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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I always use GP to file, but sometimes cancel doesn't work, so I call to cancel.
  2. 139 with powerflow exhaust, GAMIs, etc, that doesn't sound right, even LOP
  3. Contact cleaner is generally a short term solution, you will have to reapply.
  4. This is why I don't do much work on my plane, but I don't see anything wrong with the bottom right screw. I do see what you mean about the adjuster.
  5. Doesn't everybody have 12v outlet? I just plug my iDevices in, no worries about battery issues. I did have my iPad mini overheat, fix that problem with sun shade and aiming foot vent towards iPad .
  6. I got dibs on those $3000 fuel caps[emoji1] Well done pilot!
  7. I went with SBG and SU2
  8. Yes I have out, so I will get replies from other ADSB equip planes. But I need ground stations to relay information about planes with just mode C. They take the mode C transmission and add position info and retransmit as UAT. No ground station, no see mode C aircraft. If all were required to have ADSB, then we wouldn't need the ground stations.
  9. I had this happen in west Texas where ground stations are missing coverage. ATC kept us separated, other plane was a 737.
  10. Aspen looks like it's very readable in direct sunlight, good to know.
  11. Bob, I'm not sure how that is possible since ADSB requires GPS, unless they had unused connections and use serial interface to transfer the GPS data. I assume tt31 calls out compatible GPS units, bit of an old school tech but I guess it works. And while 88 won't give you traffic on your iPad, 88+210 does, plus airway support. Once you have flown with traffic info, you won't want to fly without it, you'll be amazed at the traffic around you that you don't see.
  12. The KT 74 is not entirely a slide in replacement unless installing it as a mode C transponder, the ADSB function requires a new tray. Upgrading sometimes requires new antennas. I didn't have choices way back when I had 650 installed, but my installation cost for 650, 88, 210 and 74 were 5 AMUs, not 10.
  13. It cost money if you need an encoder for the installation of 88, I had multiple devices installed, I ended up just upgrading to KT74 instead of paying $500 for the encoder.
  14. But if you FF,GP, or one of the other pilot apps, don't need to use screen, you can have a normal chart, or use the approach page with your position displayed ...my preference. I usually set 650 to flightplan page.
  15. A new gas cap is 3 AMUs?? They are worth more than there weight in gold, no exaggeration.
  16. Yes, I leveled off with the idea that I was going to land on what was left of the 5000' runway or on the golf course at the end. The engine was silent but windmilling so once I restored the fuel supply it refired almost immediately. I managed to keep it at roughly 50' AGL but if I had taken any longer I would've probably run out of altitude. FWIW - I have also run out of fuel on one tank and the same thing happened once I switched tanks, engine refired instantly. Fuel injected or carburetor?
  17. I'm did the 430 non WAAS to a 650. If I had a WAAS 430, I might think about just going the Flightstream route, gets you airways and nice interface for flight plans via iPad, if you go GDL 88 route, the WX and traffic can be displayed on iPad as well.
  18. I would do GTN650 and a if going HSI, I would just go with Aspen PFD. Or find used CDI for cheap for now.
  19. My 78J does the same thing on occasion, I verify its a phantom indication by checking my engine monitor. If it becomes a hard error you can recalibrate as per service manual.
  20. Spins, including incipient spins. Given every time you do a maneuver SOP was go full rich, I wouldn't want to do that with my engine, or the abuse of all the takeoffs, landings.
  21. That's exactly how I started out. Buy a GPS to fix the issue of flying to airports no longer served with VOR approaches. That led to "what Nav head to buy to display the GPS signal?" Which led to "Wouldn't you want to display this on a HSI?". Which led to "It would be easier to wire if you purchased a new audio panel". Which led to "If you bought a second Aspen you could have redundancy". Which led to Marauder being kicked out of the Cheap Bast$&d Club. Your avionics salesman is good!
  22. IIRC you need to perform 3 types of approaches on the checkride, so a ILS, VOR and ? You'll need DME, GPS, or a second VOR anyway, without one of which you can not identify your position, just line of position. NDBs are almost extinct at this point. Obviously GPS is the future and almost a requirement to get into airports these days.
  23. It's negligible, I didn't get a W&B change.
  24. I would have skipped the reverse thrusters, etc.. Can a 737 stop on a 10000' runway just using brakes?
  25. I did not have the yokes or glareshield redone, but new carpeting, seats, headliner, and plastic panels redone for $7K+ Check out my pix of interior here on MS
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