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Everything posted by INA201

  1. Cant you just turn of your transponder out of most airspace when not IFR? This of course is assuming you want pure anonimity.
  2. Is it inappropriate thread drift to include the following question? “What is the best solution to cleaning up old, unused, outdated wiring and such?”
  3. This is a really good review and my guess the new sim will be very well done.
  4. Take a look! Scroll through them all! This is an opportunity for a really well managed(hopefully)parts producer. It also could be an opportunity to make the ultra a kit build of sorts allowing for lighter weight, cheaper to manufacture, better avionics, more engine options, etc etc. I’m hoping for a win win! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Defunct_aircraft_manufacturers_of_the_United_States&pageuntil=Paraplane+International#mw-pages
  5. Wow, that’s not bad on the costs. I had no idea. I had thought insurance and all other expenses were significantly more. Acquisition I suppose would be the limiting factor for most folks based on your assessment. Thank you for the insight.
  6. Mooney is what it is. The Cirrus is great but the cost benefit for most budgets is not there at all. Mooney is an awesome used plane. 1. What's the insurance costs 2. How much are annuals 3. whats the efficiency in MPG or MP$ 4. How much are subscription costs 5. Chute repack costs 6. How much is depreciation costing annually 7. How much do you value modern comfort vs classic comfort My guess is you could own a J, an old Porsche, an old Vette, and a newer BMW for a similar outlay of cash/overhead or some similar combination of assets compared to one SR22 Cirrus. Cirrus is an awesome plane but it costs a lot to play at that level. If you have $100,000 available for an asset purchase the options dwindle down pretty quick and Mooney's personal and economic value rises really really quick.
  7. I looked up job offerings off the Mooney website and there is one available. My guess is this indicates some optimism. https://recruiting.myapps.paychex.com/appone/MainInfoReq.asp?R_ID=1893036&B_ID=91&fid=1&Adid=0&ssbgcolor=17143A&SearchScreenID=7751&CountryID=3&LanguageID=2 This site gives some insight into the working environment at the factory. Keep in mind that disgruntled workers may tend to post reviews more. Interesting comments regarding the Chineese management which seems to be one of the biggest underlying issues and an accurate representation . https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Mooney-Aerospace-Reviews-E6431.htm
  8. Cessna bought the Columbia line after all of the R and D was complete and still couldn’t make it work. It’s about as good as it gets for competing with Cirrus.
  9. Mooney is adding production to their factory but needs to keep all of this private. Premier advertised that they are out until March of 2020. They know what’s going on. We have collectively been pessimistic. Stay tuned more to come!...... Maybe
  10. I’ve just seen it before and don’t know anymore about the product. The best test for these products might be on a ski slope involving varying temperatures and a cross section of a wing. A snow machine might test beyond any condition we would run into. Don’t listen to me though I’ve had ideas before but we won’t go into that.
  11. How about this one. https://www.oceanit.com/products/aeropel
  12. Is it really good? I’m amazed at all of the hype and free press for this sandwich. I love competition and marketing so this checks both boxes. If it’s really good too then it’s a trifecta which is hard for mature businesses to pull off. Good luck and I guess I need to try one of these!!
  13. I’d vote it’s the same. How’s this auction thing work? its obviously Caveat Emptor for sure.
  14. Once you get that panel open the panel one more outboard to the wing is where my connector to unplug it is located. I’m not sure if they are all this way but at least on my 1978J it is. 3/8 inch socket will get the servo out if need be. As an aside from another thread. Recommended from a few folks here is to buy a little bottle of Stabilant 22 if you are having connection issues. I just applied some to all of my connections and will test fly and see how it all functions.
  15. We are fortunate to have Triple Tree nearby. When there is a fly in there we drive the 20 minutes(every airport seems to be 20 minutes)to the airport to get the plane. Flying the "arrival procedures,' etc takes a good thirty more minutes. We could drive there in thirty but the Mooney would be disappointed if we left her in the hangar.
  16. We got the autopilot servo to engage and determined it as a connection issue. I’ll try the GPS setting. Another setting I was told to look into was the sensitivity coming from the G5 changing it from a 1 to a .75. I’m holding off on the G5 setting as it’s possibly a threshold adjustment on the amplifier causing the mild oscillating behavior.
  17. I recall my avionics shop running 1.5 volts to the servo and it wouldn’t kick in. He then went to 3 volts and it engaged. We pulled the amplifier and servo and sent it to you guys. It has functioned just fine in the past three years and I’ve always tolerated the mild oscillating behavior and connection issues. Now that I’m planning more IFR adventures I’d like to get it totally tightened up if at all possible. Is there an easy way to test startup voltage while the servo is mounted. Thank you guys for all of your insight. This is a lot of fun figuring all of this out. Really good information.
  18. Just wanted to put a link for the Stabilant 22 on this thread . "Parts Drop" is a listed supplier on Stabilant's website and looks like the best option and pricing available. The product looks like it solves a myriad of connection issues. Thank you guys for the heads up on this! Looking forward to trying it. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Stabilant-22-Liquid-Semi-Conductor-5-mL-kit-Electronic-Contact-Enhancer-/381762729543
  19. I looked up Stabilant 22 and a lot of audiophiles seem to use it as well. So just paint it on and plug it all back up? Thanks for more insight.
  20. Sure! Thanks In heading mode or GPS mode the plane will slowly turn two or three degrees right and then correct it by turning left overshooting the desired heading and then the process starts over again. @jetdriven gave me some insight on turning the threshold adjustment screw counterclockwise which has begun too work but I think I was being too conservative. He said to make a full turn of the screw and watch effectiveness and then another turn as needed until it dials out. Also, it was a 20 turn adjustment pot. I was only doing 1/4 turns and waiting a minute or so but was slowly seeing improvement. Any other advice is greatly appreciated. Is there a way to tighten up the connections to the amplifier or is just cleaning them up the best option there? Great help on this and thank you!
  21. Does that require new male connectors as well? Any recommendations or direction for acquiring these connectors? Thank you for the help.
  22. Got the autopilot operating. Now on to dialing in the mild oscillating behavior. I would also like to tighten up the blue connectors. What is the best trick and tool for tightening these up? I saw the pic of a "Pick." Thank you guys for the help.
  23. Ive been tweaking my IIB to remove oscillation and have probably done a counterclockwise turn from full oscillation of a couple of revolutions. I still have a very slow oscillation so my question is about the "20 turn trimpot." Should I be turning vigorously or just a 1/4 turn and wait, 1/4 turn and wait on the threshold adjustments. Thanks in advance.
  24. I’ve had excellent, thorough work done by Cole. They will be doing my annuals and Mooney specific repairs going forward as well. I have also also heard nothing but good things about AGL.
  25. Failed to mention. I bought that same Griots polisher and use it on my vehicles but haven't tried it on the plane just yet.
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