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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I would think that would effect his starts.?
  2. You need to open up the battery compartment and put a good digital voltmeter on it, it should read about 12.8 when idle. Pull the CB for the turn coordinator and the beacon, turn master on, it should not drop more than 0.1v, it's only powering the relay I would expect, the plane should be silent (radio avionics master is still off), if it drops to much more than that, you need to find what's drawing the power, as I said I suspect the voltage the JPI is seeing is not the true battery voltage, bad connection to power or to ground could cause it.
  3. Before you start changing expensive items like alternators, voltage regulators, get a volt meter and double check the readings, measure the voltage at the battery and compare. What is it before you turn on the power, then turn on the power and compare to instrument panel reading. If it was really 11.7 I would think you wouldn't be able to start the engine. If it drops a lot when master is turned on, make sure you don't have pitot heat or some other heavy load on the system.
  4. I wouldn't install an old 700, go with at least a modern 730, same installation cost either way.
  5. I believe the next section schematics apply to the late models, the 28V systems, the only doc on the older versions is in service instruction 74.
  6. I got my transition training (M20J) from Nick Eberling of New Heights Aviation, he is based at Goldsboro, NC. He is in the Air Force and I believe is flying with the Thunderbirds now so he may be too busy, I can PM you his phone # if you want.
  7. There are special GPS NOTAMs which you have to ask for if calling for a briefing, and RAIM prediction. Other than that I think everything else similar to other approaches
  8. Make sure they haven't worked on the plane before. Daytona has a MSC, they're probably cheaper than Premier
  9. And of course a 10% lower HP doesn't translate into a 10% reduction of speed. A 5 hour trip at 75% is a 5:19 trip at 65%...how important is that 19 minutes?
  10. I think it's better to find with high time on the engine, priced accordingly, then you don't have to worry about, every hour is a bonus.
  11. I don't have trouble for the true hot starts, I have trouble with the 45-90 minute starts, do I do the hot start method, do I do a cold start method, do I try to blend the two methods?
  12. A month or so there was someone who posted they got a complete reseal for less than $2000, for that much I would with a reseal.
  13. The problem is there are : 10 minute fuel,pickup restarts 30 minute bathroom, fuel restarts 60 minute lunch restarts 90 minute combo of all the above What may work for 10 restart doesn't work for the 60-90 minute restart When does a restart go from hot to warm to cold?
  14. I hope he wasn't changing cylinders just because of a low compression reading?! They are notorious for being inconsistent and not a good indicator of cylinder health, Mike Busch has gone into this in great detail.
  15. He crashed only about a mile from the airport, on what looks to be final for 23 or 27.
  16. The version I have only includes wiring diagrams, the manual refers to separate drawings, but does include a nice troubleshooting section 24-39-05, unfortunately without corresponding drawings might be problematic.
  17. I use my 2nd nav for VOR (since in real life I would use it if by GPS was down), Since it's not connected to HSI, it's a bit different, different equipment, different display, different enough to throw one in when getting current.
  18. Could be a capacitor as well, they can be checked with a fluke meter.
  19. Which audio panel do you have? And also make sure the in cabin speaker is off. Some panels cut a channel if one headset is in mono mode, but I can't see why that would cause this problem, but it's worth a try, just make sure all headsets are set the same way.
  20. The 2nd of the two shows the FF drop nicely, at the risk of insulting you, you didn't change fuel tanks at that time?
  21. What exactly did you do about 2/3 that cause the CHTs and 3 of the EGTs to drop? The 1 EGT doesn't rise so much as it stays high. It's hard to tell from low res pix
  22. I've had multiple people bring their own headsets, no problem getting alone with my A20. So Bose and DC ok Bose and Lightspeed or Softcomm noise Some things to try... If you unplug the Bose, OK? If you just unplug the xmit plug? If you have Bose plugged in but ANR switched off? And if you swap jacks (Bose in copilot side)? Are all headsets active? Tried a passive, ie no ANR circuitry with the Bose?
  23. The ANR is internal and should not effect other headsets. Did ALL headsets put out squelching noise? If yes, sounds like feedback is being transmitted. Try unplugging the xmit plug of each headset, when you find noise stops, you found the offending headset.
  24. Whelen doesn't make the original Parmetheus any more, I bought mine for $175 from Wilco a while back
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