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Everything posted by peevee

  1. Cpa offers a mountain course, it's OK. Really basic. There's a flight component that's pretty decent and worth doing. The ground school, eh... I'd skip it
  2. the first year I renewed I got a nice little headset bag. I never got anything since. Not even a sticker.
  3. we also run w100. Just have to be sure to preheat if it's cool out.
  4. crazy
  5. I guess I used the electronic checklist in the cirrus, it was OK I guess, but I'm with you, paper all the way.
  6. electronic all the way. No one has mentioned the improved situational awareness with the GPS position overlay on the IPAD charts. I do find my yoke mount vibrates a little too much and that's annoying, but better than juggling a kneeboard with the ipad and a paper pad to scribble with. I never find the wingx scratchpad very convenient.
  7. I'd do it and give him his complex along the way, but I'm out of the country until early next month and not very local. I'm sure Don can suggest someone. He can probably knock the complex out there and make the trip solo if he wanted.
  8. report 3 mile anything just means they want to know when you're about 3 out so they don't forget to clear you to land. here normally if no traffic pops up they'll clear me to land and delete the restriction before I get there... if it's a VFR tower and they don't have a d-brite type device they don't know where you are and can't judge 3 miles from 5 visually anyway. If they do have radar.... they likely don't care that much. Remember, all a VFR tower is responsible for is that strip of asphalt. Not the airspace around it.
  9. I was under the impression AOPA supported it?
  10. actually if they chop the retirement there will be a crisis when the young guys go do something else. Without the retirement the job/schedule/day to day BS isn't worth it. I'll just go fly for a regional and start over at the bottom.
  11. once the user fee structure is in place, it'll include GA, only a matter of time. I look forward to the whining that will come from it. Also, airlines get 2 seats on the board and GA only one. Guess who's going to be calling the shots? It isn't AOPA.
  12. yeah, he'll fix everything. Oh wait, nope.
  13. A&P did a nice job boogering up the screws when they put the new one in.
  14. I'd snap one of those up in a heartbeat for $500, I've never seen one come up for sale for that.
  15. Yes and no.... most of what you'll find are remainders of the HAR routes. http://www.aopa.org/Advocacy/Air-Traffic-Services-,-a-,-Technology/Air-Traffic-Services-Preferred-Terminal-Routes https://www.fly.faa.gov/rmt/nfdc_preferred_routes_database.jsp then you get into coded departure routes, which can be found on the OIS page, but you don't have full access to it outside of facilities. http://www.fly.faa.gov/ois/ then you run into situations where it's as simple as the tracon not wanting to work traffic coming in the departure gate nose to nose with departures. but we all know the real answer is it's the dirty union boosting traffic counts so they can all look better and know where to expect handoffs!!!! because handoffs always come from the same place!!! and other ridiculousness.
  16. thanks, just preplanning. The low cost options for 1090ES are relatively limited.
  17. You really should consider a facility visit, perhaps it'll enlighten you, because as of now you have absolutely no clue. I don't have time to explain to you all the ways you're incorrect.
  18. aside from adsb IN, any compelling reason to go with a 330es vs a kt74? They're comparably priced.
  19. so you already know it's in the interfacility LOA and you still don't get it?
  20. the 330ES is 1090, correct?
  21. no wonder they're so expensive
  22. Yes, as a matter of fact I do. More than you can imagine or I'll talk about on a public forum. I still fail to understand the big mystery. If it's simply a collection point what is so mystifying about that? Do you approach an intersection in your car from 30 different angles? No, typically it's 4. It's the same concept. It's difficult for neighboring sectors to blend multiple streams joining into a third sector, hence a collection point. If you're that worried about it call the watch desk at center and ask, it's really, really not some huge conspiracy to make you burn .1 more engine time. OR here's a novel idea, ask for direct. .
  23. Where did I say anything about sids or stars to KLEE? It likely has to do with traffic in and out of ORL or it's a collection point for LEE. I don't see what the big mystery is here...
  24. light snow, a dusting at best.
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