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Everything posted by peevee

  1. We'll probably hike and just explore a little. It's only a couple nights. But being close to Xmas I don't know if they get slammed with rich folk like everywhere in Co does, so I'll have to call the fbo and make sure they have room for us too I guess.
  2. I assume you've seen the newish snowflake on approach plates for cold restricted airports?
  3. 4 day weekend ahead, and the wx looks decent to try and get around the rockies and somewhere warmer for a couple days, is sedona worth a visit? I had considered santa fe, the grand canyon, something like that. All depends on the wx, stupid ice....
  4. center radar won't display a deviation from assigned altitude until 300 feet off....
  5. don't put too much work into it, I'm not super serious about it other than the fact that we have a century 41 and it occasionally gives us fits and it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a spare on hand.
  6. it's a neat concept, but I don't think it'll ever fly.
  7. never talked to a 210 owner that didn't love it
  8. You might hang with it at 8 to 10k but above that a turbo is going to leave you behind pretty quick. Just like your 201 will hang with a 231 until you add some altitude.
  9. What would you be looking for? I'd almost grab it just as a spare
  10. I like the vikings, I'd make mine a turbo.
  11. I have some Deb time, loved it
  12. depending on the bo I guess I agree. A tornado alley bo would be just about perfect aside from the fuel.
  13. They don't come cheap to build yourself either. I think they go for less than the sum of the parts for the 360, not so much the 4 it's all dreaming until I can offload my 231 share which could take years anyway
  14. I was thinking more along the lines of rv14, but the lancair is a little quicker. The comanche is just getting too old, hoping for fewer problems, not more. I like them fine otherwise.
  15. I was thinking a questair venture might be a good alternative. Or a lancair 360. What about you?
  16. Sent you a PM, but I'm not sure how you would be interested living in Miami.
  17. Would I want it? Yes. Would I pay 20k for it? No.
  18. Good group and a great 231 w/wategate and intercooler. Century 41 AP, gns430w, avidyne mfd with xm weather. Tanks stripped and sealed 2014, about 600 smoh and engine reserves in the bank. If it's up a your alley shoot me a pm and I can send you pics and details. Plane lives in a nice hangar at BJC
  19. plus ice, plus mtn wave, agreed. Too many hints saying don't go. No outs either, at the destination end there's nowhere to go where the wind is more favorable.
  20. as I feared, I had to scrub my trip, while I felt bad about it, 200% it was the right decision to make departure point: 081338Z 0814/0912 25026G45KT P6SM FEW090 SCT150 FM081600 26020G35KT P6SM FEW090 SCT150 destination: 081131Z 0812/0912 26020G30KT P6SM BKN090 NOPE! no thanks. I did feel really bad though. Even if the surface winds weren't so bad, it's an absolute nightmare aloft:
  21. Here's the thing... sr71's would have been on a center wide TAC UHF freq, they couldn't change freqs fast enough to hop sector to sector. You would have to change frequencies every 2-30 seconds, it's not possible. Most fighters also use UHF and not the usual VHF freqs.... so the likelihood of all these folks being on the same freq at the same time is about zero.... He sort of describes the TAC freq early in the story when he mentions "we wouldn't talk to them unless we needed to descend into their airspace..." Normally it's monitored by everyone and the aircraft would just be handed from sector to sector and whoever had him when he needed something would respond. But it's baffling because the story comes from Brian Shul's book Sled Driver and he's a well known and respected 71 pilot. FWIW you can find sled driver in the library sometimes, there's one copy in my state so my local library ordered it in from across the state for me to check out, pretty neat and didn't cost me $700.
  22. You're right, 400nm in a turbo isn't worth a stop, I grabbed leg #2. Now I have to worry about weather, o2,weight it's almost a week out and I'm stressing about it haha My conundrum is to go high and put them on ox, go at 140 with me on ox and look like a jerk for not sharing, I've never had pax off ox when I've been required but the regs say.... Or take an airway route and keep it at 120. Decisions decisions! Then I have to worry about the crosswinds, we're going to a really windy place historically but if it's much of a component I'll have to scrub.
  23. it's a long way out for the forecast, but it looks good. I didn't want to stress her out on the initial call, perhaps I should have mentioned it. I'll touch base Monday and get the plan down, it's a 2 leg trip, I'm leg 1, but honestly if no one takes leg #2 I'll probably just do the whole run. my MCP orentation pilot mentioned he had picked people up and driven them up to our airport rather than hop into the busy field they're closer to, I took that advice (I hate that airport that much) self serve here is 3.83 and I can just about make it round trip on a tank so that's hard to beat. Maybe throw on 10 gal away from home.
  24. Appreciate it, they're Bendix though. Gonna go fly the plane today, he says they're spot on now.
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