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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. A quick check of controller.com shows 10 possible candidates, there has never been a better time to buy...
  2. I have the 10 watt version and really like it and haven't had any problems where I think I needed the extra 6 watts. I don't use all the features but I like the nearest ATC function for picking up flight following.
  3. I've seen the opposite, ATC calling out traffic (737) that didn't show up on my traffic display. Best to have both in addition to eyeballs, and I do try to stay away from the 500' altitudes
  4. Four Spanish placards? I'm guessing you had someone step on your flaps?
  5. Makes me wonder why the Florida lunch group doesn't switch to breakfast during the summer.
  6. Today's radar systems are supposed to have auto collision detection assuming you both have working mode C transponders.
  7. Which is kinda of silly when you think about it, the CFI doesn't fly the plane, how much can you learn sitting in a plane?
  8. It's the responsibility of electronic products to control their RF emissions, expecting a radio receiver to be shielded against radio frequencies seems asking a bit much.
  9. I would wait until they can talk, then if there is a problem they can tell you.
  10. Why not fly in the early morning: cooler, usually no turbulence and light winds, less traffic
  11. They do if they are on the leading part of the wing, where the boundary layer doesn't exist, or is very thin, it increases as it flows over the wing.
  12. Don't know where you're located, but here in SE Florida, CFI spin recovery lesson is $200, full upset training (2 lessons) is $480.
  13. I assume your joking, but in case you're not: old donuts result in a lower ride, as do deflated tires, combo that with a bump or hard landing and you have a recipe for a prop strike.
  14. Search for this thread: Gross Weight Increase STC for J's Started by Jeff_S , Jan 06 2010 02:56 PM
  15. If I'm not mistaken, ailerons and elevators need to be removed and balanced if painting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Actually it's the opposite, the old dead disks are like an under inflated basketball where the new disks will have more rebound. In my case the AP said the undercarriage wasn't fully closing and that was due to the 18 year old disks, so they can be considered a speed mod [emoji1]
  17. I had my side panels repaired and painted, I had my headliner repaired and covered with leather, and all new shiny screws: all part of an interior redo
  18. I ask because the CFI I got my Mooney training had me do it at 8000', and he is Air Force F16 pilot. Sure enough the first full stall the left wing dropped 90 degrees. I started to recover, but he was quicker. the POH for the J states should be done in excess of 6000'
  19. I'm curious, informal poll : when doing slow flight & stalls, what altitude do you climb to?
  20. Agreed which is why I won't quote it, that is the standard brief you get from Duats system, you get the same thing in Garmin Pilot, which is why I don't ask for briefs any more, I just go to my individual airports I'm using to get WX, NOTAMs, etc
  21. F16 was told to turn immediately at 1100:34 NTSB report states he began a southerly turn over the next 18 seconds...sounds like a standard rate turn, which is SOP in IFR conditions. I'm thinking ATC,F16 should have aborted the approach, and gotta out there, but who's responsible to make that call? ATC could ask then to climb,descend? When I hear the word immediately, I would have abandon the approach and been more aggressive. The 150 had 2 sets of eyes, why didn't they ever try to see and avoid? I bet final report spreads the blame among all participants.
  22. Except when you have to make radio calls, that doesn't roll off the tongue. I would pick something shorter.
  23. Wow, must of changed it last night. It still doesn't understand victor routes, the navlog is nice idea, they could expand it a bit by adding NOTAMs of airports in plan and TAF, runway diagrams, etc. I use GPilot more and more these days. I'm with you on another users r password.
  24. Which is why I would never buy an experimental.
  25. You could change the oil if you are worried.
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