I crazy or are we just not marketing these planes correctly. New Mooney Factory owner please take note. I picked the best produced Mooney marketing video I could find(maybe there is a better one)to illustrate a contrast. I guess the point of this post is that the Mooney I fly compares more to the Ferrari video than to the Mooney's marketing over the past few years. Lets discuss this.......
  17. All I know is this one is not a Mooney IMOP. Throw a retract on and the M10 might be a good start towards modern composites for Mooney.
  18. Is this Fake news? Really though, Congratulations and I hope the positive story continues for you!!
  19. I kinda like this approach but would expand on it some. How about the crazy idea of build to order with engine choices and airframe choices. You could also pick your paint scheme etc. etc. Realistically I think the only way Mooney can compete with our excellent used fleet is to have a kit build to get the price point waaaay down.
  20. I still haven’t done a three way and four way speed run after all of the door issues. So for my part in this thread I will get up soon and fill in the final data for my end of this thread. Thanks for the thread revival guys!! I’m looking at my last post on this one and thinking where the four years went.
  21. Id like to see the dual mag at some point too! It is sounding like a worthy purchase so far.
  22. These are the takeoffs you get away with one time only haha! Nice video and story. We forget about the drug running component of our pilot community.
  23. I’m hoping the G5’s will integrate with my century 2b at some point to since I already purchased one of them. Here’s a link to the 275s integrations. http://static.garmin.com/pumac/gi275_autopilot_compatibility2.pdf
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