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Everything posted by peevee

  1. So.... Wingx pro provides a countdown of how fast I need to descend to make my destination. I'm lazy and just tick it up to about 800 fpm and pitch for 1k fpm down.no math required
  2. because he lives in a part of the country with some of the worst icing around, just a guess.
  3. increased the gain from 1.0 to 1.5, elsewhere on the web I see that aspen recommends that now anyway, we'll try and adjust as needed. I have seen reference to an adjustment on the face of the autopilot itself as mentioned above, but I can't locate a service manual online. Does the front screw only adjust wings level and tracking?
  4. looks like there's a gain setting for GPSS in the aspen, that's an easy first place to start so I'll increase it.
  5. Ok, I'll ask my guy. Thanks!
  6. Huh, any idea what they adjusted? The 1k or the autopilot?
  7. Riiiiight Users have “no significant complaints” about the safety or quality of services they receive
  8. I don't think he has made one. A lot of what I assume is speculation is that they'll dust off Schuster's bill from last summer or so. http://transportation.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=399699
  9. The plan is not to go to a for profit model, it's to spin off similar to the post office. As for your comments about cost savings, I would challenge you to find something the government subcontracted to a for profit Enterprise that actually resulted in a net savings. I'll be surprised if you find any.
  10. We have a KAP150, I don't suppose there's a simple and easy fix for this, like it's a known issue is there? It's pretty odd. It's fed from an aspen 1500 system, though it might still be getting attitude from the BK AI, I'm really not certain. We run in HDG mode 99.9% of the time because the aspen is driving GPSS.
  11. I always liked the arrow. It handled like an old worn out f150 and cruised like a VW beetle with a tired engine but I could always fly it well. Aside from the crappy engine I always thought the turbo arrow wouldn't be bad.
  12. You should know distances in texas are ALWAYS further than you think
  13. over the terrain I fly, I like the view from 170 and higher JUST FINE! I also like to know that if the big fan quits I can glide about 2 miles per 1,000 feet once it feathers. Of course I'll probably curse that turbo some day if a V band clamp lets go and she flame cuts through my cowl and starts a fire.
  14. Hey that's a good idea, just a VFR flight so not a controller slam dunk, but terrain+ground speed=hustle down. Pattern is 6500
  15. I feel your pain. Reducing at 1" per minute from 31 or 32 inches to 25" adds time to the process plus controllers don't really understand we can't go down like the jets.
  16. it's kind of interesting reading the thread I notice how much I have changed changed how I fly with the 2 mooneys I've had. Low for me is 11 or 12k and that's only if it's to duck the wind. normal is 15,5 and 16,5 but that's primarily because of the terrain west of me, High is in the flight levels, where I can only justify it if I'm on a 2 or 3 hour leg.
  17. These deals never fall in my lap
  18. Might help to mention what you consider high and what you consider low. my goal is to get as high as I can without getting killed by the head winds.
  19. 4.60 self serve.
  20. Other way around. From denver Willmar is 540.4. KELA is 754.4
  21. well, beats a seminole?
  22. at least I can get the r-ATP at 1k hours. it'll still be expensive.
  23. boutique air runs pc12's also
  24. who's doing your annual?
  25. nope. only game in town is signature
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